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Mueller - ex-Trump adviser Flynn provided substantial assistance in Russia probe


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27 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

Proof: a link which shows the charges.

1. the article is on foxnews 3.12.18

2. tv fox tucker carlson interview with dr. corsi 31218


mueller wanted to charge dr. corsi with perjury for not telling about an email out of 60000, what a legal mueller messy.




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2 hours ago, roobaa01 said:

mueller the taxation money waster now facing criminal charges for legal misconduct,sending out the legal spit on the sidewalk by his team of sick puppies. thereto as usual the dems and dude media cnn trumpeting ....russia, russia, russia into their dark hole echo chamber.




Desperate !

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1 hour ago, roobaa01 said:

what remains is dr. corsi had his legal team filing criminal charges against mueller, well done.


wikileaksimo left wing undermined platform with nowadays obscur explanations which suggest manipulative nature.






And Corsi is a guy to be trusted, for sure! ????

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9 hours ago, pedro01 said:

lol - here we go again....


"beginning of the end"

"Trump is going down"


etc. etc. etc.


Meanwhile - no collusion with Russia has been found. This witch-hunt is still finding nothing....


Is this an investigation into a crime, looking for a perpetrator?


No - it's an investigation into a person, looking for a crime. That's the definition of a witch hunt.


Many of the people indicted so far committed their 'crimes' AFTER the investigation started.


Total farce.


It’s an investigation-I’m guessing you can look it up.  They began the investigation for wrongdoing, whatever fish get caught in the net on the way is fair game.  This is normal for this type of investigation.  32 people have been charged so far.  I doesn’t matter if they find collusion????  every murder investigation does not come up with a murderer 

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1 hour ago, Opl said:

"well done" ? 

"Corsi has taken to the online fundraising site GoFundMe to raise money.However, in the four days since the page was launched, only 69 people have contributed. While Corsi set the goal of raising $250,000, only $3,510 has been raised as of publication."


Word is out, he’s actually an alien-it must be true-I suspect people aren’t exited about that-wrong tribe

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2 hours ago, Opl said:

"well done" ? 

"Corsi has taken to the online fundraising site GoFundMe to raise money.However, in the four days since the page was launched, only 69 people have contributed. While Corsi set the goal of raising $250,000, only $3,510 has been raised as of publication."


What a loser! Even Trumpists wouldn't bet a $ on him! I checked the latest figures, It's $6600 after 7 days. ????

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10 hours ago, riclag said:

There is a light shinning at the END of the Witch hunt tunnel!

Does any one here know the content of the "giving materially false statement" one count charge that Flynn plead guilty to?

which exact false statement Mueller is referring to?


Can anyone here point to it? 



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5 hours ago, roobaa01 said:

what remains is dr. corsi had his legal team filing criminal charges against mueller, well done.


wikileaksimo left wing undermined platform with nowadays obscur explanations which suggest manipulative nature.






This only goes to show how nutty Corsi is. A private citizen can not file criminal charges against anyone. You have to be a district attorney or some government official with equivalent power. Let me repeat that to you to make sure you understand. A private citizen can not file criminal charges. Not in the USA. Not ever. Understand?

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the President's men ..


""Friend, I'm facing a $500K price tag to clear my name of the Deep State's baseless charges!" Stone wrote in an email this week, according to USA Today. In the letter, Stone asked supporters to donate anywhere from $25 to "even $100 or more immediately."

Former Trump campaign adviser Roger Stone sent out an email Tuesday asking supporters to help him raise $500,000 to clear his name of any wrongdoing in the investigation of Russian interference in last year's presidential election.







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4 hours ago, Tug said:

I have a feeling they have Donald wearing mitts rite now to keep him from tweeting lol god he is in deep do do

I've just been watching the George H W Bush funeral.  Trump actually sat there the whole time without stiring while they praised President Bush for 2 hours.  I was waiting for him to jump up and go lie on the floor beside the casket and shout "Me too"!  Kelly and Melania must have slipped some strong sedatives in his diet coke this morning!  I expect a flurry of tweets by 0300.

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2 hours ago, Opl said:

the President's men ..


""Friend, I'm facing a $500K price tag to clear my name of the Deep State's baseless charges!" Stone wrote in an email this week, according to USA Today. In the letter, Stone asked supporters to donate anywhere from $25 to "even $100 or more immediately."

Former Trump campaign adviser Roger Stone sent out an email Tuesday asking supporters to help him raise $500,000 to clear his name of any wrongdoing in the investigation of Russian interference in last year's presidential election.







$3798 since June 7! ????


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4 hours ago, Srinivas said:

Does any one here know the content of the "giving materially false statement" one count charge that Flynn plead guilty to?

which exact false statement Mueller is referring to?


Can anyone here point to it? 



They already did in post 2, but ok, here again:     https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/5425861-Flynn-filing.html

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3 hours ago, Opl said:

the President's men ..


""Friend, I'm facing a $500K price tag to clear my name of the Deep State's baseless charges!" Stone wrote in an email this week, according to USA Today. In the letter, Stone asked supporters to donate anywhere from $25 to "even $100 or more immediately."

Former Trump campaign adviser Roger Stone sent out an email Tuesday asking supporters to help him raise $500,000 to clear his name of any wrongdoing in the investigation of Russian interference in last year's presidential election.








Tapping the yokels for cash.

Anyone who voted for DT is pretty easily fooled, that's obvious, he's making an attempt to profit from this before The End.  I think by the time they're ready to put the bracelets on Stone he'll be safe in a country without an extradition treaty.  MAGAts will be able to watch him on RT.



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41 minutes ago, keemapoot said:

I think the reason he was so subdued was because he looked down that row, gazed at the proceeding, and realized that he really doesn't belong in such a distinguished, restrained and eminent group of people. At the same time, he is probably trying to calculate just how smeared (or impeached) he will be when this Russia probe plays out.


trump dotard.jpg

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13 hours ago, bristolboy said:

This only goes to show how nutty Corsi is. A private citizen can not file criminal charges against anyone. You have to be a district attorney or some government official with equivalent power. Let me repeat that to you to make sure you understand. A private citizen can not file criminal charges. Not in the USA. Not ever. Understand?

i understand legally in accordance with the us bill of rights any us citizen has the right to file any criminal charges against any individual whatsoever.




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20 minutes ago, roobaa01 said:

i understand legally in accordance with the us bill of rights any us citizen has the right to file any criminal charges against any individual whatsoever.




My understanding is that "Bill of Rights" refers to the first 10 constitutional amendments. Upon a quick re-read I see no reference or inference of individuals being able to present criminal charges.


Can you point me in the right direction?

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20 minutes ago, roobaa01 said:

i understand legally in accordance with the us bill of rights any us citizen has the right to file any criminal charges against any individual whatsoever.




You understand wrong. If you think somebody did a criminal offense against you , you or your lawyer go to the police. the police investigates to see if you are right or talking BS. If the police thinks you are right, they give the case to a prosecutor. Then the prosecutor decides if there is enough evidence or that the police should do more investigating. If the prosecutor is satisfied he can file charges against the person.    https://www.criminaldefenselawyer.com/resources/criminal-defense/criminal-offense/pressing-charges-a-criminal-act.htm 

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6 minutes ago, DM07 said:

He is no Christian (the part I care least about) and he doesn't know scripture!

He has no manners and no moral code!

...or he can't read!


Wrong!  He just doesn't give a crap unless it is about him!  A true characteristic of a Psychopath which he is!.

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