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Britons would now vote to stay in EU, want second referendum: poll


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49 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:



The fact is that the UK is in its current state of decay not because we were part of the EU, but because we have elected successive Tory and Labour governments who have stolen and pillaged everything that was once great about Great Britain, ensuring the almost non stop transfer of our collective wealth into the hands of a very small pool of people. You have every right to be angry about the state of the country, but your anger is directed at the wrong target. What Brexit is doing is further protecting these parasites and ensuring the continuation of their abuses of you and your descendants - and Brexiteers are their unwitting foot soldiers. 

Bang on the nail.


But I see what's going on first hand rather than read what the reporters say about it in papers and on the TV which is probably how you've been influenced over the last few years.


You'll learn nothing about life in the UK today from the media. Go there and try and get a job and somewhere to live and then pass comment. Nothing beats first hand experience.

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59 minutes ago, Spidey said:

My wife and 2 children still live in the UK. I visit regularly. They all have good jobs and are white British. 


The main reason that young Brits can't get a job is because they did nothing but dick about at school and now can't be bothered to get off their lazy <deleted> an find work. Not that they really want a job as that would involve that dirty word, work. Something that Europeans who come to the UK are far less frightened of.


You really do spend too much time watching Tommy Robinson videos, a workshy, wife beater, who has never done a decent days work in his life. He has managed to amass an unenviable criminal record though, I suppose that's an achievement of sorts.

I bet that they love you live and work in Thailand.

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2 hours ago, yogi100 said:


I can assure you no one detests, derides and distrusts politicians more than I do and that includes Nigel Farage.


And I will not even use that left wing rag the Daily Mail to wipe my arse on even when the day arrives that the shops finally run out of toilet paper.


Like many in Europe I now support the populous nationalist movement that is spreading the continent in reaction to the globalism that the political elite are trying to force down our throats. You live in Thailand so you are immune to what is going on back home.


Don't believe everything you read in the Daily Mail, or hear on the BBC and Sky News or whatever it is that floats your boat living in the LOS.

I agree with everything you say BUT , the Daily Mail, Express etc. rags are certainly not left wing!

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16 minutes ago, nontabury said:

Correct, there has been a noticeable increase in the numbers of people who now want to leave this so called union.


Only on TV. Not with the British public. Don't confuse the 2. 555

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Just now, Snow Leopard said:

Pass laws that make them do it. 

To some extent they have. Unemployment benefit changed to Jobseekers allowance. To collect their benefit, they now have to prove that they are actively seeking work. Unfortunately, the "disaffected youth" are lazy but they aren't stupid. They have found a number of ruses to get round this.

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32 minutes ago, Snow Leopard said:

Well said. I was 51% leave and 49% stay in my opinion on the referendum. So pretty much on the fence. What edged it for me was our young people. They deserve a better chance and they have been let down by all governments over many years along with many stupid EU laws. Jobs need to be created for Brits. This will be a long painful process but any long journey starts with one footstep. Not everyone needs a degree. Brits can wash cars just as well as Bulgarians. 

To judge by the vote, those young people overwhelmingly disagree with you

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3 hours ago, Spidey said:

My wife and 2 children still live in the UK. I visit regularly. They all have good jobs and are white British. 


The main reason that young Brits can't get a job is because they did nothing but dick about at school and now can't be bothered to get off their lazy <deleted> an find work. Not that they really want a job as that would involve that dirty word, work. Something that Europeans who come to the UK are far less frightened of.


You really do spend too much time watching Tommy Robinson videos, a workshy, wife beater, who has never done a decent days work in his life. He has managed to amass an unenviable criminal record though, I suppose that's an achievement of sorts.


As somebody who actually lives in the UK  I say well said that man now let's all have a football chat to the tune of Football's Coming Home  - we're stayin in . we're stayin in - We are staying in. 


"United in diversity"
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16 minutes ago, Spidey said:

This is something people tend to forget. Britain has been subject to many waves of immigrants over the last thousand years and more. All from different ethnicities, cultures and religions. All have added to the culture that we now call British. Jewish bankers and showbiz artists, Irish pubs (what Englishman hasn't gone down to his local Irish pub on ST. Patrick's day for a few swallies?), Indian Restaurants, Chinese restaurants, Reggae music, they are now part of the culture of Great Britain.


Denigrating the flood of Poles always makes me laugh. A large wave of Poles flooded the UK after WW2. My local Catholic Cathedral has held a weekly Polish Mass since the 1950s. One of my school friends was 2nd generation Polish, Zenick Popovich. These people were welcomed back then (except in Yorkshire 555), they assimilated into society, added to it. I can remember a Polish woman opening a delicatessen, in my home town, around 1960. It sold a whole host of things that we provincials had never seen before. Salamis, sauerkraut, fresh chillis and a wide range of spices that we couldn't pronounce the names of. Walking into her shop, you were hit by wonderful aromas that took you to places that you'd only seen in the cinema. One of my abiding childhood memories.


Britain is a multi cultural country, always has been and long may it remain so. We have a long history of welcoming refugees, as has the USA, please don't go down the route that Trump is taking the US down and become an isolationist, xenophobic society. 

you go back 1000 years or more

and you don't mention vikings


I feel left out, stepped on, disappointed, omitted, neglected and what have you .. .


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2 hours ago, nontabury said:

As someone who actually lives in the U.K. I can assure you that your post is absolutely B.S.

While yes there is an element of the population, who are lazy,and often on drugs, and prefer to scrounge off the Tax payers, they are thankfully in the minority.What we do lack in the U.K is an ability by the authorities/ parliament to plan for the future. Examples being shortage of Doctors,nurses and qualified teachers. But not to worry we are producing a never ending supply of Media students, social workers and an increasing none productive Bureaucracy.

i dont get this shortage of doctors,teachers,nurses BS,yes it would be nice to have 1 doctor for every 10 inhabitants and classes of 10 instead of 30 but thats a expensive pipe dream that a bankrupt benefits scrounging nation cannot afford,you have been listening to too many Labour party speeches,never mind brexit might deliver your dream as JC will be the next PM,not sure where the funds will come from for it,

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Just now, melvinmelvin said:

you go back 1000 years or more

and you don't mention vikings


I feel left out, stepped on, disappointed, omitted, neglected and what have you .. .


Sorry, personally, I don't like the term "Vikings" I prefer Norsemen. They came over and raped and pillaged our women with impunity (your interest has now shifted to Thailand, thankfully), leaving a significant amount of their DNA in the blood of present day Brits. Several of our days of the week are named after Norse gods and many place names are Norse.


So , yes, welcome cousin, you have played a big part in what makes British people British.

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13 minutes ago, Spidey said:

Sorry, personally, I don't like the term "Vikings" I prefer Norsemen. They came over and raped and pillaged our women with impunity (your interest has now shifted to Thailand, thankfully), leaving a significant amount of their DNA in the blood of present day Brits. Several of our days of the week are named after Norse gods and many place names are Norse.


So , yes, welcome cousin, you have played a big part in what makes British people British.

agree, norsemen is better

from what I remember from my schooldays the "vikings" didn't refer to themselves as vikings


however, when they popped across to "UK" on the ferry in order to nick female slaves

they went on viking



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31 minutes ago, bomber said:

i dont get this shortage of doctors,teachers,nurses BS,yes it would be nice to have 1 doctor for every 10 inhabitants and classes of 10 instead of 30 but thats a expensive pipe dream that a bankrupt benefits scrounging nation cannot afford,you have been listening to too many Labour party speeches,never mind brexit might deliver your dream as JC will be the next PM,not sure where the funds will come from for it,

qualified nurses can be had reasonably cheap from PI

qualified physicians, reasonably cheap from Russia


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22 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:

qualified nurses can be had reasonably cheap from PI

qualified physicians, reasonably cheap from Russia


Same same tattie pickers from poland/romania,soon to be replaced with ex JAL nissan toyota bmw airbus workers,not sure how they will take to working for 50% less

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3 hours ago, Spidey said:
3 hours ago, Snow Leopard said:

Brits can wash cars just as well as Bulgarians. 

Problem is, they refuse to do it.

When those production line style hand car wash places first started appearing (maybe 20 years ago) they mostly were staffed by young British lads. They are now all staffed by Eastern Europeans. I disagree that the Brits refuse to do those jobs. It's just that a Bulgarian man is willing to work for a British lads wages. 


On the whole immigration has been good for the UK, and always will be. But not at the levels we've seen since FOM was introduced, and the expansion of the EU to the east.  


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