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‘Oust Me If You Dare, Jerks,’ Raging Prayuth Says


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In the good old days the ousted would have their heads on pikes next to the moat. Ah, bring back the medieval times .. I mean the rest of it, 90% is already in use in Thailand.


Where are the yanks when we need them.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plaek_Phibunsongkhram#1957_coup_and_exile

Edited by DrTuner
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The thing about self appointed leaders is they can be immature,pyscopathic,selfish,non caring,mean,enslaving,any bad thing you can think of but they will keep the power and they know it.Who will take it from them? No one stopped Hitler till it became international.

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14 minutes ago, GinBoy2 said:

Those TVF 'Junta Hugging Cheerleaders' of a few years back seem to have mostly evaporated.


I wonder why???

Prayut took off running but slowed to a crawl after the introduction of section 44 and few other backward moves,  like all military junta's he's hand strung by a discipline that doesn't exist in the public domain, therein lies the problem , Asian Generals have never been known to be great statesmen.

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5 minutes ago, chainarong said:

Prayut took off running but slowed to a crawl after the introduction of section 44 and few other backward moves,  like all military junta's he's hand strung by a discipline that doesn't exist in the public domain, therein lies the problem , Asian Generals have never been known to be great statesmen.

I doubt if I can think of a single one who was good at anything, other than lying and corruption. 


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41 minutes ago, Anythingleft? said:

This is going to be a very interesting period coming up, just hope it doesn't all go to s#$% because it's going to affect a lot of people...

That's pretty much guaranteed, the question is will it be the funny kind you can shrug off as usual or will there finally be some (probably violent) movement into the 20th century.

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I often wonder how the leaders of today get elected, oh sorry, he wasn't ????


The above said, he is right up there with Humpty Trumpty and Rodrigo Duterte and the like.


Bring on the elections jerkoff, Thailand will have the last laugh, I hope.

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26 minutes ago, djayz said:

The next couple of months should Prove interesting... or scary. 

My money's on scary, I think this guy's lost the plot, and that makes him a dangerous man to have 300,000 soldiers prepared to obey him. I think the odds against a civil war are beginning to shorten right about now.




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1 hour ago, chainarong said:

Prayut took off running but slowed to a crawl after the introduction of section 44 and few other backward moves,  like all military junta's he's hand strung by a discipline that doesn't exist in the public domain, therein lies the problem , Asian Generals have never been known to be great statesmen.

And very suspect in the field they are supposedly been trained, although seem to excel in corruption, golf, and butt kicking

Edited by Artisi
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1 minute ago, HalfLight said:

My money's on scary, I think this guy's lost the plot, and that makes him a dangerous man to have 300,000 soldiers prepared to obey him. I think the odds against a civil war are beginning to shorten right about now.




Would it be unreasonable to think that not all of the 300,000 hold the same view and some might even be anti junta in their thinking and consider there is a better future for Thailand - just a thought, as I along with many others don't really know.. 

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10 minutes ago, Artisi said:

Would it be unreasonable to think that not all of the 300,000 hold the same view and some might even be anti junta in their thinking and consider there is a better future for Thailand - just a thought, as I along with many others don't really know.. 

Eminently reasonable, and there's conflict there. The Watermelons have a loyalty to their region (largely Isaan and the North) but measured against that, is the army training designed to knock all rational thinking out of them. 'Jump' - 'how high?' That's going to lead to all manner of discipline problems on both sides of the coin, which I believe is the major explanation for the beatings-up and hazing of new and new-ish recruits which is certainly sanctioned higher up the tree than the NCO's who usually dish it out. That and the natural Thai tendency to be a nasty SOB, suppressed in the wider population.


Mind you, I think as soon as the army orders army action against family then we're in the end game. Oh, and by the way, I don't think anyone 'knows', I certainly don't - been proved wrong too many times.

Edited by HalfLight
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