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Trump stops short of emergency declaration in border wall fight


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5 minutes ago, stevenl said:

How many people are on here advocating illegal border crossings?

Please read and understand before sprouting your uninformed opinion about others, especially an opinion that you would have known to be incorrect after reading this and other threads on the same subject.

So if you're not in favor of illegal border crossings, what's the problem. Hell, even Obama was in favor of border security and got funding. But because Trump is asking, we get this...……...

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On 1/12/2019 at 1:08 PM, Kelsall said:

Trump is playing this one well.  He's just sitting back waiting for Shumer and Pelosi to cave.  And if they don't, he'll go with the emergency order to build the wall and then he'll reopen the government, getting credit for both!  One cool cucumber, this President Donald J. Trump.

Fortunately those who would be dumb enough to give Trump credit , now belong to a diminishing minority.

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7 minutes ago, joecoolfrog said:

Fortunately those who would be dumb enough to give Trump credit , now belong to a diminishing minority.

Exactly. His base never moves but it also never grows. If you're American, and you're not in his base, he really is not your president. It's a disgusting situation.

I pushed back against the not my president slogan early on, but now it's proven to be exactly correct.




Trump is the president of the Republican base — not the country

The Great Shutdown Showdown of 2019 has shown more clearly than anything before the central reality of Donald Trump’s presidency: He does not lead a country; he leads a movement.

Trump is president of the Republican base. He knows how to make his most passionate supporters vibrate like the reed of a clarinet.






Edited by Jingthing
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4 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Exactly. His base never moves but it also never grows. If you're American, and you're not in his base, he really is not your president. It's a disgusting situation.

I pushed back against the not my president slogan early on, but now it's proven to be exactly correct.






Yes, for sure this is true. His base is solid, and will remain solid and believe in him even after he is proven by Mueller to be either a witting or unwitting Russian asset to destabilize the U.S.. However, he is certainly losing normal Republicans and will continue to do so, (base appears to be moving down from 38 to 35%) and so even if he somehow weathers the storm of the Mueller report, he is going to be highly vulnerable in 2020, because he will be stripped to just his base.


The GOP will know this, and hopefully they mount an effort for a Primary challenge, but don't hold your breath. The Dems really have to step up and consolidate a big enough cross-section of people to compete with Trump's 35%, and strategically do so in places the electoral college benefits them.

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Given $5.6 billion will only pay for approx 100 miles of new border wall construction, some repairs and some monitoring technology it seems to be the whole argument is a con by trump  as it is still estimated to cost approx $25 billion to complete a security structure along the entire border. It it true the reality has been lost sight of due to the noise of the current chaos?

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5 hours ago, keemapoot said:

This is true, and nobody in Congress objects to a comprehensive well-articulated border security plan. But Trump, as usual shooting from the hip, offers no such well-thought out plan, just dumb simplistic wall (or now barrier) rhetoric. Trump has never even commissioned a feasibility study or anything that could serve as justification for his plan. Just his word.


Trump could have gotten $6 billion easily if he had done that. But, that wouldn't have served his purpose, which is to keep the country divided, pandering to the baser instincts and isolationist views of his base of 35%.

Exactly. It's back to the root of the problem. He's only about being president of his white resentment base. Any normal president (of either party) could have and should have presented rationale justifications for some additions to existing border barriers, and had little trouble finding bipartisan support for that without using racist demagoguing and as part of a comprehensive border security plan. This won't ever improve with this president. He never had any interest in being a real American president for ALL the American people. 

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Just now, Jingthing said:

Exactly. It's back to the root of the problem. He's only about being president of his white resentment base. Any normal president (of either party) could have and should have presented rationale justifications for some additions to existing border barriers, and had little trouble finding bipartisan support for that without using racist demagoguing and as part of a comprehensive border security plan. This won't ever improve with this president. He never had any interest in being a real American president for ALL the American people. 

Speaking of racist demogoguery, last night Trump went off on another wild racist rant on twitter against Elizabeth Warren. I guess that made his base swell with pride.



If Elizabeth Warren, often referred to by me as Pocahontas, did this commercial from Bighorn or Wounded Knee instead of her kitchen, with her husband dressed in full Indian garb, it would have been a smash!


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12 hours ago, joecoolfrog said:

Fortunately those who would be dumb enough to give Trump credit , now belong to a diminishing minority.

And fortunately those who would be stupid enough to believe that Trump won't prevail are wrong.

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The amount in question for the Wall is 'Peanuts' in comparison to the amount in which Social Security and Medicare are underfunded.  In Alaska they fund 'Bridges to Nowhere' and other 'pork' projects elsewhere which are far greater in cost than this silly barrier which will prevent Americans from fleeing the USA.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Few people think about this whole event as a pretext to evaluate how the shutdown would serve to qualify which services are actually necessary and which can be eliminated.  Government costs money.  This could be used to see what services are actually 'essential' and which are simply 'jobs' programs...

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