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Worst Joke Ever 2024

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Bomoh Consultancy

A man with problems in his family life decided to go home and consult a Bomoh ( mystic ).The Bomoh told him to come back in two weeks bringing along some sample of sand from his yard.

So the man went back after two weeks with the sample of sand. 


The Bomoh performed his rituals and said to the man....I don't know if you can handle hearing this. The man said go ahead. I want to hear it.  


The Bomoh said the two boys you have are not your sons, your daughter is seeing five different men and your wife is pregnant from your younger brother. 


The man started laughing. The Bomoh asked him why he was laughing, after all these bad news. 


The man responded, I don't know if you can handle this. The Bomoh said go ahead.

The man said, I was running late and I forgot to bring the sand sample from my yard, so I dug out some from your compound. 


The  Bomoh fainted.

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