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Extreme Brexit could be worse than financial crisis for UK: BoE


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32 minutes ago, Loiner said:

The responsibility for the ongoing and today’s mess rests fairly and squarely with you Remainers. Remainers in whatever guise you may hold - vote losing common moaners; biased media talking heads; we-know-better elitists; ideologically confused expurts; vested interest businessmen; subversive bureaucrats; treacherous MPs; inflated ego peers; and the soon to be cash strapped EU. Anybody I’ve missed out?
The blame will always be on those who are preventing Brexit happening.

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

????   Priceless!  So that will be everyone apart from the people who failed to deliver Brexit then!  I knew you would rise to the post and the point is made.  Brexiteers will blame everyone other than their own champions of Brexit when in fact, they are the one's responsible.  Not for not delivering but for saying that they could deliver it in the first place.


You seem to believe that it is the biggest conspiracy of all time ????????????

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2 hours ago, 7by7 said:

Yes, it tells me a lot about Brexiteers who saw him as their champion then and the many who still do.


Parrot? Only quote to point out it was an ardent Leaver who said 52/48 was too close to call and so should result in a second referendum. Can you find a similar quote from anyone on the remain side?


But myself and others who are calling for a second referendum are not doing so because the last result was close; we are doing so for reasons I've explained many times, the last being above


As I have asked many times


When referendums are actually used to take a decision affecting the constitution (so not just advisory or to ratify a decision) then a super majority is usually specified; maybe 69% or two thirds or a majority of the electorate. This is sensible and avoids any further discussion. The problem with the UK is that WE have allowed things to get to such a state that it is possible that there is now a super majority of morons!

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10 minutes ago, aright said:

Looking forward to next Wednesdays vote. Reports last night estimated  TM will lose by 100 votes. Assuming this happens this would trigger another vote on Thursday  seeking to extend  Article 50 for ?months.

Rather than do that, which will only prolong the political constipation, I am leaning toward  withdrawing Article 50 , then calling for a General election in  6 months time which will allow time for all political parties (including New Brexit) and prospective candidates to get all their ducks in a row regarding Brexit.

Any thoughts, what would you prefer? 

Exactly what I said I would like to see in a post in another thread yesterday!  A general election would make politicians then focus on whether they back or reject Brexit and give the voters the choice whether to re-elect them or kick them into touch.  Can't see it happening though.


If May's deal is rejected next week, which looks highly likely,  then the following votes will set the stage for what happens next. However the Brexiteers know they are heading for a fall and out of desperation might capitulate and vote for the dire deal May is proposing.  In which case get ready for an awful lot of spinning and U-turning Brexiteers!  All the mud slinging and recriminations won't add up to anything in the end.  What we all think has no bearing on where we will end up.  The damage is done and the embarrassment is deeply embedded in British politics forever.

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1 hour ago, aright said:

Looking forward to next Wednesdays vote. Reports last night estimated  TM will lose by 100 votes. Assuming this happens this would trigger another vote on Thursday  seeking to extend  Article 50 for ?months.

Rather than do that, which will only prolong the political constipation, I am leaning toward  withdrawing Article 50 , then calling for a General election in  6 months time which will allow time for all political parties (including New Brexit) and prospective candidates to get all their ducks in a row regarding Brexit.

Any thoughts, what would you prefer? 

why withdraw A50? why not prolong for 6-7 months and then determine to withdraw or Brexit depending

on what the new government and HoC decides?


not such a good idea me thinks, parties like UKIP, New Brexit and the like would be at a huge disadvantage

with your fptp electoral system


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1 hour ago, aright said:

Looking forward to next Wednesdays vote. Reports last night estimated  TM will lose by 100 votes. Assuming this happens this would trigger another vote on Thursday  seeking to extend  Article 50 for ?months.

Rather than do that, which will only prolong the political constipation, I am leaning toward  withdrawing Article 50 , then calling for a General election in  6 months time which will allow time for all political parties (including New Brexit) and prospective candidates to get all their ducks in a row regarding Brexit.

Any thoughts, what would you prefer? 

new brexit ????  step forward Tommy your time has come ????

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2 hours ago, aright said:

I have read five varied definitions of bureaucrat and not one of them mentions the word appointed so nice try.


"The UK public elects Members of Parliament (MPs) to represent their interests and concerns in the House of Commons. MPs consider and can propose new laws as well as raising issues that matter to you in the House. "

"The Civil Service helps the government of the day develop and implement its policies and legislation as effectively as possible."

"The European Parliament’s role and responsibilities are very limited. It cannot propose new European legislation - only the European Commission can do that "


From that I read the UK Parliament (MP's) are responsible for proposing new legislation and the British Civil Service is there to help them develop and implement their policies...…..nothing to do with them proposing legislation.

"The European Parliament’s role and responsibilities are very limited. It cannot propose new European legislation - only the European Commission can do that " speaks for itself.

So for starters, unlike the British Parliament, the man I voted to the EU parliament has no say in proposing new laws that's left to the people I had no say in voting.


Our difference is caused by the fact British Civil Servants don't need to be elected they are gophers whereas imo people like the European Commission who propose legislation, implement policies and the EU Budget  should be.


To cover a point at issue from a previous post regarding Martin Selmayr . If his appointment was so clean and tidy why the fuss made by MEP's and the Ombudsman. 

Appointing the President

The candidate is put forward by national leaders in the European Council, taking account of the results of the European Parliament elections. He or she needs the support of a majority of members of the European Parliament in order to be elected.

As I recall there was only one candidate. Suspicious or what?






this is OK, PROVIDED that

you have a made a typo in your second major paragraph where you write

UK Parliament (MP's)   this should really read    UK Government or rather PM/Cabinet


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1 hour ago, aright said:

Looking forward to next Wednesdays vote. Reports last night estimated  TM will lose by 100 votes. Assuming this happens this would trigger another vote on Thursday  seeking to extend  Article 50 for ?months.

Rather than do that, which will only prolong the political constipation, I am leaning toward  withdrawing Article 50 , then calling for a General election in  6 months time which will allow time for all political parties (including New Brexit) and prospective candidates to get all their ducks in a row regarding Brexit.

Any thoughts, what would you prefer? 

I would prefer more pointless speculations from the Brexiteers.

Edited by SheungWan
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4 minutes ago, aright said:

Interesting question. I'm not sure the EU would agree a 6-7 mth extension. This would allow carnage by UK MEP Europhobes in their May elections. They will have enough problems with extreme European parties without further pot stirring from Nigel Farage.. I would have thought a 20-24 mth extension would have been desirable from their standpoint...……..it would lock us in to continued contributions and a time frame for changing our mind. This is complete conjecture of course.

i thought the EU were going to bend over backwards for us as they needed us more than we needed them,not happening is it,another load of tripe spouted by leave folks,same as the bend over backwards trade deals that were going to happen,never mind brexit is looking more unlikely by the day,those poor chaps at nissan,toyota and bmw might not make it to spoonies to share a pint at 0900 with the benefit scrounging leave folks

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2 minutes ago, Loiner said:

What price truth? Who has failed to deliver Brexit? The Remainers I listed plus a few more. You may have failed to notice that the Leavers in any position of power were ousted by May & Co.
Yes, it is proving to be the biggest conspiracy, of recent years anyway.

Conspiracy Theory Brexiteers death spiral. Its up and away!

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28 minutes ago, aright said:

Interesting question. I'm not sure the EU would agree a 6-7 mth extension. This would allow carnage by UK MEP Europhobes in their May elections. They will have enough problems with extreme European parties without further pot stirring from Nigel Farage.. I would have thought a 20-24 mth extension would have been desirable from their standpoint...……..it would lock us in to continued contributions and a time frame for changing our mind. This is complete conjecture of course.

That actually raises an interesting point about the potential impact of the Euro elections on any possible Brexit negotiation extension. Right now any extension will appear as (and in reality be) kicking the can down the road with no obvious resolution.

Edited by SheungWan
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1 hour ago, sanemax said:

The U.K doesnt have a "Constitution" though and thus there have been no referendums on the UK Constitution and thus the pass rate has never been 69 % .

   All previous UK referendums have been on a majority basis , or would you like to move the goal posts and have another referendum where  31 % of the people decide that the other 69 % should do ?

   Lets have another UK Brexit referendum and whatever percentage Remain get , that will be enough  for a Remain win .

  Lets not have 48 % as a figure , lets move that to 31 % , just to make sure Remian win this time ?

69% was a Freudian slip. It was supposed to be 60%.


We do have a constitution but it is not written down.


Previous referendums, that I recall, were to ratify a decision already taken by parliament


The problem with Brexit is that it is such a stupid idea that nobody expected that there would be a vote in favour. ALL sensible people think it is a moronic idea and are now trying to square the circle. There was indeed talk of all kinds of Brexit in the run up to and immediately following the referendum. The problem is now exacerbated because Brexiters will not accept the compromise of a softer Brexit. Another advisory referendum would at least give parliament some direction about what to do during the inevitable postponement of A50 conclusion. 


BTW, what does Sanemax mean? Is it some kind of heavy duty feminine hygiene product? Actually, don't tell me; I'd rather not know ????. Everytime I see the name I hear Bon Jovi's  "It's my life" !



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27 minutes ago, Loiner said:

What price truth? Who has failed to deliver Brexit? The Remainers I listed plus a few more. You may have failed to notice that the Leavers in any position of power were ousted by May & Co.
Yes, it is proving to be the biggest conspiracy, of recent years anyway.

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

It wasn't the remainers job to deliver Brexit.  Johnson and Gove (principle Brexiteers) backed away from leading Brexit when it was on offer and voted for Theresa May.  May then appointed Brexiteers to oversee the negotiations and appointed another hard line Brexiteer Liam Fox as Secretary of State for Foreign Investment.  She even brought Johnson into the Cabinet as Foreign Secretary and Andrea Leadsom as Leader of the House.  After Davis failed she appointed another Brexit hard Liner Raab.  There were no Remainers on May's team to deliver Brexit.


The truth is you seem to be looking for scapegoats and ignoring the real culprits.  But as always your views are just as valid as mine.

Edited by dunroaming
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4 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

It wasn't the remainers job to deliver Brexit.  Johnson and Gove (principle Brexiteers) backed away from leading Brexit when it was on offer and voted for Theresa May.  May then appointed Brexiteers to oversee the negotiations and appointed another hard line Brexiteer Liam Fox as Secretary of State for Foreign Investment.  She even brought Johnson into the Cabinet as Foreign Secretary and Angela Leadsom as Leader of the House.  After Davis failed she appointed another Brexit hard Liner Raab.  There were no Remainers on May's team to deliver Brexit.


The truth is you seem to be looking for scapegoats and ignoring the real culprits.  But as always your views are just as valid as mine.

I can't abide Angela Loathsome 

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5 minutes ago, talahtnut said:

Sweden to become a Third World Country by 2030, according to UN

According to UN projections, Sweden will be a much poorer country by 2030, much worse than what anyone in the Swedish government indicates. The UN report HDI (Human Development Index) predicts a significant decrease in Swedish prosperity.
A direct result of EU ideology. Forget democracy, Brexit ain't gonna
happen, because they cannot afford any upsets to this grand plan.
Pity we cant swap 'that stupid woman' for Orban.

god help the UK then.

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