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Extreme Brexit could be worse than financial crisis for UK: BoE


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11 minutes ago, Loiner said:

Even Remainers voted against her last deal. What makes you think they won’t reject her next one, unless there are major changes? You hope they won’t, but not all the MP Remainers are as rabid as you. No deal IS the default.
Corbyn could very easily do something stupid. Alternatively he could do something not stupid, he could come clean as a closet Leaver and tell his MPs to vote down May’s next Amendment.
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They might do. All the options still in play. Some better odds than others.

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The deal will be done, and we will have Brexit in name

only, after parting with 39b for the pleasure.

We all know that UK government policies always lead to

the inevitable Great British Bellyflop.

All in accordance with the UK government stupidity law.

Trust me.

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34 minutes ago, aright said:

Ee Lad There's Trouble at t' Mill

Since the last EU election in 2014, Britain has voted to leave the EU and Italy and Austria have government coalitions that include the far right. Over a dozen EU nations have fragile minority governments and Poland has turned as hostile toward Brussels as Hungary.



Remainers, fear not, there is still time for Mrs. May's

bellyflop, right into the middle of t'EU sh1t.

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1 hour ago, nontabury said:

 Quite possible, however what you and other remainers who have failed to respect the Democratic vote of the British people fail to understand. Is that the amosity of the British people, towards the E.u will only grow.

 You are relying on the older generation dying, to be replaced by even more selfish brainwashed people who cannot think for themselves. This will not be. The seeds of discontent are now so deeply entrenched, that I can only see, that in due time, the Bureaucrats in Brussels will be begging us to leave.




The best thing about democracy is it can change its mind.


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22 hours ago, billd766 said:

Fortunately at 74 years old, by the time that electric cars are just about the only thing you will be able to buy here in Thailand I will be dead and toasted.

Quite. Diesel would have to come off the market for the Thais to stop using it, last time it got a bit expensive the government stepped in.

With the investment in hybrids I suspect your children and possibly grandchildren, if any, would be toasted before petrol leaves the scene. They can argue the toss over batteries till the cows come home but the benefit of self charging will never go away.

If the UK government had a bit more foresight they would have promoted hybrid as much as they did for pure electric.

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23 minutes ago, wilcopops said:

One thing I've noticed with Brexiteers is they have a very tenuous grip on what democracy is.

It isn't populism or mob rule, BTW.

We, the leavers, notice that remainers tend to grasp at

the straws of Democrazy.

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Ee Lad There's Trouble at t' Mill
Since the last EU election in 2014, Britain has voted to leave the EU and Italy and Austria have government coalitions that include the far right. Over a dozen EU nations have fragile minority governments and Poland has turned as hostile toward Brussels as Hungary.

Aye, t’luddites broke t’spinning jennies last time. Our lad is up to summat again and gettin a yellow wescoit.

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
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Who would have thought it, the UK government misinterpreting the will of the people.


The UK maintained that Mauritius had given up the islands willingly, but the court found the agreement between the countries at the time was not based on "the free and genuine expression of the will of the people concerned".


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6 minutes ago, sandyf said:

Who would have thought it, the UK government misinterpreting the will of the people.


The UK maintained that Mauritius had given up the islands willingly, but the court found the agreement between the countries at the time was not based on "the free and genuine expression of the will of the people concerned".



Regarding the skulduggery that has taking place in Parliament, over the last two years. You could just as well have said, Parliament misinterpreting the will of the people.

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42 minutes ago, nontabury said:


 The majority means nothing in British politics. As it becomes increasingly clear that we do not live in a Democracy.

Spot on, we live in a parliamentary democracy not a people's democratic republic.

Simple majority means nothing in the criminal justice system but perceived to be perfectly acceptable for major constitutional reform.

It should be remembered that the single largest death toll in recent history was caused by the people doing what they were told without really understanding.

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17 minutes ago, sandyf said:

Who would have thought it, the UK government misinterpreting the will of the people.


The UK maintained that Mauritius had given up the islands willingly, but the court found the agreement between the countries at the time was not based on "the free and genuine expression of the will of the people concerned".


an interesting ruling, colonialists are not in the high seat anymore - world changes (UK does not)



isn't Diego Garcia where there is a Galileo tracking/control station?

and where the UK intends to build a new station

if they get kicked out of Galileo?


How is it going with UK and Galileo? Been quiet for a long time now.

Kicked out or not kicked out?

The UK still planning to make her own system?


Anybody in the knows?





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If Brexit become a reality, and a success.


Leavers will triumph, assert they always told so, Remainers will have to admit they were wrong, but nevertheless also benefit from the positive outcomes.


If it happens to result in a bad outcome, Remainers will be furious, blaming the Leavers.


The Leavers will claim that everything is the fault of the E.U. and come out with the wildest conspiracy theories.

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37 minutes ago, sandyf said:

Spot on, we live in a parliamentary democracy not a people's democratic republic.

Simple majority means nothing in the criminal justice system but perceived to be perfectly acceptable for major constitutional reform.

It should be remembered that the single largest death toll in recent history was caused by the people doing what they were told without really understanding.

Understanding requires both parties to listen to the perspectives of others. Unfortunately when you look down on something you render yourself incapable of understanding it.

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On 2/24/2019 at 1:48 PM, Grouse said:


it was not meant as a futuristic ploy


how can you cover 1400 kilometers in one go without charging while rolling?

the normal cars with the longest range can do 400+ kilometers today


to go from 400 to 1400 would take many years of combined UK and EU research to meet

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53 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:

it was not meant as a futuristic ploy


how can you cover 1400 kilometers in one go without charging while rolling?

the normal cars with the longest range can do 400+ kilometers today


to go from 400 to 1400 would take many years of combined UK and EU research to meet

Let's get real here


"normal" cars have a range of, say, 700km. A top speed of, say, 180km/h and an engine capable of say, 100kW. 600km at 100km/h takes 6hrs. Let's say we use 50% of the power available so 50kW. So that's 300kWh. That requires about 150 battery blocks weighing say 10kg each. Total 1.5 tonnes. Or about 20 passengers. 


Pantographs would be unsafe unless they were very high IMO.


So we are stuck with small, light, short range electric vehicles requiring heavy charge currents. 


We need new battery chemistry with much higher charge density. Even then, the electrical charging stations will require maybe double the existing electrical infrastructure (90GWh).


Anyway, off topic but a good area for UK to specialise in.



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