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Canada - not for me either

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On 12/25/2018 at 5:06 PM, geriatrickid said:

Have you considered working? Or perhaps doing something innovative or valuable, like the millions of other people who live in big cities with expensive housing? Yes, housing is expensive in some Canadian cities, but it is all relative. Vancouver and its region is located in a much sought after beautiful locale. It also offers a high quality of life, potable water, fantastic cultural options in respect to food and the arts, a lovely climate, excellent public transit, access to state of the art medical care and many other benefits. All of this comes at a cost. 

If you wish to live in the poverty of the Philippines where life is cheap, disease rampant, and humans exploited, that's your personal choice. Boo hoo about the "cold". 8C isn't cold. It makes for a nice change that helps control insect pests so that the region isn't over run with dengue and malaria like SE Asia. There are wonderful things called jumpers, jackets, bloomers,  etc. that can help..


Canada's not for you. Okay then, but you are lucky enough to have Canadian citizenship, cold weather and all. And it is that cold weather that has helped Canadians  attain their  longevity and health quality. Believe it or not, the climate plays a significant role in why some countries are more advanced than others: It helps  control disease and facilitates productivity. It's much easier to work in a Vancouver climate than the scorching sun of Mombassa. There are no cholera scares and rampant disease as one sees in Kinshasa or Mumbai, because the colder temperature is not conducive to many infectious diseases.  


As you wish to  inform everyone that Canada is not for you, I offer that the country isn't the real issue. You will never  be happy until you sort out why you cannot be happy wherever you are.

Geriatric Auntie.

Edited by SheungWan
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18 minutes ago, Jane Dough said:

The problem I found is that moving around you tend to have to take yourself with you.



Very true..


I enjoyed my trip to the Philippines but it was as a three week tourist.


In Indonesia it was mainly as a member of a disaster response team so it was not the best time to judge any country-altho' it did ignite an ever growing fascination with the region.

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29 minutes ago, GarryP said:

He always claimed he had a good woman in Bangkok. Lived in her house and was living the good life (according to him). What happened to her? 

Maybe she found someone less boring and forever complaining?

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11 hours ago, neeray said:

Interesting. I have never been to Philippines and my desire to do so is zero. My impression of Ph has always been as stated here in the negative review, not the flowery one. It sounds quite similar to Indonesia where I have travelled extensively.

For me, Thailand is a gem, comparatively speaking of course.

I wouldn’t judge it based upon what the punters on here say. It has its problems, as does every country but the people are very friendly and understand western sense of humour. I always have a good laugh talking to the taxi / uber drivers in Manila. Filipina women are great, love a laugh and a drink and know how to look after their man (snowflake alert). Hang on, what the funk am I doing in Thailand???

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1 hour ago, Anagami said:

You really need glasses mate, if you think women in Canada are beautiful. 

Canada has the most obese and hideous 'women' in the world.... not to mention their attitude of absolute entitlement.

With enough weed inside you, everything looks good!

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18 hours ago, kekalot said:

will he "insult" the country by showing the hawkers trying to sell you maps and cialis? he'd probably get deported for that (can't be "rude" anymore, I guess according to that other link earlier)

Spent some time around Manila and Olongapo.

Didn't have any approaches from beggars or street vendors, it's funny how some people visit a country and have a completely different experience to me. If they'd be talking Cambodia or Burma, then I would've agreed with them.

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9 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Spent some time around Manila and Olongapo.

Didn't have any approaches from beggars or street vendors, it's funny how some people visit a country and have a completely different experience to me. If they'd be talking Cambodia or Burma, then I would've agreed with them.

Believe begging is now illegal in Philippines and giving to them is also and seems to be enforced - so it has greatly decreased recently from my understanding.   If people aren't giving there will not be so many asking.  Also drugs are much less available - do not even consider doing any there would be my advise and refuse any offer as a trap.

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2 hours ago, Anagami said:

Canada has the most obese and hideous 'women' in the world.... not to mention their attitude of absolute entitlement.



The weather is atrocious 6+ months a year.


And you haven't even experienced the workplace in Canada.... that drives many Canadians to anti-depressants.


What were you thinking?


I don't know about that first statement.  I think the USA can easily out do Canada when it comes to obese women with a sense of entitlement and attitude.  


Vancouver has better weather than many places in Canada but it also has too many gray cloudy days that last forever.  Although it doesn't rain a lot in a yearly amount, it drizzles on constantly.  It's like having a leaky faucet that just won't stop.  The other downside to Vancouver is the price of housing.  It is extremely expensive.  

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On 12/25/2018 at 3:34 PM, pgrahmm said:

2 down - about 200 to go....

It's supposed to be nice in Uganda at this time of year....


Bonus round -


They speak english there....

In the swinging Sixties, as fellow former fans of TW3 will testify, talking about Uganda was one of our favourite pastimes.


An unforgettable era - for all the right reasons. How did it all go so horribly wrong?

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Hey, Welcome Baaaack.   Aaaaw, Canuckland too cold, Thailand too hot, now want to go to Phillipines where it's easier for a foreigner to die or be scammed and jailed than in Thailand............Might I suggest Panama, they speak Spanish, but their second language is English, mandatory to take English in school...............

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On 12/26/2018 at 3:12 AM, kekalot said:

at first I thought it was someone that made a profile with a similar name to make fun of you.


I'm a Canadian too, I've been to the Philippines after a lot of apparently not well done research ended up in Cebu City had plans to stay for 2 months but..

ok, the Ayala Mall was nice, the women looked good.. they spoke good English (that is a major plus, if that is what you are looking for)


Cebu City eww, main part of the city is about 6km wide, I lived practically in the middle of it.. could walk on either end within 30 minutes.. asked local how to get to major mall, no one had idea because they always took the Jeepneys

Jeepneys everywhere, first time in my life when I blew my nose it was grey in color

people trying to sell me maps, cialis, cheap sunglasses every corner.

beggars kids trying to stop me everywhere, they were in bad shape.. trying snatch stuff off me and grabbing at bags.

polluted rivers, never smelled that crap in my life. had to run over certain bridges..

shitty dogs around, not very aggressive but pooping everywhere and ground was dirty all over the place.


it was my first time abroad out of Canada and it made me thing "what did i do? <deleted> am I doing here?" and thinking thailand would be the same..

I was told to not take my phone out in public because it would be snatched.. even if it was like a 100$ piece of crap.

food was not great. oily stuff and junk food everywhere.

wouldn't want to buy a motorbike there just to be stuck on one island.. power outages all the time, internet was rubbish.

stuck using airplanes to go anywhere


I very well know that there are some absolutely beautiful beaches in the Philippines and pristine locations.. but I didn't even want to see any of them just because from my research everyone was saying Cebu was the best bet out of 3-4 other main hubs..

I had to cut my 60 days visit down at 21 days as a self birthday gift


then I get to Thailand, absolutely nothing like the Phils.. the food is fantastic, internet is stable, weather is great. power stays on.

in fact I have traveled a lot in Thailand in the last 5 years and never saw a city as run down as Cebu city


however the big difference here is that the women don't speak anywhere near as good English as the girls in the Phils.

even the well educated ones that I have met here in Thailand you can't joke around with them, jokes go over their head.. they don't understand idioms or play on words. (but act like they do)


someone once told me, "the best thing you can do is to bring a Filipino girl with you to Thailand"


there might be some truth to that.


Well, there is an englisg version but this gets the idea across  -  so I guess the video is lying, no mentions of any pollution, open sewers, nasty beggar kids??  I went to Cebu in 2000, only some of the above was evident then, nice sexpat vacation.........of, and yes, I know three Americans that brought Fillipina girlfriends to Thailand and all got married here.


Edited by TunnelRat69
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2 hours ago, Odysseus123 said:

Very true..


I enjoyed my trip to the Philippines but it was as a three week tourist.


In Indonesia it was mainly as a member of a disaster response team so it was not the best time to judge any country-altho' it did ignite an ever growing fascination with the region.

Jakarta has a Mini Pattaya Walking Street section called "Block M"  very odd find in the most Populace Muslim Country in the world.

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On 12/25/2018 at 4:35 PM, lovelomsak said:

You are right about Canada getting cold. But the west coast is quite livable. Vancouver Island around Victoria has a temperate climate. I lived there for years, great weather,little rain many years no snow,but never hot always temperate. You should have tried it there first before leaving.

   It was  warm enough to sail all year,ride bikes etc.

Must have changed with climate change.. I lived there years ago.. memories of sleet & snow & rain in winter.. and short summers... paradise on earth when the sun shines thought.. 

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1 hour ago, Krataiboy said:

In the swinging Sixties, as fellow former fans of TW3 will testify, talking about Uganda was one of our favourite pastimes.


An unforgettable era - for all the right reasons. How did it all go so horribly wrong?

Idi Amin, and his legacy?

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4 hours ago, Anagami said:


You really need glasses mate, if you think women in Canada are beautiful. 

Canada has the most obese and hideous 'women' in the world.... not to mention their attitude of absolute entitlement.





I can agree about anything, but I simply refuse to acknowledge this.


I did live in Montreal and Toronto for a long time where there are a lot of beautiful women. Plenty of good looking Asians, but also many women from every corner of the world. Of course, I do realize that these women are all in their 20's, but they blow Thai women out of the water. Yes, some are fat, but have you seen Thai women recently?

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On 12/26/2018 at 3:12 AM, kekalot said:

at first I thought it was someone that made a profile with a similar name to make fun of you.


I'm a Canadian too, I've been to the Philippines after a lot of apparently not well done research ended up in Cebu City had plans to stay for 2 months but..

ok, the Ayala Mall was nice, the women looked good.. they spoke good English (that is a major plus, if that is what you are looking for)


Cebu City eww, main part of the city is about 6km wide, I lived practically in the middle of it.. could walk on either end within 30 minutes.. asked local how to get to major mall, no one had idea because they always took the Jeepneys

Jeepneys everywhere, first time in my life when I blew my nose it was grey in color

people trying to sell me maps, cialis, cheap sunglasses every corner.

beggars kids trying to stop me everywhere, they were in bad shape.. trying snatch stuff off me and grabbing at bags.

polluted rivers, never smelled that crap in my life. had to run over certain bridges..

shitty dogs around, not very aggressive but pooping everywhere and ground was dirty all over the place.


it was my first time abroad out of Canada and it made me thing "what did i do? <deleted> am I doing here?" and thinking thailand would be the same..

I was told to not take my phone out in public because it would be snatched.. even if it was like a 100$ piece of crap.

food was not great. oily stuff and junk food everywhere.

wouldn't want to buy a motorbike there just to be stuck on one island.. power outages all the time, internet was rubbish.

stuck using airplanes to go anywhere


I very well know that there are some absolutely beautiful beaches in the Philippines and pristine locations.. but I didn't even want to see any of them just because from my research everyone was saying Cebu was the best bet out of 3-4 other main hubs..

I had to cut my 60 days visit down at 21 days as a self birthday gift


then I get to Thailand, absolutely nothing like the Phils.. the food is fantastic, internet is stable, weather is great. power stays on.

in fact I have traveled a lot in Thailand in the last 5 years and never saw a city as run down as Cebu city


however the big difference here is that the women don't speak anywhere near as good English as the girls in the Phils.

even the well educated ones that I have met here in Thailand you can't joke around with them, jokes go over their head.. they don't understand idioms or play on words. (but act like they do)


someone once told me, "the best thing you can do is to bring a Filipino girl with you to Thailand"


there might be some truth to that.



Try going to Central Lad Prao Mall in Bangkok. A lot of the movies play in English only (no Thai subtitles) and all the Thai in the theatre, therefore, understand English. I watched a number of Marvel action movies in packed theatre there and the Thai's got the jokes and innuendos.

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I can agree about anything, but I simply refuse to acknowledge this.
I did live in Montreal and Toronto for a long time where there are a lot of beautiful women. Plenty of good looking Asians, but also many women from every corner of the world. Of course, I do realize that these women are all in their 20's, but they blow Thai women out of the water. Yes, some are fat, but have you seen Thai women recently?
I agree. Nothing much good about thai girls unless it's top shelf go go bar, more expensive than the West

I've yet to see an attractive wife on a farangs arm

They are good to scratch the itch though
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28 minutes ago, madmen said:

I agree. Nothing much good about thai girls unless it's top shelf go go bar, more expensive than the West

I've yet to see an attractive wife on a farangs arm

They are good to scratch the itch though

If scratching the itch is all that's on your mind, it's not surprising your level of satisfaction is low. IMHO Thai women are excellent bed companions if one thinks of their enjoyment as well.

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If scratching the itch is all that's on your mind, it's not surprising your level of satisfaction is low. IMHO Thai women are excellent bed companions if one thinks of their enjoyment as well.
I was talking about looks. I have never seen a red hot farang wife or GF.

They don't even come close to western women eg downtown Sydney or gold coast Australia or most big cities in Europe

Scratching the itch is what they do well and of course the favor is returned in the bedroom. Most men want to please.. Your not special lol

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