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New retiree visa rules bewilder Thai immigration: Source

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2 hours ago, Fex Bluse said:

And, to add insult to injury, the types of Thai accounts the money can be held in are crap, low interest accounts. 

They don't like us here, their logic is to squeeze and milk us or to drive us away. They don't care which one. 

FX will have made many of those who have transferred the last 2/3 years very happy irrespective of your interest rates. 

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4 hours ago, Sheryl said:

And then there is the problem o that many people of retirement  have significant pre-existing conditions that would either make them uninsurable or result in significant exclusions (leaving them in essence still uninsured except for accidents).


there are things the government could set up and require that would actually make sense but that is nto likely to be what emerges fin any mandatory health insurance requirement.

1 hour ago, fulhamster said:

Hard to get decent insurance coverage aged 65 plus


Which is why any mandatory coverage should be only to treat accidents and acute-illnesses - requiring the repatriation of anyone unable to pay for (and/or pay to insure-for) ongoing care. 


4 hours ago, icare999 said:

Maybe 500,000 visa elite valid 5 years is a good alternative now you have to keep 400,000 anyway 

Want to bet someone involved in these rule-changes had that thought?

Edited by JackThompson
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1 hour ago, JackThompson said:

Many qualified up until a month ago - or won't in another month.  THAT is the issue.  Not even a 1-year warning for retirees - that's disgraceful. 


Then add the "extra month" added to marriage-based extension seasoning - without even a public-statement or One Day of warning - even more disgraceful, as it more directly harms their own citizens. 


After they were told (before BJ took over) that they needed to "verify" income-streams - unless they are all (4) lying about what transpired last May.  I agree they should have ignored it and carried on unless/until they were no longer accepted, as the others have.


The PI is much better - love foreigners.  Many Filipinos don't speak English well, though the educated do. 

It isn't "Thais" who are the problem - most Thais are great.  It's just some anti-foreigner clique within Thailand's deep-state, which gets worse and worse, regardless of which govt is in power.

Don't you think the foreigners/farangs are getting worse as well with their disrespect of Thai people, Thai culture, Thai laws, etc?   


I don't think they are anti-foreigner but rather anti-trouble maker. Not all that are being affected are trouble-makers but they are paying the price for those who are.


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1 hour ago, JackThompson said:

Many qualified up until a month ago - or won't in another month.  THAT is the issue.  Not even a 1-year warning for retirees - that's disgraceful. 


Then add the "extra month" added to marriage-based extension seasoning - without even a public-statement or One Day of warning - even more disgraceful, as it more directly harms their own citizens. 


After they were told (before BJ took over) that they needed to "verify" income-streams - unless they are all (4) lying about what transpired last May.  I agree they should have ignored it and carried on unless/until they were no longer accepted, as the others have.


The PI is much better - love foreigners.  Many Filipinos don't speak English well, though the educated do. 

It isn't "Thais" who are the problem - most Thais are great.  It's just some anti-foreigner clique within Thailand's deep-state, which gets worse and worse, regardless of which govt is in power.

Do you really want to deal with their President? He might execute you for simply walking across the street on any given Thursday at 2:15 pm while whistling. 

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3 hours ago, Lingba said:

so what exactly ware they going to do to monitor you having the money in 3 months after you were given the extension????….are we now going to have to bring in a bank statement when we do our 90 day?...as usual, a ton of gray areas that nobody will be able to figure out and no two immigration offices in this country will process all this in the same way....another mess

What has 90 day reporting got anything to do with the changed rules? ????


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Going to work real well for folks who leave the country under the 3 month time period after getting a renewal... 


So are they gonna have Immigration at the airport checking folks coming into the country???   LOL... cant wait for the international press articles... 


TIT... it will all be different next week/month/year...


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10 hours ago, evadgib said:

It isn't worth getting excited until after a new govt gets sworn in.

You honestly think the junta is going to allow anyone else to take control of the county?


This will be a sham election. Even if it’s not Prayut, it will be someone on their team.

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12 minutes ago, dcnx said:

You honestly think the junta is going to allow anyone else to take control of the county?


This will be a sham election. Even if it’s not Prayut, it will be someone on their team.

Then there is just one thing to do...… RUN Forrest RUN!!!!!   ????

Edited by HuskerDo
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5 hours ago, simtemple said:

The Philippines requires an initial bank deposit of US $10,000 and it can be used as a deposit to purchase a property.  The added bonus is that there are no greedy Thais and the Filipinos generally speak good English.

Hey Sim. The comment "They don't like us here, their logic is to squeeze and milk us or to drive us away. They don't care which one. " came from Fex Bluse and not me.


Please quit misrepresenting posts. Thank you. Apology accepted.   

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9 hours ago, smedly said:

The problem BJ has is he cannot trust his own staff or any official to check any of this, it could be a simple case of bringing the used bankbook to immigration upon request after the extension has been granted - but then who does BJ trust in the local office to do this, as it stands officials in the local Immigration office are complicit in the illegal activity so they will never investigate/expose themselves. BJ needs a team he trusts to randomly select immigration offices and do an internal audit and if required contact approved extension applicants and ask them to provide their bank statements, if they have been involved in bypassing the rules then their extension should be cancelled, the agent and IO involved should be prosecuted - simple

That could result in a massive staff shortage,

throughout immigration offices in Thailand. 


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5 minutes ago, lamyai3 said:

What do you suggest is fair treatment in the case of a UK citizen who retired here 15 years ago with £1000 a month pension, and has lived comfortably since then supporting his Thai family, even in spite the steadily worsening rates of exchange? Is he to abandon his family and go back to work at age 75?


For the record, 15 years ago £1000 purchased 74000 baht, right now the same money will get you around 41000 on a good day. 

How did you get an extension the last several years if a person needs 65,000 baht monthly? £1000 is approx. half that amount.

Edited by HuskerDo
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13 hours ago, Fex Bluse said:

Is that accurate? That the money needs to stay 3 months after the extension is granted? Because it used to be that the money needed to be in the account for 3 months before the extension is granted. This is going to catch many people off guard! 

There is a new amendment out which can be seen as the OP here. 


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13 hours ago, barefootbangkok said:

Obviously these new regulations will create a bigger workload for the Thai Immigration staff who process all the paperwork, it seems at times that they are worn out.  The staff processing the 90 day reports look especially tired which makes sense since they have to process all the long term expats 4 times a year. 

Or perhaps reduce the workload substantially as many will decide to use agents who, for some reason, have been able to get around seasoning and money in the bank requirements.


They will get a quick rubber stamp from a guy sitting lop-sided. 

Edited by jacko45k
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13 hours ago, pattayadgw said:

If BJ keeps going down this road he won't have too many foreigners left in LOS.  Just keep squeezing BJ and at the end of it all it will be just another case of som nom naaaa!!  you make ya bed... now sleep in it!!

People on retirement and marriage extensions are but a tiny fraction of all the foreigners in Thailand. And many of those few are committed, as they have property that is unsaleable, a partner, maybe children or step-children and are tied here. 

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9 hours ago, robsamui said:

So What - you are an investor or you are looking for domestic consistency? You LIVE where? I live in Thailand and who gives a shit about your ancient investments. Now I am going to live somewhere else  after building a life in Thailand and living here.

Complain about your lack of investment foresight to someone who cares. Nobody here does. But we DO care about the quality of life in Thailand. And that's why thousands like me are moving out.

Stuff that in your investment portfolio and weight the losses and chat to other bloodless investors about it.

I was responding to "invest in Vietnam."  I think that is a questionable thing to do and so do the credit rating agencies.

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1 hour ago, lamyai3 said:

What do you suggest is fair treatment in the case of a UK citizen who retired here 15 years ago with £1000 a month pension, and has lived comfortably since then supporting his Thai family, even in spite the steadily worsening rates of exchange? Is he to abandon his family and go back to work at age 75?


For the record, 15 years ago £1000 purchased 74000 baht, right now the same money will get you around 41000 on a good day. 

I knew the risks when I moved here 20 years ago.  My money was worth more then.  Now it's worth less.  You pays your money and takes your chances. 

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