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"Thailand is safe" - police tell tourists after cop guns down Frenchman in cold blood


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5 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Thais are usually easily placated when there is a dispute over a woman, buy them a drink or two, stop handling the women, and they are your new best friend, and will probably give you the girl. Start a 'she's mine, hands off' confrontation, and you're in trouble.

Your probably spot on there.

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25 minutes ago, Chiang Mai Bill said:

Was the gun a police issue or his own weapon. If it was a police issue why are they allowed to keep them when off duty?

Prior to 2017, Thai cops had to pay for their own guns, it could be his old gun which would have been paid by him, assuming. http://www.nationmultimedia.com/detail/national/30335037

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11 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

For once, I agree with something a Thai policeman said. Thailand is safe. Generally speaking. Safer than the US, that is for sure. Homicides against foreigners is incredibly low here. So are burglaries, and armed robberies. Violent crimes are also very low against foreigners. I am grateful for all of that. The rogue, dumb cop, man child 13 year old in a mans body, who shoots a foreigner dead, is a delightfully rare occurrence here. 


I think the biggest risk here is getting on the roads. They remain the most dangerous in the world, and there are a dozen things this administration could have done, but did not do, to improve public safety. Failure! 

Fair comment, although latest statistics from WHO show Thailand to be number 8, and to be honest everyone, well 99% of people up the north-east where I am wear helmets, this I have seen a big change in the last two years, with the usual 2 monthly road blocks with fines following for those that don't, now that has got to be on the right track, i.e. something better than nothing, and dropping from 1 to 8 is good, so someone has finally gotten through to them, advising them that NO: 1 is not always good.

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JUST last night i saw two thai man smacking and slapping a tourist in the middle of the bar street

in Hua hin.

when i approached to see what is going on - cause they slapped him repeatedly real bad and

than started searching him, maybe robbing him, while touching his ass - one of the

thai man told me IT IS OK, I AM POLICE...

which means? what? if he is police he can smack and beat tourist in the street just like that?

i must add that the tourist , asian man (he had passport but not sure which country),

did not resist at all, he looked quite in shock

and did not say a word. 

the thai man said he deserve it cause he "touch woman" (i did not see him doing that).

i guess one of them was indeed "POLICE" caused he allowed himself to take his time

while smacking the tourist in middle of the street, and this makes me feel even less...safe.

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2 hours ago, SammyT said:

I'm pointing out that many of the things that are unsafe about Thailand do not directly affect tourists. 

I'll have to disagree on that...................some things that affect tourists but which are unsafe:-


The roads in general because of their poor state of repair.

Thai drivers in the main.

Jetski operators.

Parasail operators.

Argumentative Tuk Tuk and Taxi drivers.

Corrupt cops.

Idiots on m/cs who have been rented a m/c despite no licence or indeed anything else (money talks).

Pesticide and fungicide laden vegetables.

Contaminated sea water.

Koh Tao.

More to come but I'm sure others can add to the list............


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6 hours ago, KittenKong said:

Based on current topics in the news sections on here, I would say Thailand is safe as long as you avoid:

1. swimming pools

2. jet-skis

3. any interaction with Thais


So based on the above I expect to have no trouble at all.


4. Tour/Intercity buses

5. Lady Boy muggers

6. Speeding minivans

7. Electric cables and sockets

8. Trying to cross a road at a zebra crossing..... and so on!



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3 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

Silly me. Thought that guns are the problem. Maybe too many guns and cops with guns even off duty. Surely both can be tightened with laws and regulations respectively. 


Well Eric, in a sense you were right, but the numbskulls in USA who say that guns don't kill people, people kill people, have a point, even if that point is born of stupidity rather than insight.


So guns can be blamed, but if this clown didn't have a gun, he'd probably fetch a knife or a bit of pipe of a bundy or something. If someone's determined to be stupid, he'll find a way.



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6 hours ago, Psimbo said:

Nowhere in the world is 'safe'- look at the Thai tourist who was killed in Strasbourg having decided not to visit Paris due to the unrest. This was a random act which can happen anywhere. I do take umbrage at 'trusting the Thai police' though- but that is in general, not based on the actions of an off duty cop.


it doesn't stop the knee-jerk Thaigeezer reactions though.

Some people love to bury their head in the sand in the face of actual data.


To say so many people randomly die in Thailand and then say the same level of death and carnage can be found anywhere, is comedic.


Apologist to the end. 

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2 hours ago, madmen said:
3 hours ago, HalfLight said:
So don't read it then...
The thread was about safety in Thailand, if you can't make the linkages then it might be time for the barstool again...

Drivel.. has nothing to do with this thread.. Hazing? Yeah right then mate, deadly for tourists

I'm going to help you out here. How charitable of me.


There's a difference between disagreeing with someone's thinking and abusing them.


Now I'll grant you that it's normally the smarter people that can work within this reality and that may or may not include you, but do try not to create the impression that it doesn't.


I shall not charge you for this vital bit of education, but if you don't learn it sharpish, then I suspect you'll fall foul of a special member.



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3 hours ago, SammyT said:

The article and thread is aimed at whether Thailand is safe for tourists or not. I'm pointing out that many of the things that are unsafe about Thailand do not directly affect tourists. 


I'd say that is a sensible reason to say that Thailand is probably safer for tourists (and expats) than a bitter one like yourself would love to preach. 


Effective from a logical thinking kind of way


'The article and thread is aimed at whether Thailand is safe for tourists or not. I'm pointing out that many of the things that are unsafe about Thailand do not directly affect tourists'.


True, but then what makes Thais dangerous to tourists is a subset of what makes them dangerous to everyone. My post merely sought to suggest ways in which that is the case. After all, to suggest that a psycopathic Thai who kills another Thai isn't somehow dangerous to tourists is just Kwrap


I shouldn't have to explain all this surely...?


Anyway, that;s enough for me, I can't be bothered.

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47 minutes ago, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

JUST last night i saw two thai man smacking and slapping a tourist in the middle of the bar street

in Hua hin.

when i approached to see what is going on - cause they slapped him repeatedly real bad and

than started searching him, maybe robbing him, while touching his ass - one of the

thai man told me IT IS OK, I AM POLICE...

which means? what? if he is police he can smack and beat tourist in the street just like that?

i must add that the tourist , asian man (he had passport but not sure which country),

did not resist at all, he looked quite in shock

and did not say a word. 

the thai man said he deserve it cause he "touch woman" (i did not see him doing that).

i guess one of them was indeed "POLICE" caused he allowed himself to take his time

while smacking the tourist in middle of the street, and this makes me feel even less...safe.


Sadly, this is the entitlement problem. I saw a copper knock a motorcyclist off his bike because he wouldn't stop.


The problem is that if you're in a position of responsibility then you are entitled to do whatever you like to your customers. Unless and until people like this are fired without a pension, it isn't going to stop.


5 gets you 10 if the guy on the receiving end wasn't an Asian, he would not have got slapped. Which goes to make it worse really.

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I don't even shake my head anymore when I read about the nutjobs who shoot each other over what amounts to an insignificant slight exacerbated into stratospheric proportion due to the insane concept of "face", but when a cop can't handle it.....well...I am shaking my head.


Me and the wife are planning a short beach trip to Koh Lanta next month. I wonder if we'll both make it back alive?

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

"Thailand is safe" - police tell tourists after cop guns down Frenchman in cold blood

It is until it isn't.  All foreign males should be made aware of the universal ingrained insecurities of Thai men, as well as warning them that should they prevail in a "man-on-man" singles fist-fight, most Thai men will find a weapon and then come back for blood and death. 
As safe as can be!  :thumbsup:

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