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Ahead of vote, UK PM May warns it would be catastrophic to halt Brexit


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4 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Actually if you followed the whole situation before the referendum it was stated countless times by David Cameron the Prime Minister.  In case you had forgot.


Your argument is irrational. The leave campaign won, when a party wins a general election and forms a government they do not follow the losing side manifesto.


In what way is the referendum result not being carried out.

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43 minutes ago, lagavulin1 said:

And make it a compulsory vote. The 52% who won the vote actually accounts for circa 25% of the entitled voter's. There was a chart

displayed after the vote which misteriously vanished. 


You WILL VOTE! You WILL exercise your democratic right it's compulsory! ????

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22 minutes ago, cleopatra2 said:

The Single Market cannot be categorized as being a EU institution, it is merely a trade agreement between the EU and other states . Evidenced by the EEA agreements.

Thus the referendum did not give a mandate to leave the SM.

The official Leave Campaign never advocated  withdrawing from the SM

Nonsense. The Single Market was developed and is owned by the EU.

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8 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

So you now admit that leaving the SM was told to everyone.????

The conservatives and Labours manifesto was to uphold the referendum result. Only the Lib Dems did not and look what happened to them


TM deal is not what was promised if we leave the EU. So there is your answer. In case you didn't follow the referendum and all the political talk leading up to it. Every household got one of these at 9 million pound cost.




I have heard before that the leaflet had no impact on voters.  Well this disagrees with that.



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5 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

So you now admit that leaving the SM was told to everyone.????

The conservatives and Labours manifesto was to uphold the referendum result. Only the Lib Dems did not and look what happened to them


TM deal is not what was promised if we leave the EU. So there is your answer. In case you didn't follow the referendum and all the political talk leading up to it. Every household got one of these at 9 million pound cost.




The leave campaign stated they would be part of the existing FTA that spans from Iceland to Turkey. If this is not the EEA then please explain what is referring to.

The campaign also stated that it would negotiate a deal before starting the legal process to leave the EU.


To me the above 2 statements do not equate to leaving without a deal.

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2 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

It would seem that you did not follow the referendum process. Here is David Cameron the leader of Remain and PM.  This can't be any clearer.


I am trying to establish what the people voted for.

They rejected D Cameron and voted for leave. In normal circumstances the winning side does not adopt the ideas of the losing party.

The losing side claimed it would mean leaving the SM, this was rejected.  Vote leave stating they would be part of the existing FTA stretching from Iceland to Turkey.

The leave campaign also stated that a deal would be negotiated before starting the legal process.


I do not dispute that some people will wish the UK to leave without a deal and the SM. However no mandate for this can be claimed from the referendum , because this was never put to the people.

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1 hour ago, lagavulin1 said:

And make it a compulsory vote. The 52% who won the vote actually accounts for circa 25% of the entitled voter's. There was a chart

displayed after the vote which misteriously vanished. 


Have you been on the lagavulin over the weekend? Your supposed FACTS are fantasy!!

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4 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Can I ask did you vote in the referendum or followed it in 2016 before the campaigning started? It was a simple leave or remain on the ballot sheet. I voted leave by post from Thailand. We were all told countless times what leave meant. That was  a mandate in itself. Everyone knew. What we didn't know was that the politicians would try their best to stop brexit with every single conceivable trick to prevent all the things that was mentioned. 


It would seem you can't accept the result and are using a feeble argument. Please don't tell me I didn't know what I was voting for. It would be an insult.

Taking into account the vote leave campaign , what part of the referendum is not being honored

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34 minutes ago, cleopatra2 said:

The leave campaign stated they would be part of the existing FTA that spans from Iceland to Turkey. If this is not the EEA then please explain what is referring to.

The campaign also stated that it would negotiate a deal before starting the legal process to leave the EU.


To me the above 2 statements do not equate to leaving without a deal.

Turkey is not in the EEA.

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1 hour ago, bristolboy said:

a And you still haven't provided a link. b Nor have you explained if it's a mathematically sound poll or just a poll c anyone can vote in. And thanks for your reckoning? We already know you reckoned that the dollar was going to collapse by the end of 2018. So the quality of your reckoning is somewhat suspect. How about providing verifiable facts. a Like a link to that poll, for starters?


a I get a weekly email from Liverpool Ron*.


b Yes bristolboy, it is mathematically sound.


c If you don't get into Ron's mini-cab, you wouldn't be able to vote.


d I was wrong about the PetroDollar (PD) crashing last month; sorry!


Given all the up-to-date stat's and info' I'm going to go with one of two things for 2019.


01 The PD collapses

02 All ATMs and bank accounts (worldwide) will be frozen, and a new world currency introduced.




01 Gold

02 Bitcoin (or, another safe-haven crypto')**

03 PMC ounce.

04 A German bank***


* The poll results for last week (ending at 4am on Sunday 13-01-2019 were as follows.


52% (104 votes) Just leave

25% (50 votes) accept May's deal 

23% (46 votes) another vote/stay in/no comment/don't care/spoiled poll paper


** Shinecoin is running like an express train in Pattaya but I cannot recommend it at this time.


*** if you have Euros seriously consider opening an account with a German bank, and transfer funds. When the Euro goes belly-up, your funds will be in the strongest country.


Sorry for the delay bristolboy. I hope this comprehensive reply puts your mind at rest?!

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4 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

And this is the type of comment that annoys me the most....


Has ANYONE supporting brexit said that it "can't ever be changed"?


It was Cameron that said it was a "once in a lifetime" vote, but most of the brexiteer posts I've read are saying 'of course there can be a future vote, but ONLY after this referendum result has been enacted'!


Brexiteers had to wait 40 odd years for a chance to vote again on the 1975 referendum result, which only happened as UKIP was on the rise- (vote wise, not MP seat wise....) that finally 'forced' the govt. into another referendum as they were sure another referendum would result in remain, and (largely) stop the increasing number of Tory voters changing their vote to UKIP.


IMO of course.


But back to the point, I haven't read even one brexiteer post saying that there can never be another referendum on the subject - only that there cannot be another referendum until the last one has been properly enacted.  Any May's deal is anything other than a genuine brexit.....

So, if it can't be properly enacted (which it looks like it can't) we should have another referendum.

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54 minutes ago, findlay13 said:

You WILL VOTE! You WILL exercise your democratic right it's compulsory! ????

Bloody right. How many of those now whinging voted? We don't know. Vote as important as this should at least involve a quorum of residents not a simple majority. Bloody fool Camerons fault. Should have written in a minimum pass level. Many Global votes require this flavour of democracy. 

What have we achieved for our Country? 

A disaster if we delay. Ref Mrs May

A disaster if we no deal

A disaster if we accept deal. 

Thanks for that! 

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30 minutes ago, bizboi said:

Have you been on the lagavulin over the weekend? Your supposed FACTS are fantasy!!

No. Can't afford it in Thailand.???? So you didn't see the chart either eh? Strange. It was on BBC. Obviously I can't show it to you nor verify it but my point really is. Look at the Carnage caused by a simple majority. Democracy rules I get that but it exists in different flavours. 

I voted. They made it bloody hard but I did it. Lagi donations a cepted. 

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10 minutes ago, Snow Leopard said:

No deal exit. Simple. If not bring the whole house of cards crashing down. 

Humans!!! Get off your knees. The people have the power. The truth is out there; seek and you will find.


Disrespect my cat at your peril. He has powerful cousins.

Edited by owl sees all
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