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UK PM May to seek Brexit consensus after winning confidence vote


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UK PM May to seek Brexit consensus after winning confidence vote

By Kylie MacLellan and William James



British Prime Minister Theresa May reacts during a confidence vote debate after Parliament rejected her Brexit deal, in London, Britain, January 16, 2019, in this screen grab taken from video. Reuters TV via REUTERS


LONDON (Reuters) - Prime Minister Theresa May won a confidence vote in the British parliament on Wednesday before proposing immediate talks with other party leaders in an attempt to break the deadlock on a Brexit divorce agreement.


Lawmakers voted 325 to 306 that they had confidence in May's government, just 24 hours after handing her Brexit deal a crushing defeat that left Britain's exit from the European Union in disarray.


With the clock ticking down to March 29, the date set in law for Brexit, the United Kingdom is now in the deepest political crisis in half a century as it grapples with how, or even whether, to exit the European project it joined in 1973.


After the results of the confidence vote were announced to cheers from Conservative lawmakers, May said she believed parliament had a duty and a responsibility to find a solution that would deliver Brexit.


"We will continue to work to deliver on the solemn promise we made to the people of this country to deliver on the result of the referendum," May said.


"I would like to invite the leaders of parliamentary parties to meet with me individually, and I would like to start these meetings tonight."


If May fails, the United Kingdom could face a disorderly "no-deal" Brexit, a delay to Brexit, or even another referendum on membership. Some critics said she was not budging from the deal that had alienated all sides in parliament.



"Before there can be any positive discussions about the way forward, the government must remove clearly, once and for all, the prospect of the catastrophe of a no-deal Brexit from the EU and all the chaos that would come as a result of that," opposition Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said.


Earlier, Labour finance spokesman John McDonnell said May could eventually get a deal through parliament if she negotiated a compromise with his party - which wants a permanent customs union with the EU, a close relationship with its single market and greater protections for workers and consumers.


But her spokesman said it was still government policy to be outside an EU customs union while May, an initial opponent of Brexit who won the top job in the turmoil following the 2016 referendum, insisted Britain would leave the bloc as planned on March 29, leaving little time for a solution to be found.


Sterling <GBP=D3> had jumped by more than a cent against the dollar on news of May's defeat on Tuesday and was holding close to that level on Wednesday. Many investors believe the prospect of a no-deal exit has receded as parliament hardens its stance against it. [GBP/]


Tuesday's crushing defeat appears to have killed off May's two-year strategy of forging an amicable divorce in which a status-quo transition period would be followed by Britain operating an independent trade policy alongside close ties to the EU, the world's biggest single market.


There have been growing calls from pro-EU lawmakers from both her own party and opposition politicians for another referendum with an option to cancel Brexit. Labour has said it is ruling nothing out if it fails to bring May down.


Ever since Britain voted by 52-48 percent to leave the EU in June 2016, the political class has been debating how to leave the European project forged by France and Germany after the devastation of World War Two.



Companies on Wednesday warned of catastrophic job losses and chaos at ports if there was no deal. Trade with the EU would then default to basic World Trade Organization rules, which many argue would disrupt innumerable manufacturing supply chains relying on rapid, friction-free trade.


Other members of the EU, which combined has about six times the economic might of the United Kingdom, called for discussion but indicated there was little chance of fundamental change to the deal May had negotiated. German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said there was not much time left to find a Brexit solution and "the time for playing games is now over".


For the EU, already reeling from successive crises over debt and refugees, Brexit is possibly the biggest blow in its 60-year history, though its 27 other members have shown remarkable unity over Britain's exit.


While some EU leaders and many British lawmakers have suggested that Britain might want to change its mind, Britain's leaders are concerned that to stop Brexit could alienate the 17.4 million people who voted to leave.


Brexit supporters anticipate some short-term economic pain but say Britain will then thrive if cut loose from what they cast as a doomed experiment in German-dominated unity.


Opponents of Brexit say it is folly that will weaken the West, make Britain poorer and torpedo what remains of its post-imperial clout.


(Additional reporting by Kylie MacLellan, William James, and Costas Pitas; Writing by Guy Faulconbridge and Michael Holden; Editing by Janet Lawrence and Kevin Liffey)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2019-01-17
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4 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

The Brexiteers always hoped that the UK could split the other 27, but yet another non-plan ending in tatters. 

A link to demonstrate the veracity of that claim would be so interesting to read.

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14 minutes ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

We couldn’t get a Brexiteer for our negotiation team, so we ended up in this hell of a mess of everyone united behind a clear mandate and negotiation strategy.  

Brexit was always a pigs ear, you however swallowed the lies that it would be a silk purse.

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The UK is due to leave the European Union on 29 March, 2019 - it's the law, regardless of whether there is a deal with the EU or not. Stopping Brexit would require a change in the law in the UK. European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018.

The Act legislates for the following:

  • repeal of the European Communities Act 1972.
  • fixing “exit day”, naming the hour for this as 11.00 p.m. on 29 March 2019.
  • formal incorporation and adaptation ("copying") of up to 20,000 pieces of EU law onto the UK statute book by:
  • conversion of directly-applicable EU law (EU regulations) into UK law.
  • preservation of all laws that have been made in the UK to implement EU obligations.
  • continuing to make available in UK law the rights in EU treaties, that are relied on directly in court by an individual.
  • ending the supremacy of EU law in the United Kingdom.


Is there enough time to repeal this by 11pm 29th March?


Welcome WTO trading terms with all countries.....

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17 minutes ago, John1012 said:

The UK is due to leave the European Union on 29 March, 2019 - it's the law, regardless of whether there is a deal with the EU or not. Stopping Brexit would require a change in the law in the UK. European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018.

The Act legislates for the following:

  • repeal of the European Communities Act 1972.
  • fixing “exit day”, naming the hour for this as 11.00 p.m. on 29 March 2019.
  • formal incorporation and adaptation ("copying") of up to 20,000 pieces of EU law onto the UK statute book by:
  • conversion of directly-applicable EU law (EU regulations) into UK law.
  • preservation of all laws that have been made in the UK to implement EU obligations.
  • continuing to make available in UK law the rights in EU treaties, that are relied on directly in court by an individual.
  • ending the supremacy of EU law in the United Kingdom.


Is there enough time to repeal this by 11pm 29th March?


Welcome WTO trading terms with all countries.....

The law will be replaced. No doubt about that ????

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9 hours ago, nauseus said:

For the EU, already reeling from successive crises over debt and refugees, Brexit is possibly the biggest blow in its 60-year history, though its 27 other members have shown remarkable unity over Britain's exit.


Most of the 27 other members seem to have been rather quiet and don't seem to have had much choice in the matter! I wonder why? 

They are keeping their nose out, very hard to do when they would like to have their say.


May is not making headway in getting things moving, she is not listening to the consensus of Parliament or the country.


She is resorting to blackmail by not putting the brakes on crashing out of the EU with a no deal on march 29.


71 days and counting down.

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1 hour ago, champers said:

I do believe Theresa May is now sincere in her desire to lead the UK out of the EU. It will be her legacy; the only one.

She no longer has any future agenda as PM; she will not lead the Tories at the next election. The only viable course of action for her now is to reach out to those in other parties who think; like her; that the result of the 2016 referendum should be honoured. It was a one-off vote, not best out of 3. I wish her luck and think she will prevail.

I think you are right that May's desire is to see through Brexit.  Her options of how to do that get more limited every day.  She has now started cross party talks but without Labour at the table.  Corbyn has declined until no-deal is off of the table but May has said that the door remains open for him. She cannot come out and say that no-deal is off the table officially because she still needs that threat if she goes back to Brussels. I think that it is a mistake by Corbyn to stay outside and it put's Labour on the side lines.


Anyway she hasn't got much time left before she has to offer plan B.  It's hard to see how she will get cross party agreement without softening her Brexit deal even more and that would mean the Norway plus option is a better fit. 

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8 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

I think you are right that May's desire is to see through Brexit.  Her options of how to do that get more limited every day.  She has now started cross party talks but without Labour at the table.  Corbyn has declined until no-deal is off of the table but May has said that the door remains open for him. She cannot come out and say that no-deal is off the table officially because she still needs that threat if she goes back to Brussels. I think that it is a mistake by Corbyn to stay outside and it put's Labour on the side lines.


Anyway she hasn't got much time left before she has to offer plan B.  It's hard to see how she will get cross party agreement without softening her Brexit deal even more and that would mean the Norway plus option is a better fit. 

It seems to me that May is sticking to all of her red lines. A softening of her deal is therefore not likely.

Probably she will continue to kick the can down the road until time runs out. A significant portion of the Tories will actually be happy with that so in my opinion it is likely it all will end up with a (poorly-managed) no-deal.


The EU on their side should prepare for a better-managed no-deal and I hope that they will not give in to any pressure to extend the deadline if there is no proper mutually beneficial plan from the UK government on how to proceed.

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13 hours ago, nauseus said:

For the EU, already reeling from successive crises over debt and refugees, Brexit is possibly the biggest blow in its 60-year history, though its 27 other members have shown remarkable unity over Britain's exit.


Most of the 27 other members seem to have been rather quiet and don't seem to have had much choice in the matter! I wonder why? 


Quiet because Germany and France have told them to keep so.

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9 hours ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

We couldn’t get a Brexiteer for our negotiation team, so we ended up in this hell of a mess of everyone united behind a clear mandate and negotiation strategy.  


Davies - idiot and clown, but a Brexiter through and through.


Surely you don't believe dopey Boris and his claim he "show them", do you?

Edited by Baerboxer
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