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For better or worse? Expats think Thailand is going down the pan, poll


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1 hour ago, marcusarelus said:

Do you consider yourself xenophobic and can hardly tolerate Thai people, cause it seems that way to me.  What do you think Brexit and Trump are all about?  Can you say Xenophobic?

You've asked lots of questions, Thank you. 


1. I do not consider myself xenophobic. 


2. I can hardly tolerate most Thais I have encountered. 


3. I think Brexit and Trump are largely about anti-globalism and racism, respectively (though they are highly complex). 


4. Yes, I can say that but only in English. 

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9 hours ago, Eligius said:

I am surprised that no one who is quoted from the poll seems to regard the political situation here as concerning (to put it mildly).



In say the last 10 years, how have you been personally affected by the political situation here?


I guess none of the 341 polled were affected in the slightest.

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6 hours ago, villagefarang said:



I like living here now, it is better than when I first arrived and it gets better every year, so that means it will be better still in five years time.  With a longer time span one is afforded a different perspective, perhaps.

Why don't you list some factual examples of how Thailand has gotten better every year?


The pollution in Bangkok has gotten much better; that is if you love air pollution!

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9 hours ago, fruitman said:

We're also going to move out....enough is enough.


Many Thai products cost more in BKK than in the West....in the supermarkets...if you like high quality products (like most westerners do) thailand is 2-5 times as expensive as the West....so it's a no brainer for me...leave!

What are the high quality products you're talking of?

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14 minutes ago, HalfLight said:

I fully agree, personally I prefer being in the former of the categories you mention. If the balloon goes up, the B&P Brigade will just move on to the next spot where they can slake their carnal needs, exploit peasant women and have a beer with the chaps. Provided they are in the same social cetagory of course.

I think you are in error about the peasant women.  According to my calculations there are 126,942 university students supplementing their education by the nightlife business and approximately 76,092 bank tellers/office workers working par-time in Bangkok and Pattaya entertainment venues.  


If you visited some of the places that cater to the well educated and affluent Thai male you would be aware of these facts.  I'd suggest some in depth research with some more affluent Thai men before posting such falsehoods about peasant women.  You sound like a Russian trying to overthrow the Czar in 1917.  Thailand's main source of income is industry not farming and has been for quite some time.  


Thai visa posters are far more educated and knowledgeable than to fall for your outdated NGO pitch that lost any relevance 50 years ago.  

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18 minutes ago, DaRoadrunner said:

Wait till you find out what Cambodian (Can-bodge) medical care is like.


I spent the best part of a year in Cambodia with my Cambodian girlfriend. Was advised by many, "If you fall ill, get the first plane to Bangkok".


We eventually split up because I couldn't spend the rest of my life in Cambodia, too "third world" for me. Brought her to Thailand but she was adamant that she couldn't live anywhere but Cambodia.

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20 minutes ago, TKDfella said:

But then I'm not so naive as to think that there is some perfect place 'out there' because each place has its problems

Indeed. How right you are. All places are much the same (subject to cultural differences), because in all places, people are much the same, and it's people who make any land and any culture what they are..


I'm fortunate, but certain aspects of my life aside, there are others much like me. I prefer the quiet life. In general I don't like Thais and have disdain for them, but that does not hamper me in the slightest because they talk to my wife and avoid me for the simple reason that she speaks their version of Thai and my Thai is stilted at best. Plus I look different.


Bottom line: my dislike of Thas has not harmed me in any way, in fact it's made me more cautious which is a good thing. It is what it is, I chose my path and am walking it. So far, it has repaid me handomely and achieved much of what I wanted to achive and a lot besides which I didn't know I wanted to achieve. Thais? Largely crooks, Thailand? A midden, unbeautiful and going to rack and ruin. But (as they say) forawarned is forearmed and I imagine everywhere has faults.


Edited by HalfLight
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19 minutes ago, bwpage3 said:

Why don't you list some factual examples of how Thailand has gotten better every year?


The pollution in Bangkok has gotten much better; that is if you love air pollution!

1.  90 day reports online.  2.  Lotus and Tops better stocked.  3.  Internet faster and more dependable Download 304.6 Mbps Up 165.5 3bb.  4.  Many more imported beers available.  5.  Netflix better selection and quality.  6.  GNP steady growth with low inflation for the past 15 years. 7.  Price of bottled water and Song taus has remained the same for the past 10 years.  8.  Price of retirement Visa has remained the same for many years. 9.  Currency appreciation for those wise enough to invest in Thai bank has appreciated against most currencies for the past 10 years.

Edited by marcusarelus
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2 minutes ago, bwpage3 said:

The question is Thailand going down the pan in the next 5 years?


The pollution currently in Bangkok is worst than ever.


Past 2 regimes stated they would solve the flooding crisis to no avail.


This PM does NOT want to let go of power.


In the event of another "POSSIBLE" upcoming coup, who knows how all the rules will change.


The fact is some people are trapped in Thailand and have no choice but to make the best of things.


Other folks have a choice and have money to move and relocate.


Others can afford to have a house in their own country and visit Thailand when ever they feel like it.


However, the country as a whole, not counting anything related to expats, is NOT moving forward.


Thailand is selling out all mega-projects to China and Japan.


Tourism will eventually take a hit due to Thailand's disregard for safety and security.


What is Thailand doing now to increase the countries overall prosperity and wealth? The answer is absolutely nothing different than the past 20 years except the costs across the board are rising.


Expats may find ways to survive, however, the country as a whole is not moving forward and never will; counting on China and Japan to fund/own mega-projects and put money into the pockets of the govt leaders through corruption.


I wouldn't be worried so much about living in Thailand,  I would be worrying about what the country is doing to itself and how that is going to affect the next five years?


Problems like the pollution in Bangkok will be unsolvable and only get worse as rules and regulations allow 25 million cars in a city built for 2 million.


Greed and "What's in it for me" will eventually bring Thailand down even more that it already is.


Only have to ask yourself why all the corrupt big-shots across the country have second homes in Australia, UK, or USA if Thailand is really all that and on the upswing?

Apart from "pollution in Bangkok" ( I couldn't think of anywhere worse to live in Thailand and not because of the pollution) what, from all the problems you have mentioned, affects your daily life in Thailand. I'm not affected in the least by any of them.


Couldn't give a monkeys how the Thais run Thailand....as long as the sun keeps shining.

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4 minutes ago, bwpage3 said:

The question is Thailand going down the pan in the next 5 years?


The pollution currently in Bangkok is worst than ever.


Past 2 regimes stated they would solve the flooding crisis to no avail.


This PM does NOT want to let go of power.


In the event of another "POSSIBLE" upcoming coup, who knows how all the rules will change.


The fact is some people are trapped in Thailand and have no choice but to make the best of things.


Other folks have a choice and have money to move and relocate.


Others can afford to have a house in their own country and visit Thailand when ever they feel like it.


However, the country as a whole, not counting anything related to expats, is NOT moving forward.


Thailand is selling out all mega-projects to China and Japan.


Tourism will eventually take a hit due to Thailand's disregard for safety and security.


What is Thailand doing now to increase the countries overall prosperity and wealth? The answer is absolutely nothing different than the past 20 years except the costs across the board are rising.


Expats may find ways to survive, however, the country as a whole is not moving forward and never will; counting on China and Japan to fund/own mega-projects and put money into the pockets of the govt leaders through corruption.


I wouldn't be worried so much about living in Thailand,  I would be worrying about what the country is doing to itself and how that is going to affect the next five years?


Problems like the pollution in Bangkok will be unsolvable and only get worse as rules and regulations allow 25 million cars in a city built for 2 million.


Greed and "What's in it for me" will eventually bring Thailand down even more that it already is.


Only have to ask yourself why all the corrupt big-shots across the country have second homes in Australia, UK, or USA if Thailand is really all that and on the upswing?

Some very good points here. As for rich people moving, BKK will be underwater in 30 years, and Thais are incompetent and untrained so they won't know how to stop it, if it can be stopped. Nakhon Tatchasima is reputed to he the landed baron's choice for a new capital. Good luck with that one , NR is a flea-pit and I'd be very happy never to go there again.

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7 minutes ago, HalfLight said:

Then there were other factors... perhaps some you didn't know about: friends, family, expectations et al.

No, was fully aware of that, you've just listed her main reasons + she felt looked down upon by Thais, and couldn't cope with the modernity. She'd never been on an escalator in her life until she came to Thailand.

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46 minutes ago, Whyamiandwhatamidoinghere said:

If your living here it's probably true she nor the kids want to leave their home and leave Thailand. Long distance relationship isn't a sustainable option. On a fixed income you can be holding down two households. But if you are so blessed to have a woman that stands by her man than by Thailand then you'll sleep good tonight and in the future. I know of one woman faithful like that. All the other women I ever knew leaving Thailand were running to what they thought was a good life abroad or running from a bad life here. 

Initially there will be resistance as the indoctrination is so strong, but show them the splendor of the undeniably superior life of a Western conqueror and soon they'll realize they've been fooled and grass is not only greener on the other side, it has THC in it.

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9 hours ago, webfact said:


341 respondents.

That's it! 341 respondents. that number is not even a measurable number representative of the total population it is supposed to represent. Totally misleading. It is not even 1/10 of 1%. Totally misleading. 

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4 minutes ago, Fex Bluse said:

1. 90 reporting online was plagued with issues until recently. But, sure a VERY MINOR win. 


2. Lotus and Tops are better stocked only in some locations. In others, entire sections of imported goods vanished a couple years ago. Some were replaced with horrific quality items from places like Russia. 


3. Internet is OK, but the speed within the country is mostly irrelevant as the vast majority of content we want is not in Thailand. The international bandwidth is still horrible. 


4. At prices far, far higher than they available in western countries. Excessive prices. 


5. The Thailand Netflix database is one of the SMALLEST in the world. Thailand has about 10% of the Netflix content available in the US. 


6. Distribution of that wealth has gone almost exclusively to the already wealthy. Recall the recent World Bank reporting on Thailand having the worst wealth gap in the world. 


7. OK very minor 


8. Also minor

3.  International bandwidth is fine.  You must not have 3bb.  4.  Prices are not higher than the West - much cheaper here.  5. Easy to watch Nefflix from any other country in Thailand.  6. The lack of inflation makes goods cheaper for all levels of society.  7.  The strength of the Thai baht makes imported goods cheaper for all levels of society. 

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Well for those thinking about Cambodia, seriously look at the human rights abuses there.

Check out the health care

check out the REGIME in power there

for those complaining about the cost of food, ever tried the local markets?

Great fruit and veg available

Eating from local markets in rural areas cheaper than cooking yrself

Why do u go to the "supermarkets for food stuff, buy daily what you need 


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3 minutes ago, Fex Bluse said:

1. 90 reporting online was plagued with issues until recently. But, sure a VERY MINOR win. 


2. Lotus and Tops are better stocked only in some locations. In others, entire sections of imported goods vanished a couple years ago. Some were replaced with horrific quality items from places like Russia. 


3. Internet is OK, but the speed within the country is mostly irrelevant as the vast majority of content we want is not in Thailand. The international bandwidth is still horrible. 


4. At prices far, far higher than they available in western countries. Excessive prices. 


5. The Thailand Netflix database is one of the SMALLEST in the world. Thailand has about 10% of the Netflix content available in the US. 


6. Distribution of that wealth has gone almost exclusively to the already wealthy. Recall the recent World Bank reporting on Thailand having the worst wealth gap in the world. 


7. OK very minor 


8. Also minor

1, I've never had a problem with 90 day reporting. Never takes more than 5 minutes and I combine it with an afternoon in Jontien.


2.Lotus and Tops are fine but have several other smaller ferang based supermarkets close to where I live. Only product I can't buy is crumpets, well I can buy Thai made crumpets but they're crap.


3.Internet is faster and cheaper than it was for me in the UK. I use a VPN and can access the same content as my own country.


4. Some things more expensive, some things less expensive.


5. With a VPN you can access U.S. Netflix.


6. Wealth gap hasn't affected me, I'm worth the same now as I've always been.


7. Yes, all very minor, insignificantly minor.


8. As above.


You do sound like a glass half empty kinda guy. Try looking on the bright side. I never have problems, only solutions.

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9 hours ago, dyertribe said:

I'm seriously looking at Cambodia as an option for my retirement where, up until now, it has always been Thailand.


Check out their record on human rights

Corruption (so bad even Thai looks like no morning tea money required)


Health Care


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I’m not optimistic that Thailand will be better in five years but the same could be said of most countries. The whole world is on a downward spiral and it’s just a matter of who gets to the bottom first. 

There are number of catalysts accelerating Thailand’s lack of appeal and unless something changes soon I see many people bailing out in search of greener pastures. 

No matter what, I think I’ve seen the best Thailand had to offer but it was a long time ago but everyone ‘s experience will be different. If I stay I stay if I go I go. Time and circumstances will be the decider or perhaps the exchange rate (one of those catalysts aforementioned)

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