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Ahead of vote, UK PM May warns it would be catastrophic to halt Brexit


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47 minutes ago, Grouse said:

I am tha'lad; born an' bred!

Why not complete the saying, strong in t'arm and thick in t'ed.


Just out of curiosity is your accent like the Yorkshire poet Ian McMillan or are you more of a Terry Thomas.

Edited by vogie
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10 hours ago, owl sees all said:

The latest result of the weekly poll in Liverpool is;


52% Just leave/no deal

25% Accept May's deal

23% Another referendum/stay in/no comment/don't care


Pretty conclusive I'd say.

yeah, and scousers are OK, once had a girlfriend from there



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12 minutes ago, Loiner said:


Charming little snowflake?
Sorry sonny - not going to happen for many years.
There are millions of young who voted Leave too. You are not experienced enough to see that through the Old/Young propaganda which you keep propagating too.

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


Your Brexit dies the moment a second referendum is announced. And if you believe that the new young voters are for Brexit you are going to be very disappointed.

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3 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

May has a deal that allows a transition period and the finalisation of a relationship with the EU. Her deal means leaving the EU, no longer contributing, controlling your own borders, etc. You wanted Leave, that's what she's offering. And the final deal may well be outside of Customs Union and Single Market ... that is yet to be negotiated.


But people like you want to crash out on WTO terms, with all the chaos that will entail from that. Yet no Leave politician campaigned for that during the referendum? So no one can make any claim on this being what people voted for. So people like me realise that there needs to be another vote ... because you lot are trying to force through something that no one campaigned for. So you risk a second referendum and no Brexit.


Don't blame "the establishment", "globalists", "remoaners", "Soros" ... or any of the other imaginary groups that you read about on the internet whilst wearing a tin foil hat. The blame rests with you.


I did not mention the establishment, remoaners nor Soros. I've never had such a hat and if I did have one I would not be seen dead wearing it.


May's deliberately been dragging her feet and there is no way it should have taken her two and a half years only to get where we are now. Thats more than half of the time it took Europe the fight The Great War.


Don't get all exited that's just a comparison I'm not going to bring WW1 into into the topic.

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Your Brexit dies the moment a second referendum is announced. And if you believe that the new young voters are for Brexit you are going to be very disappointed.

You still haven’t learned from the last referendum that Cameron and the rest of you were so sure you were going to win.

Not that there will be another anyway.

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
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10 minutes ago, yogi100 said:

May's deliberately been dragging her feet and there is no way it should have taken her two and a half years only to get where we are now. 

She did so in an attempt to hold her fractured party together. The same party which held the damn referendum in the first place and own all the fallout. Take it up with them.

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27 minutes ago, Loiner said:


You still haven’t learned from the last referendum that Cameron and the rest of you were so sure you were going to win.

Not that there will be another anyway.

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


And you are exhibiting over confidence about where Britain stands today. There will be no complacency this time with the young, and the fantasy of Brexit has been exposed ... a second referendum looks more likely by the day.

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35 minutes ago, baboon said:

She did so in an attempt to hold her fractured party together. The same party which held the damn referendum in the first place and own all the fallout. Take it up with them.


Why should I? You take it up with em'. I'm just commenting on the matter!

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7 minutes ago, bartender100 said:

Whatever happens this week its going to be very interesting, possibly by Friday we will have had a general election called.


Boris against Jeremy is my guess 

A gridlocked parliament desperately trying to kick the can down the road is mine. We'll see...

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5 hours ago, billd766 said:

But it will mean Brexit.

maybe, after some years, remains to be seen,

in my view, the main problem with this deal is that the consequences are not controllable by the UK

there are no controllable cutoff mechanisms in it


not sound package



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12 hours ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

He claimed “99% of you” have asked him to replace that MP. “you” must be the Stamfordians and Granthamians, which (according Wikipedia) are around 79,000. 





Electorate 79k. Last turnout 56k of which Boles (CON) got 35k. 


But that doesn't matter. The complaints will only be from local Conservative Party members. A lot less. 

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58 minutes ago, findlay13 said:

Yet's have a fourth vote.!We could keep on doing "ad nauseam "and "ad infinitum"???? Then the remoaners would get what they want the UK would never be out! Leave means LEAVE! 

'Leave means leave' blah, blah, blah. 

I've noticed a VERY common denominator with you Leave lot in that you are all up for the brain dead slogans but very short on the ideas of how to handle the immense problems that Brexit has thrown up.

So I'll give you all a chance. Please let me know what YOU would suggest to sort out the following:-


1. The Northern Ireland border.

2. Britain's financial obligations to the EU?

3. The EU single market & customs union?

4. The insistence from the EU that entry to the single market/customs union also comes with free movement of EU nationals?

5. The drop in EU immigration's shortfall effect on the NHS, social care and construction?  

6. Security - once EU law has no more effect on the UK, how do you handle things like Europol and the European Arrest Warrants that both require EU law?  


That's only 6 of many, many problems.

I'm all ears.



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As I understand it, today the parliament will commence on its formal handling of the may-deal.

Have also been told that the doings of the parliament will be broadcast live.


Any links to where the Creatures in Westminster Zoo can be watched live? Preferably not in HD.



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14 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

'Leave means leave' blah, blah, blah. 

I've noticed a VERY common denominator with you Leave lot in that you are all up for the brain dead slogans but very short on the ideas of how to handle the immense problems that Brexit has thrown up.

So I'll give you all a chance. Please let me know what YOU would suggest to sort out the following:-


1. The Northern Ireland border.

2. Britain's financial obligations to the EU?

3. The EU single market & customs union?

4. The insistence from the EU that entry to the single market/customs union also comes with free movement of EU nationals?

5. The drop in EU immigration's shortfall effect on the NHS, social care and construction?  

6. Security - once EU law has no more effect on the UK, how do you handle things like Europol and the European Arrest Warrants that both require EU law?  


That's only 6 of many, many problems.

I'm all ears.



1. The Northern Ireland border.

Give N.Ireland back to the Irish (never wanted it anyway)


2. Britain's financial obligations to the EU?

Tell 'em to get stuffed (see you in court or hide behind the curtains)


3. The EU single market & customs union?

Rock hard Brexit. (Go to WTO rules, why do new care if imports/exports from the UK collapse, it'll only affect the little men)


4. The insistence from the EU that entry to the single market/customs union also comes with free movement of EU nationals?

As above.


5. The drop in EU immigration's shortfall effect on the NHS, social care and construction?  

Bring in shedloads of Africans (they're coming already).


6. Security - once EU law has no more effect on the UK, how do you handle things like Europol and the European Arrest Warrants that both require EU law?

Ahh...good point but there are more foreign criminals coming here than British criminals going abroad.  

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8 minutes ago, Spidey said:

1. The Northern Ireland border.

Give N.Ireland back to the Irish (never wanted it anyway)


2. Britain's financial obligations to the EU?

Tell 'em to get stuffed (see you in court or hide behind the curtains)


3. The EU single market & customs union?

Rock hard Brexit. (Go to WTO rules, why do new care if imports/exports from the UK collapse, it'll only affect the little men)


4. The insistence from the EU that entry to the single market/customs union also comes with free movement of EU nationals?

As above.


5. The drop in EU immigration's shortfall effect on the NHS, social care and construction?  

Bring in shedloads of Africans (they're coming already).


6. Security - once EU law has no more effect on the UK, how do you handle things like Europol and the European Arrest Warrants that both require EU law?

Ahh...good point but there are more foreign criminals coming here than British criminals going abroad.  

So as I guessed, no real solutions. Just some wild ideas that you and your mates (all economists and legal experts of course) agreed whilst drinking your 80 baht bottle of chang until you fell off your bar stool.

Unfortunately this is in fact pretty much sums up the Leave campaigns ideas. 

'Leave means leave !!!'

Even if it also means chaos.

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