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Monk Disrobed Following Receiving Alms From.....

libya 115

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SOURCE: Pattaya City News: February 24th 2007

Monk disrobed after he is caught on camera, breaking the rules.

Pattaya Police were called to the south end of Pattaya Beach Road at 4am on Saturday Morning after receiving complaints from members of the public regarding a monk who was receiving donations of food and money from Tourists drinking at Beer Bars which were still open.

This contravenes rules relating to the practice of Buddist Monks and Police decided to gather video evidence and escorted the Monk to the nearby Chaimongkon Temple on the South Pattaya Road.

The monk in question, Pra Tongpoon from Chayapoon Province came to Pattaya one week ago and explained to the Chief Monk of this temple that he did not reside in a Temple but stayed in a tent behind the Big C Supercenter in North Pattaya.

The Chief Monk decided to disrobe the Monk who was handed to Police who are considering pressing criminal charges against the former Monk.

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SOURCE: Pattaya City News: February 24th 2007

Monk disrobed after he is caught on camera, breaking the rules.

Pattaya Police were called to the south end of Pattaya Beach Road at 4am on Saturday Morning after receiving complaints from members of the public regarding a monk who was receiving donations of food and money from Tourists drinking at Beer Bars which were still open.

This contravenes rules relating to the practice of Buddist Monks and Police decided to gather video evidence and escorted the Monk to the nearby Chaimongkon Temple on the South Pattaya Road.

The monk in question, Pra Tongpoon from Chayapoon Province came to Pattaya one week ago and explained to the Chief Monk of this temple that he did not reside in a Temple but stayed in a tent behind the Big C Supercenter in North Pattaya.

The Chief Monk decided to disrobe the Monk who was handed to Police who are considering pressing criminal charges against the former Monk.

Are you sure he's not your brother Labia 115 ?

The resemblance is uncanny :o

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Last week there was a monk going into bars in Suk soi 4 in Bangkok and being chased out of them by waitresses very curtly

He was not Thai though and dresses in grey robes.

There is a reported problem with fake Thai monks here in Singapore though - I often see them remitting money at Golden Mile Complex if I go along there for lunch and found it odd there would always be guy's in robes there at remittance agency's

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I was buying video games the other day and I saw a monk, in his late thirties, buying a video game, Counter-Strike (first person shooter), I sh!t you not. :o

I think I have seen monks in Panthip Plaza nearly every time I have been there. It is very upsetting to Thai friends who think that monks should not be there.

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