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Election no later than March, Wissanu assures


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These guys can't arrange an election and they recon they can and have done, rule well. This isn't any good for a movie comedy because it's just the same old thing over and over again. And the populous have done...nothing. The whole shaboodle is just shameful.

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March should be OK for the Thai elections.

I actually thought April would be better.

However, I haven't spoken to Prayut lately.

Besides the coronation event, that extra time gives the junta crew more time to both insure integrity of the vote procedure and the security of Thailand.  


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Strange why there’s not already an election date set year on year 


If something happens and who ever is running the show just say this years election canceled try again next year

Edited by DJ54
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1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

There are countless things this administration could be doing to improve the lives of the average Thai. But that would require them to care. Which they do not. They are here to protect the elite, the super wealthy, those that are connected, and those in power. They are not here to address the problems of the common man and woman. And they absolutely refuse to do that, on any level. Think of public and traffic safety. What have they done in the past four year to improve that area? Think of tourism, which is something that benefits alot of average Thais. They have sabotaged tourism on so many levels, continued to appeal to the low to no baht Chinese package tour tourists, and continued to discourage Western tourists on many levels, and the result has brought devastation to the tourism industry, and hardship to millions of Thais. This has been the worst peak season in memory. Many other nations are at full occupancy. Thailand is down 20-30%. Does the government care? Does Prayuth care? Not one iota. That much is certain.


To Prayuth and the army, I say get out now. You are not needed. You are not wanted. You are despised by the masses. 

As always, s007, on the Prayuth-worthiness issue, I agree with your views and share your deep disdain for the man. Question is, how can this sentiment infuse itself into the Thai masses who might then be empowered to do something . . . other than demonstrate their famous mae pen rai toleration, that is.

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The promise of another election how new! He has been making this promise for so long the people will need time for the regime to school the people on how to cast a vote. They will of corse make is simple by only having one party and one box to place a "X" in. Then if all goes well they will have another vote in five years.

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They could have a lottery based on the actual election date - couldn't they?


As it would be run by the Government it wouldn't be classed as gambling, so a perfectly legal way of making more money to go in the trough!

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3 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

To Prayuth and the army, I say get out now. You are not needed. You are not wanted. You are despised by the masses. 


How do you know?

Everyone I talk to, that feels open to talk freely expresses real disdain for incompetent Prayuth and the hapless army. Especially those that are in tourism, who hold him responsible for sabotaging Western tourism. Many businesses are way, way down. He is largely responsible for that. Many of us hope he will be held accountable for his many sins. 

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6 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

There are countless things this administration could be doing to improve the lives of the average Thai. But that would require them to care. Which they do not. They are here to protect the elite, the super wealthy, those that are connected, and those in power. They are not here to address the problems of the common man and woman. And they absolutely refuse to do that, on any level. Think of public and traffic safety. What have they done in the past four year to improve that area? Think of tourism, which is something that benefits alot of average Thais. They have sabotaged tourism on so many levels, continued to appeal to the low to no baht Chinese package tour tourists, and continued to discourage Western tourists on many levels, and the result has brought devastation to the tourism industry, and hardship to millions of Thais. This has been the worst peak season in memory. Many other nations are at full occupancy. Thailand is down 20-30%. Does the government care? Does Prayuth care? Not one iota. That much is certain.


To Prayuth and the army, I say get out now. You are not needed. You are not wanted. You are despised by the masses. 

Do you live in the same Thailand, I do?

Thailand is probably the only land in the world where the higher classes actually do care for the people. However people are slow to accept/react. The village I live, a huge deal of the farmers have a loan to develop their land and change it to less water consuming, more water retaining - by King Rama IX himself. In what other country of the world is the king educated enough to transform the landscape into a sustainable - clima change aware - agriculture? No idea what you are talking about regarding the tourist industry ...  

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1 hour ago, Eric Loh said:

I would venture a guess and say a heavy dose of common sense. If not despised by the mass than surely he would have held election like he promised in 2015. He know he is despised to delay election. 


I'm sure that's right. Reading between the lines and considering recent polls, this Chanocha fellow must be seeing his world crashing down around him. At the very least he will have had some additional information that suggests he is unlikely to end up in a position with quite the same power as he has been trying to engineer, and which he will need if he is to follow through on even some of his less bizarre plans.

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47 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Everyone I talk to, that feels open to talk freely expresses real disdain for incompetent Prayuth and the hapless army. Especially those that are in tourism, who hold him responsible for sabotaging Western tourism. Many businesses are way, way down. He is largely responsible for that. Many of us hope he will be held accountable for his many sins. 

Well everybody I talk too thinks things are going well. So who is right?


We are falang. We have no idea, how about that.

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7 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

Well everybody I talk too thinks things are going well. So who is right?


We are falang. We have no idea, how about that.


I sort of agree, we (as farang) have few clues about what goes on in the  mind of Thais; we have trouble reaching that far down the IQ tables.


But. Does the spoor suggest that Prayuth is having a little panic tantrum? I suggest it is consistent. Do those around him seem like they are playing down the possible implications and destinations of the Chaocha tantrums? I suggest they do. Do the polls suggest Chanocha is in trouble? I suggest they do. Does Chanocha's spending habits for the purpose of 'reminding voters what a good manager he is'? I suggest they do.


There is quite a lot of angst sloshing around at the top these days. It may not mean he is in trouble, but it's the kind of angst one would expect if he were.




Edited by HalfLight
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1 minute ago, HalfLight said:


I sort of agree, we (as farang) have few clues about what goes on in the  mind of Thais; we have trouble reaching that far down the IQ tables.


But. Does the spoor suggest that Prayuth is having a little panic tantrum? I suggest it is consistent. Do those around him seem like they are playing down the possible implications and destinations of the Chaocha tantrums? I suggest they do. Do the polls suggest Chanocha is in trouble? I suggest they do. Does Chanocha's spending habits for the purpose of 'reminding voters what a good manager he is'? I suggest they do.


There is quite a lot of angst sloshing around at the top these days. It may not mean he is in trouble, but it's the kind of angst one would expect if he were.




Your remark about Thai IQ shows the basic prejudice of your response. You are a farang. You look at things through western eyes with an attitude that you know better.


Its a Thai gig. Their country, their rules, their society and very few of us here, if any at all, are qualified to comment. 

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13 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

Its a Thai gig. Their country, their rules, their society and very few of us here, if any at all, are qualified to comment. 

To be fair both sides including you commented albeit opposite views. But I think the Thai social media is a relatively good indicator of the disdain for the junta and frustrated outpouring of anger for the poll delay. You should perhaps try looking into some of them.

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