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Canada - not for me either

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You are right about Canada getting cold. But the west coast is quite livable. Vancouver Island around Victoria has a temperate climate. I lived there for years, great weather,little rain many years no snow,but never hot always temperate. You should have tried it there first before leaving.

   It was  warm enough to sail all year,ride bikes etc.

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Actually believe above view of Cebu/Philippines to be a bit more negative than it is.  Yes Philippines is not Thailand but it is much like Thailand was in years past.  That you can not move from island to island with a MC is false - the ferry system connects everywhere.  But being first port of call from Canada can understand the feelings - expect they would be less on a visit now.   For a good overview of current street walking recommend watching a few videos from Chris in Cebu as he walk streets live several times a week.  And indeed it is not a walk friendly city - but then most places in Thailand were less than ideal in the past.  I lived in the PI for about 4 years more than 30 years ago and did not find it that unpleasant - but I had lived in Bangladesh/Laos/Thailand/Guinea/Nigeria/Japan/Germany/India prior.  It is not for everyone - but those liking beach or English speakers it has pluses.  


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9 hours ago, lopburi3 said:

Actually believe above view of Cebu/Philippines to be a bit more negative than it is.  Yes Philippines is not Thailand but it is much like Thailand was in years past.  That you can not move from island to island with a MC is false - the ferry system connects everywhere.  But being first port of call from Canada can understand the feelings - expect they would be less on a visit now.   For a good overview of current street walking recommend watching a few videos from Chris in Cebu as he walk streets live several times a week.  And indeed it is not a walk friendly city - but then most places in Thailand were less than ideal in the past.  I lived in the PI for about 4 years more than 30 years ago and did not find it that unpleasant - but I had lived in Bangladesh/Laos/Thailand/Guinea/Nigeria/Japan/Germany/India prior.  It is not for everyone - but those liking beach or English speakers it has pluses.  


honestly, if i wanted to defend the place I would have chosen that place too as that is the least offensive side of osmena circle, during the day AND during a holiday (three plus)

of course that dude will only show the nice part of it.. will he "insult" the country by showing the hawkers trying to sell you maps and cialis? he'd probably get deported for that (can't be "rude" anymore, I guess according to that other link earlier)


it's another story when you get out of the more developed part of town and late evenings


regarding the video: I had a look at all his videos thumbnails since he looked familiar and he only seems to walk around the same main areas all the time..

in the video linked below is the smelly Guadalupe River which i had to run over every time I walked by.


go down Vincente Rama after 8pm and walk through North Bacalso (which are main streets) or up around Punta Princesa other smaller streets around night, trust me

here is the proof from his mouth.
this part is literally like a 5 minutes walk from Osmena circle in the video you linked.


30 years ago much different mate



Edited by kekalot
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I presented his video as current.  He walks in the area he lives for the most part.  And he freely says what is what.  It is live with no editing.  I understand it is not for everyone and surly not as developed as Thailand - but it is livable for many people.  And being able to communicate better and listen to music that sounds good can make up for many of the negatives.  

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17 hours ago, kekalot said:

at first I thought it was someone that made a profile with a similar name to make fun of you.


I'm a Canadian too, I've been to the Philippines after a lot of apparently not well done research ended up in Cebu City had plans to stay for 2 months but..

ok, the Ayala Mall was nice, the women looked good.. they spoke good English (that is a major plus, if that is what you are looking for)


Cebu City eww, main part of the city is about 6km wide, I lived practically in the middle of it.. could walk on either end within 30 minutes.. asked local how to get to major mall, no one had idea because they always took the Jeepneys

Jeepneys everywhere, first time in my life when I blew my nose it was grey in color

people trying to sell me maps, cialis, cheap sunglasses every corner.

beggars kids trying to stop me everywhere, they were in bad shape.. trying snatch stuff off me and grabbing at bags.

polluted rivers, never smelled that crap in my life. had to run over certain bridges..

shitty dogs around, not very aggressive but pooping everywhere and ground was dirty all over the place.


it was my first time abroad out of Canada and it made me thing "what did i do? <deleted> am I doing here?" and thinking thailand would be the same..

I was told to not take my phone out in public because it would be snatched.. even if it was like a 100$ piece of crap.

food was not great. oily stuff and junk food everywhere.

wouldn't want to buy a motorbike there just to be stuck on one island.. power outages all the time, internet was rubbish.

stuck using airplanes to go anywhere


I very well know that there are some absolutely beautiful beaches in the Philippines and pristine locations.. but I didn't even want to see any of them just because from my research everyone was saying Cebu was the best bet out of 3-4 other main hubs..

I had to cut my 60 days visit down at 21 days as a self birthday gift


then I get to Thailand, absolutely nothing like the Phils.. the food is fantastic, internet is stable, weather is great. power stays on.

in fact I have traveled a lot in Thailand in the last 5 years and never saw a city as run down as Cebu city


however the big difference here is that the women don't speak anywhere near as good English as the girls in the Phils.

even the well educated ones that I have met here in Thailand you can't joke around with them, jokes go over their head.. they don't understand idioms or play on words. (but act like they do)


someone once told me, "the best thing you can do is to bring a Filipino girl with you to Thailand"


there might be some truth to that.


And flippers have bigger jugs

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So, you are saying that my initial nickname of 'guy from another planet' was perceptive? Right on target. 


Maybe you should try somewhere else in Thailand... sort of like you found your way to Baskin Robbins but have not yet found the right flavor?


Maybe Chiang Rai or Nan Province. 

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