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'Not the greatest crisis' - Trump's EPA pick downplays climate threat


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'Not the greatest crisis' - Trump's EPA pick downplays climate threat

By Valerie Volcovici



FILE PHOTO: Acting Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency Andrew Wheeler speaks during an event hosted by U.S. President Donald Trump with workers on "Cutting the Red Tape, Unleashing Economic Freedom" in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, U.S., October 17, 2018. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts/File Photo


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump's new pick to run the Environmental Protection Agency told lawmakers on Wednesday he does not believe climate change is a major crisis, and would continue to undo Obama-era emission limits if confirmed.


Trump nominated EPA Acting Administrator Andrew Wheeler last week to run the agency permanently, seeking a strong advocate for his pro-fossil fuels agenda - a choice that cheered business interests and drawn scorn from environmentalists.


"I would not call it the greatest crisis," Wheeler said at his confirmation hearing when asked if he believed the increasingly urgent warnings from scientists about the threats from global warming.


Wheeler's confirmation is expected to sail through the Republican-controlled Senate despite Democratic opposition. A Washington insider with years of experience, he has been running the EPA since July when his predecessor Scott Pruitt resigned in a flurry of criticism over his use of resources and staff for personal matters.


Democratic lawmakers focused on Wheeler's record at EPA, his past lobbying work for energy companies, and his stance on global warming - casting him as a pro-business extremist not fit to run the nation's top environmental regulator.


Democrat Senator Ed Markey of Massachusetts and Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, an independent who caucuses with Democrats, asked Wheeler his view of global warming, which scientists say is driven by fossil fuels consumption and is leading to sea level rise, and more frequent flooding, wildfires and extreme weather.


Wheeler said he believed global warming is an important issue that needs to be addressed, but that far-reaching federal regulation forcing deep emissions cuts was the wrong approach and more faith should be put in the hands of states and private enterprise.


"You are putting up a smokescreen to ensure there is an advancement of Donald Trump’s dirty policies," Markey said, in one of the hearing's most heated exchanges. "That’s why it is relevant that you are a former coal industry lobbyist."


A federal report written by 13 government agencies late last year said climate change will cost the U.S. economy hundreds of billions of dollars by the end of the century, damaging everything from human health to infrastructure and agricultural production.


Trump, who has repeatedly cast doubt on climate change and has indicated his intention to withdraw from a global pact to fight it, dismissed the report after its release, saying "I don't believe it".


Wheeler said he had been briefed on the assessment, but was waiting for further briefings from his staff before taking a public position on its findings.



Wheeler defended his record at EPA, which has been largely defined by moves to undo or weaken Obama-era environmental regulations. He cast the agency's rollbacks as a way to reduce the regulatory burden on business while also protecting air and water quality for Americans.


Among his accomplishments, Wheeler last year finalised a proposal to replace Obama-era federal curbs on carbon dioxide emissions from power plants with a new rule placing much of that power in the hands of states.


He has also overseen the EPA's gutting of the justification for Obama-era mercury emissions limits, a proposal to reduce the number of waterways under federal protection, and efforts to lower targets for vehicle fuel efficiency.


Democrats pressed Wheeler on whether his EPA work was in any way linked to his previous lobbying on behalf of energy companies like underground coal giant Murray Energy, a vocal proponent of reduced environmental and safety regulation.


Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, a Rhode Island Democrat, held up photos of Wheeler attending meetings between Murray's Chief Executive Robert Murray and Trump administration officials, and asked Wheeler for a full accounting of the number of such meetings he had arranged for the coal company.


Wheeler said he would provide a written response.


Industry representatives and Republican lawmakers have largely praised Wheeler for his deregulatory stance.


"He understands how the regulatory process works and the type of effort that is required to develop effective and legally defensible regulatory reforms," said Jeff Holmstead, a partner at industry-focused law firm Bracewell and a former EPA air administrator.


Environmental groups have taken a different view.


Activists briefly interrupted Wheeler's testimony on Wednesday shouting "Shut down Wheeler, not the EPA," and several were arrested after demonstrating outside the hearing room.


(Additional reporting by Humeyra Pamuk; Editing by Marguerita Choy and Paul Simao)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2019-01-17
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1 hour ago, oztaurus said:

When will a commercial passenger plane or cargo ship operate on "renewable" energy? Until that time fossil fuels will remain important. 

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Actually storage of the energy is the key and weaning off fossil fuel and the fuel lobby.if I could travel 1,000 miles on a charge that would be great but the batteries aren’t up to it yet the key is storage of the energy it’s out there for the harvesting 

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2 hours ago, oztaurus said:

no, they are not cheaper and are much less efficient in addition, the lack of ability to respond to peak power demands.

this has to be measured in cost per Kw hour, then factor in the downtime of renewable sources and their maintenance costs.

That would be an honest assessment 







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Is this chap getting paid during the trump Shutdown?


I think that the EPA employees forced back to work without pay, to prepare Mr. Wheeler for his confirmation hearing are not.


Not much to administer I guess?


trump seems jazzed about EVs...




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5 hours ago, TopDeadSenter said:

 Well this is a breath of fresh air. So called climate change, and how to extract the maximum amount of money from populations to fix the pie-in-the-sky theory makes me sick to the back teeth. Unproven, disagreed on by many scientists, many "green" energies causing untold damage mining hazardous materials to make batteries and other accompanying hardware. It's all a total nonsense. Good to see Wheeler concurring. Fossil fuels will be and should be our primary fuel sources until a) climate change is proven and realistic plans are made to deal with it, or b) fossil fuels are finished. We should be fine for another few hundred years - time to develop realistic plans.

Pathetic nonsense !

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

more faith should be put in the hands of states and private enterprise.

Wow..... just wow


local, state,  national and international standards exist simply because actors cannot be trusted to act responsibly, as is proven over and over and over again.



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9 minutes ago, farcanell said:

Wow..... just wow


local, state,  national and international standards exist simply because actors cannot be trusted to act responsibly, as is proven over and over and over again.



Even Milton Friedman, the patron economist-saint of capitalism, conceded that government intervention was necessary to protect the environment.

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7 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

It is still 70% jet fuel. The US Navy tried this during President Obama's term for carrier based aircraft. The fuel cost 8 to ten times the cost of regular jet fuel. Not exactly a panacea. 

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Im not giving up my lifestyle so some elitist bureaucrats, activists, snake oil salesmen and ignorant millennial busybodies can gin up some purported existential crisis and get more control over my life, especially when they ignore settled science in favour of dictatorial solutions.


Even assuming arguendo that it matters, when Chinas CO2 drop, give me a holler. If you are an American and are so worried about Global warming, move to Cali or Washington state and pay your carbon taxes. Or permit nuclear plants faster to generate some of the clean electric you will need to run your clean cars. And dont go running to Conferences all over the place on someone elses dime emitting more pollutants than I can do in a lifetime on a steady diet of beans. Until yall get that straightened out, pass me a Burger and a Ford V-8.




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