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Trump plans televised address, visit to Mexico border


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6 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

Are you wondering at all about who is not getting their fair shake at the trough if a wall is not built? Yours was truly a bizarre and obviously biased observation.

And the biases keep on coming. The question isn't whether it's a negative if secure border access points are created, controlled, and immigration requirements enforced. The question is whether or not it's possible without huge expense. Just staffing alone poses a huge problem. As anyone moderately familiar with the issue knows, corruption of Immigraton officers is a huge problem. To make a lot of money all an immigration officer has to do is look the other way.  It takes a long time to vet each applicant for the job. And how many  acccess points do you think are necessary along a 2000 mile border to make it secure.

The cost of building a wall is indeed a drop in the bucket compared to the cost of staffing it and maintaining it. And as most security experts know without a huge number of agents to staff it, it will be ineffective.

Well, I'm not sure about bizarre, but aware and semi biased (a little naive perhaps) I'll give you.  I'm familiar (lived and worked throughout) with southern US border area issues and the negatives associated with illegals in border towns/cities.  I'm not racist by any means, but believe the issue has come to a boiling point again for both sides (legal citizens/residents vs illegal).  Illegals are a detriment to legal immigrants.  I'm sure the argument of wall/no wall, border security, how to resolve illegal entry to the US and how or who will pay for it, will be perpetual.   


Democracy and the political system in north america is a chaotic charade, and chaos creates cash.  

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2 hours ago, LomSak27 said:

Ahh so its about Drug Cartels now,  Immigrants are a little too la-de-da .. the threat has ramped up ... no time left, POTUS to the Border!! TV cameras Follow :biggrin:


Tigers vs the Crimson Tide is up ... sorry continue with your hysterical bull excrement like blathering, I'll catch up.



Lmao.... the reply was to a post about drug trafficking..... would you prefer replies to specific topics address the weather instead, vs the topic being replied too.


anyway, if you object to the reply, you should really address your sarcasm to the poster who brought up drugs, rather than the one applying sense and reason to the argument.

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4 hours ago, TopDeadSenter said:

This is going to be awesome. I believe he will state (correctly) that the open southern border is the greatest threat to American security existing today. In light of this, he will use an executive order and the military to get this wall done asap. I read 95% of border security guards are pro wall - well they should know. 

 What I can't understand is why he doesn't just freeze all foreign aid, its a huge sum something like 50bn buck a year, and spend it all on the wall. It could be diamond encrusted if we reroute all the money we splash on 3rd world dictators back to the nation's security. Well that's where I would start. Good luck Trump, and don't forget to Tweet the news for extra exposure.

WHat are you actually reading to come up with these figures?

trumps tweets I presume.

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3 hours ago, TopDeadSenter said:

Much of that traffic eventually makes landfall, and then it's "going pretty easily through Mexico and ... almost entirely crossing the land border" in the US, said Adam Isacson, senior associate for defense oversight at the Washington Office on Latin America.



I will repeat for clarity "almost entirely crossing the land border".


Would you like to review you false statement on most drugs coming trough the air? And I am sure I can scupper your claim that illegal aliens and terrorists come through the air also just as easily. If I had something major to hide I would not be flying through high security airports, I'd just pop over the border too. And if caught there is always the "I'm a refugee" card to play, which I learn on this forum, makes illegally crossing the US border a legal act. Insanity but there you go.

AH... i see what your reading..... headlines which seemingly support your bias. That’s cool, but did you really expect others to not open and read the link, which does not support your claims.


If anyone couldn’t be bothered.... this article expressly deals with drug movement in South America, with an unsupported opinion regards the US part of the issue.

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2 hours ago, riclag said:

Hear so much about the decline of illegal entry and the majority of illegality  coming through the air, regardless there is a need for a wall for the obvious reasons below!It's been goin on for decades ! Past administrations have unsuccessfully tried to handle it! It is a definite threat,why else would past administrations try to use force to stop it ! The security threat is forming in masses and many in those formation's don't want to wait in line ! I want a big impenetrable wall with all the bells and whistles 

"There’s no official measure of how many people succeed in illegally crossing the border, but authorities use the number of apprehensions to gauge changes in illegal immigration. Apprehensions on the Southwest border peaked in 2000 at 1.64 million and have generally declined since, totaling 303,916 in 2017.

Those numbers, which come from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection, are for fiscal years and date back to 1960".


A great link supporting the fact that current border measures are working very effectively, with graph showing the dramatic decline in southern border crossings.... which only serves to demonstrate that a great wall of America is not needed. Thanks.

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4 hours ago, sirineou said:

Since most of the illegal aliens, drugs, and terrorists come through the air, don't you think that instead of building a wall we should be building a roof?

BIng bing bing!

we have a winner!

well said sirineou.... well said


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3 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Drugs, terrorism, child molesters and a whole slew of criminals definitely use the land crossing method. 

The Wall is critical to securing the safety of Americans. 

Drugs, terrorism, child molesters and a whole slew of criminals definitely do not use the land crossing method. 

The Wall is not critical to securing the safety of Americans. 

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1 minute ago, sirineou said:


Drugs, terrorism, child molesters and a whole slew of criminals definitely do not use the land crossing method. 

The Wall is not critical to securing the safety of Americans. 

Yeah, but hey, what about all those lettuce-picking jobs they are stealing from Americans?

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  The way that Trump is talking his supporters seem to be convinced that the $5.6billion will pay for the entire wall, only once have I heard him say that this sum will be 'sufficient for maybe 200 miles of fencing',

  Two years ago the overall cost was estimated at around $70 billion and I have this past week heard estimates of up to $138 billion.

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Moron Trump, if you would like to build a wall in order to reduce "terrorism" .... than ask for a budget money to build a wall against the NRA (National Rifle Association).


That would save lives, xxxx-times more than your pretended "terrorism victims".


But the majority in the world already recognized ruling with brain that's not your cup of tea.

Edited by puck2
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I would love to see Congress prepare a bill that provides legality for the DACA children along with  $5Billion funding for the silly wall.  House passes it and sends it to the Senate who I am sure will also pass it because they need to get the Government open again.  then off to Trump-  I dare him to veto that bill and even if he does- the veto will be overridden.


Once this is settled we can get back on track to see Trump's children be indicted and face potential jail. At that point the Republicans will have had enough of this man and the leaders will visit him with an ultimatum- resign or face conviction .


the strange thing about Trump is that he can articulate  the problems fairly accurately but his solutions are always wrong and he refuses to listen to his advisers. He is clearly a textbook narcissistic megalomaniac and as such unqualified to be President or even a dog catcher.


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44 minutes ago, farcanell said:

Lmao.... the reply was to a post about drug trafficking..... would you prefer replies to specific topics address the weather instead, vs the topic being replied too.


anyway, if you object to the reply, you should really address your sarcasm to the poster who brought up drugs, rather than the one applying sense and reason to the argument.

So I clipped the critique instead of the original, so  sorry Jethro. :biggrin: Now How about correcting that for me after you are done dishing bile. 

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5 hours ago, Longcut said:

Yup, that's right. Blame Trump and America for your countries problems. What a baby you are. Blaming others for your problems. You are definitely a liberal.

Rather than ignorance, a hallmark of the trump regime, try some basic research and you uncover the economic and security harm to Australia created by trump's activities.

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1 hour ago, LomSak27 said:

So I clipped the critique instead of the original, so  sorry Jethro. :biggrin: Now How about correcting that for me after you are done dishing bile. 

???????????? Bile... spewing anger, vitriol and complaint. Is that really what I did, or are you spinning just a wee bit?


that said.... I think I did actually correct you in the post you quoted, although it might have been lost in the bile... bile... dark green or yellowish brown fluid ????

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6 hours ago, Hanaguma said:

This all seems to be a prelude to the President using his emergency powers to fund the border wall, rather than going through Congress. Seeing as how the Democrats refuse to even talk about the situation, it may be the only path forward. It's a bad idea really in the long run, the best answer is for Congress to pass a budget that includes funding. Unfortunately however, the precedent has been set by previous Presidents, who used executive powers to ram their pet policies through without consulting Congress.

He may try. It won't work. I think that is probably the best chance to end the shutdown. He can tell his rabid MAWA hat rally crowds that he went super extreme in TRYING and then continue to tell lies that his great wall of "trump" is already built anyway. Look at the pretty prototypes! Actually it might work well enough to build a small portion with his now favored steel killer spikes to use in 2020 campaign ads. That's what this has been about all along. Truth doesn't matter to his xenophobic white nationalist fans. Neither do actual solutions to border security. Of course hopefully the illegitimate con man president doesn't even make it to run in 2020. 

Edited by Jingthing
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8 hours ago, TopDeadSenter said:

I will repeat for clarity "almost entirely crossing the land border".

You are probably right.


However, it does not mean that Trump's wall will be effective as the majority of it is hidden in vehicles or trains entering the US quite legally, or go through tunnels, etc....


"The majority of illegal drugs enter the United States in an assortment of vehicles, with drugs hidden in secret compartments in door panels or the roof, gas tanks, tires and even engines."

"Smugglers also dig cross-border tunnels, primarily to move large volumes of marijuana."

"Cargo trains, tractor-trailers and passenger buses have been used to move illegal drugs"



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4 minutes ago, JulesMad said:

Where I come from liberals are right-wing, absolutely not left in any respect/degree. Yes, I am also not american and extremely proud of that fact! As long as your president and country keep their affairs local, I could not care less... BUT the whole world is affected; it is no longer a local affair...

Yes liberal has different meanings in different cultures.

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6 minutes ago, JulesMad said:

Where I come from liberals are right-wing, absolutely not left in any respect/degree. Yes, I am also not american and extremely proud of that fact! As long as your president and country keep their affairs local, I could not care less... BUT the whole world is affected; it is no longer a local affair...

That not being American is quite an achievement. How many years did it take you to get there?

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