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'State of insurrection' as fuel tax riots engulf central Paris


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18 hours ago, shamrock09 said:

Actually, the rise in fuel prices in France is to fund the carbon tax which is the globalist solution to global warming. It has nothing to do with the national debt. The people's voice is largely ignored everywhere as governments run countries like corporate entities and cater to the needs of the corporate elite and not to the voter who put the government in power in the first place. Little wonder people are rioting!

I think governments are going to find themselves surprised when the people reject the measures they wish to put in place to fulfil the wishes of the UN with it's ridiculous demands. IMO they have been in a bubble where the only voices they hear are on board with their agenda.

Bit hard to ignore full on riots and burning buildings. 

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On 12/3/2018 at 5:31 PM, Retiredandhappyhere said:

Most of what you say is absolutely correct, but this is what you eventually get when politicians do what they like and fail to listen to the people who voted for them.  Macron's honeymoon period ended long ago and he is now headed for divorce.  He will never be elected next time because he comes across as an arrogant know-it-all, trying to lead France into a United States of Europe which nobody wants. 


With many EU countries being in "massive debt" as you say, and with its member countries' leaders not listening to their voters, there is a real possibility of the EU eventually collapsing, just like many other past "unions" of completely different countries with different cultures and languages have done.  Macron's dream of becoming the self-appointed leader of the EU now that Merkel's reign is virtually over, is just that....a dream.  At the next French election, he will fade into obscurity, politically at least, although, as a member of the elite, he will never be short of a euro or two.


As far as the UK's Brexit problems are concerned, it is very doubtful that we will see anything like the riots in France by those who do not like the end result.  Admittedly we have had some problems in the past, but we have nothing like the history of the French who do tend to riot in the streets as a means to get their Government to see things their way on all sorts of issues, most of which were much less significant than Brexit. 

France's main problem is not debt.

its number one problem is bringing a little quantum of common sense into the mind of all the bleeding heart leftists there.

France has no choice but to get rid of many social "policies" and ideologies (idiocies) pulling the country down, but Macron's mistake is to not hit the lobbies for money, instead the working class is being hit harder and harder as it was already the case under the socialists.

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I think governments are going to find themselves surprised when the people reject the measures they wish to put in place to fulfil the wishes of the UN with it's ridiculous demands. IMO they have been in a bubble where the only voices they hear are on board with their agenda.

Bit hard to ignore full on riots and burning buildings. 

Put snipers on the roof tops 

Anyone looting, smashing, burning cars or buildings gets shot.... 

If they want riot give it to them

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6 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Starts with that, and ends up with governments killing people they don't like. I understand where you are coming from, but I don't want government to have that power.

If it was Musliims doing the rioting, would that still be your position?

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2 hours ago, manarak said:

France has no choice but to get rid of many social "policies" and ideologies (idiocies) pulling the country down, but Macron's mistake is to not hit the lobbies for money, instead the working class is being hit harder and harder as it was already the case under the socialists.

When the elected PM is a man that married his mom, you know the country's in trouble.

And more western countries will follow as the globalist sexual deviant leaders try to force their unnatural ideologies on the general population.

Edited by BritManToo
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17 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Starts with that, and ends up with governments killing people they don't like. I understand where you are coming from, but I don't want government to have that power.

The crowd would disperse rapidly once live rounds start flying..... ???? 


Half the riotors in Paris probably don't even own a vehicle and just enjoying the bedlam 


Anyone who came prepared with a balaclava and a gas mask should be taken out first as they obviously didn't leave the house for a peaceful protest 

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1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

When the elected PM is a man that married his mom, you know the country's in trouble.

And more western countries will follow as the globalist sexual deviant leaders try to force their unnatural ideologies on the general population.


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52 minutes ago, mikebike said:

Blaming the UN for trying (badly) to fix the fossil fuel industry's corporate decisions, propaganda, insane lobbying, legalized bribery and corruption and fiduciary responsibility for increasing profits and avoiding reality for decades is an interesting take tho...

You're absolutely right,

The UN should create a new world order under one socialist government, destroying all personal freedom and the heterosexual family unit along with all national cultures, due to an environmental disaster fantasy dreamed up by a bunch of communist agitators.

Edited by BritManToo
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2 hours ago, BritManToo said:

You're absolutely right,

The UN should create a new world order under one socialist government, destroying all personal freedom and the heterosexual family unit along with all national cultures, due to an environmental disaster fantasy dreamed up by a bunch of communist agitators.

That was your take-away from my post? Can you say "tunnelvision"?

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On 12/2/2018 at 12:56 PM, cooked said:

The French. Right. Do you actually read financial news, do you know about the huge debts that most Western countries are in. Crash, not a Mickey Mouse one like the last one, but an honest to Jehovah smack down crash is coming.

Macron has, without consulting the 'populists' decided on a huge rise in fuel costs, as if this were about anything else but kowtowing to the globalist propaganda that we can actually DO something about global warming. He seems surprised in his own jupiterean fashion, that people have reacted like this.



I think if you consult the financial news and political news that the Macron govt did not change the fuel rise costs. They just carried on from the previous govt. 

Now Macron has backed off but the same anachists that ran the looting showfest still run amok. Not about the fuel price as such, more about the inner city anachists that run central Paris

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11 hours ago, mikebike said:

Of course people are gonna be peed off. On one and thy are gonna suffer the ravages of climate change and on the other they will be taxed to death thru no fault of their own.


Blaming the UN for trying (badly) to fix the fossil fuel industry's corporate decisions, propaganda, insane lobbying, legalized bribery and corruption and fiduciary responsibility for increasing profits and avoiding reality for decades is an interesting take tho...


National, state, and local governments let corporations run roughshod over any environmental restraints because they didn't and don't believe in "science" or they just didn't give a crap and wanted the dosh.



Well, mostly I agree with you. But. 

Do you not think that the general sheep population that went along with bought politicians that told us that climate change is b.s. and that allowing the same politicians to put their countries into massive debt, does not cast some blame on the "people". Self imposed ignorance has never been an excuse in law.

 As for the UN, I fail to see why you summon them into the debate. They are a politically controlled and corrupt organisation who should not be placed in charge of counting waves on the beach, never mind something serious.

Your last para, about all government levels  being run roughshod by corporations is not totally true. All levels of govt have been corrupted quite voluntarily. They are all receiving "grease" in one form or other. And we the sheep, either care not to vote, or not to vote on conscience because we are lethargic, lacking moral education or in the pockets as well.

Someone has got to pay to correct the change. All govt will want the population to pay, because they are in the pay of big business and they will never suggest that big business pays.


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8 hours ago, Prissana Pescud said:

I think if you consult the financial news and political news that the Macron govt did not change the fuel rise costs. They just carried on from the previous govt. 

Now Macron has backed off but the same anachists that ran the looting showfest still run amok. Not about the fuel price as such, more about the inner city anachists that run central Paris

So the fact that 82% of France supports these uprisings, including police, firemen and ambulance services, means nothing to you. I wonder which news sources you use?

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7 hours ago, Prissana Pescud said:

And we the sheep, either care not to vote, or not to vote on conscience because we are lethargic, lacking moral education or in the pockets as well.

When there are no suitable candidates, the only moral choice left is not to vote.

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On 12/2/2018 at 9:13 AM, Prissana Pescud said:

Or you can burn your country down. Overturn someones car and set it on fire. Attack your own police. Burn and destroy national monuments. Create mayhem and deny people to go to work. 

Mayhem and anarchy is the way of France, Italy and Greece. And what has it got them. Massive debt and creating poverty. At least the Brits can afford to sit in a pub.

It's like Toxteth all over again.

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6 hours ago, Prissana Pescud said:

Yes, 82% percent support uprisings, looting, burning cars, defacing all public property, attacking police and mayhem, which says something about France, not rational actions. The Macron govt which tried to implement a previous policy on a fuel tax finally caved in. But has that stopped the blockades? France is among a few Mediterarian countries that tries to resolve political disputes by causing mayhem. These same countries are in massive debt. Not just normal fiscal debt but massive debt. Now, probably permanent massive debt. And the looting and rioting put the country further into debt. And as France did in two world wars, they will want someone else to bail them out. Well they can rot this time as far as I am concerned.

You know nothing about France, maybe you went there on holidays once. Maybe you read Le Monde. There are some so called anarchists profiting from the situation, the majority are ordinary people desperately trying to maintain their livelihoods. 

In France, as in the EU, there is no democracy, orders are issued from above and the public has to obey. I have seen several incidences where the French have had to resort to violence, disobedience, strikes etc in order to get things changed. 

The arrogant elite that rules the country is even more elitist and more arrogant than the English ruling class. 

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