Popular Post 348GTS Posted February 7, 2019 Popular Post Posted February 7, 2019 Notice how since the new evidence surfaced, there is not a peep from the Warren defenders? Crickets and tumbleweeds... ???????????? 4
Popular Post TallGuyJohninBKK Posted February 7, 2019 Popular Post Posted February 7, 2019 5 minutes ago, 348GTS said: Notice how since the new evidence surfaced, there is not a peep from the Warren defenders? Crickets and tumbleweeds... ???????????? Not true... Based on the prior evidence, where she claimed minimal American Indian ancestry and proved that thru her DNA test, I found nothing particularly problematic. But the latest news, which very differently has her listing herself in official records as an American Indian, I certainly would judge to be very wrong. Although, from what I've read, her making those claims occurred in context where it didn't result in any particular advantage or benefit to her. However, either way, her conduct, which certainly seems troubling, pales in comparison to Trump's blatant, repeated, incessant lies and misrepresentations about almost everything -- his personal life, his conduct as president, his business dealings, etc etc... Warren is not even close to being in the same league as Trump when it comes to misrepresentation... So I wouldn't start comparing the two in that regard. 1 3
Popular Post thaibeachlovers Posted February 8, 2019 Popular Post Posted February 8, 2019 16 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said: Not true... Based on the prior evidence, where she claimed minimal American Indian ancestry and proved that thru her DNA test, I found nothing particularly problematic. But the latest news, which very differently has her listing herself in official records as an American Indian, I certainly would judge to be very wrong. Although, from what I've read, her making those claims occurred in context where it didn't result in any particular advantage or benefit to her. However, either way, her conduct, which certainly seems troubling, pales in comparison to Trump's blatant, repeated, incessant lies and misrepresentations about almost everything -- his personal life, his conduct as president, his business dealings, etc etc... Warren is not even close to being in the same league as Trump when it comes to misrepresentation... So I wouldn't start comparing the two in that regard. You can't justify Warren's behaviour by attacking Trump, and none of the vitriol that you post has anything to do with the topic. 2 3
Popular Post Kieran00001 Posted February 8, 2019 Popular Post Posted February 8, 2019 On 2/6/2019 at 5:25 AM, 348GTS said: Oh, of course... what the "gutter press" are reporting (definition: the media which contradicts what you choose to believe on purely partisan grounds). It seems clear to most here that you don't know what you're talking about and are randomly cherry picking unrelated items of information to any of the facts that I and others have already offered up. You are desperately trying to put your own partisan spin on a story which is a matter of public record. "The college" (whatever that is...) didn't say anything which disproves or contradicts or even challenges any of the facts that I stated in my earlier posts so no idea what you keep harping on about. There is a fine line between being uninformed and being ignorant, one which you're in danger of crossing with your continued desperate attempts to undermine all those pesky facts. So please carry on, I don't really care and I will not be bothering with you from here on. Have you even read the official comment from the college in question? How about the independent study which located all living relevant staff members involved in her recruitment at the college and found nothing that matches anything that your sources have claimed? And no, gutter press is not defined by media which contradicts me, it is defined as the section of the press which are proven to present lies, for your information several papers were forced to retract their lies regarding this story, yet you still repeat them blindly as they support your agenda and you don't care a damn for thew truth. 1 2
TallGuyJohninBKK Posted February 8, 2019 Posted February 8, 2019 4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said: You can't justify Warren's behaviour by attacking Trump, and none of the vitriol that you post has anything to do with the topic. The difference between folks like me, and folks like you, is I'm troubled by politicians who misrepresent and even lie. I don't condone or support it as I clearly said in my post above, and that kind of conduct would be considered in my voting choices. Whereas folks like you merrily support the most blatant and absurd liar the nation has ever had as a president without even the slightest qualm, ignoring his multitudes of lies, and then manage to take great offense when one of his opponents is caught in something that's small in comparison. It's hypocritical, to say the least. 2 1 1
Popular Post EVENKEEL Posted February 8, 2019 Popular Post Posted February 8, 2019 3 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said: The difference between folks like me, and folks like you, is I'm troubled by politicians who misrepresent and even lie. I don't condone or support it as I clearly said in my post above, and that kind of conduct would be considered in my voting choices. Whereas folks like you merrily support the most blatant and absurd liar the nation has ever had as a president without even the slightest qualm, ignoring his multitudes of lies, and then manage to take great offense when one of his opponents is caught in something that's small in comparison. It's hypocritical, to say the least. This is not about Trump. Period. 4
Popular Post 348GTS Posted February 8, 2019 Popular Post Posted February 8, 2019 3 hours ago, Kieran00001 said: Have you even read the official comment from the college in question? How about the independent study which located all living relevant staff members involved in her recruitment at the college and found nothing that matches anything that your sources have claimed? And no, gutter press is not defined by media which contradicts me, it is defined as the section of the press which are proven to present lies, for your information several papers were forced to retract their lies regarding this story, yet you still repeat them blindly as they support your agenda and you don't care a damn for thew truth. As said previously, you're hopelessly uninformed and ignorant and what you just described above is actually yourself, an irony clearly lost on you. You're so brainwashed by the pro Democrat media that you blindly believe their spin and lies as fact. You are still banging on about colleges and staff members but none of that is relevant. It is only relevant to your own point, but not which is being discussed. The only thing that is relevant is that she claimed to be an American Indian without any evidence at all and everyone rightly ridiculed her for it. For some reason you seem to be justifying her absurd claims by implying it's okay as long as she didn't benefit from it. ???? Frankly I am getting tired of correcting you, it is becoming tiresome. You clearly don't get it (and that's fine, because as I said before I don't really care one way or the other). I don't have "an agenda to support", again you're just painfully grasping at straws in the face of physical evidence that contradicts you. It's quite sad, yet entirely predictable. 3 1
Popular Post 348GTS Posted February 8, 2019 Popular Post Posted February 8, 2019 23 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said: Not true... Based on the prior evidence, where she claimed minimal American Indian ancestry and proved that thru her DNA test, I found nothing particularly problematic. Warren is not even close to being in the same league as Trump when it comes to misrepresentation... So I wouldn't start comparing the two in that regard. Okay let me attempt to explain to you where you're going wrong. She never "claimed minimal American Indian ancestry". And this whole "tribal citizenship" angle is just the latest attempt for her to deflect and back pedal her original claims. The basis for the ridiculing of her for the past 6-7 years has been that she self identified as a Native American based on family stories of her parents eloping and her grandfather having high cheek bones. She has claimed minority status and listed herself as such on several occasions in the past without having any actual evidence apart from "family stories". Whether or not she gained any advantage or not by her claims is IRRELEVANT. It matters not one iota whether the colleges cared about what she wrote or not, the issue is that she wrote it in the first place. The fact that she listed herself under race as American Indian on her registration (when according to you she only claimed "minimal ancestry" is in itself a complete joke, why would you list yourself as being a race which you only claim to be of minimal descent?? She has been challenged for years about this and it was only due to the latest round of mocking by Trump (a spat which she started by the way), that she finally relented to getting the test done which proved what everyone already suspected since day one - she is not a Native American. And now everyone is laughing at her again. End of story. And I know it is difficult, but you need to stop letting your brainwashed dislike of President Trump influence your "opinion" on things because it is making you look silly. Instead of comparing who lies the most between Trump and Warren, what you should be doing is understanding how much the Democrat Party and the mainstream media are the ones that are lying. All they do is tell lies about Trump and in addition ignore his achievements. Half the time they lie, and the other half the time they don't even report stuff that casts him in a positive light. Yet constantly cover up or spin negative stories about Democrats. People are slowly waking up to this, I hope you do too. CNN, ABC, MSNBC and NBC, Washington Post, NY Times etc are all a bunch of partisan hacks who just repeat Democrat talking points in some type of borg like echo chamber group think. It is extremely worrying that people still believe it at this stage. CNN's viewership has plummeted in recent times for good reason. Honestly, if I hadn't informed myself, and I watched CNN every day, I would also blindly believe this crap. I am not even American, I have no horse in the race. I just find it fascinating that the media has been able to pull the wool over people's eyes the last few years. I find it fascinating but extremely worrying at the same time. 2 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said: The difference between folks like me, and folks like you, is I'm troubled by politicians who misrepresent and even lie. Whereas folks like you merrily support the most blatant and absurd liar the nation has ever had as a president Yeah again with the Trump Derangement Syndrome. Just because CNN and their partisan hacks all chirp in unison that President Trump is a liar does not make it so. The amount of times that the pro Democrat mainstream media have got it wrong is embarrassing frankly. They are not reporting news anymore, it is just blatantly biased political commentary and repeated talking points that originated straight from the mouths of the Democrat party. I am trying hard to take you seriously, but you keep doubling down on this and then you say things like "folks like me, and folks like you".... This is a typical attempt by people on the left to silence critics or facts that contradict their agenda by implying that they have some type of moral superiority. Those of us with brains are immune to this type of nonsense I'm afraid.... 3 2 1
Popular Post elmrfudd Posted February 8, 2019 Popular Post Posted February 8, 2019 On 2/2/2019 at 8:29 AM, whatsupdoc said: Elizabeth Warren would be an infinitely better president than the current occupant of the White House. Joseph de Maistre stated; "Every nation gets the government it deserves". Judging from some of the comments here, I'd say he was right. The DNA test is a non-issue. If that sinks her candidacy, then how got Trump ever elected?? Breathtakingly double standards..... Please don't take the double standard route when speaking about the left, they live in it and are given a pass from most media. It is disingenuous IMO. She lied, then lied about lying. She's done, but there will be plenty of identity politics and virtue signaling to come from the rest of the circus. 3 1
Solinvictus Posted February 8, 2019 Posted February 8, 2019 On 2/2/2019 at 6:31 AM, Cryingdick said: Talk about egg on the face. She should just drop out of the race right now before it gets uglier. She doesn't have a chance in hell. At first I was quick to think the same. However, I welcome more candidates. Also, what she did was she learned from something. Come on, allot of times people say they have such and such background in them and I believe this was her mistake. Here quote at the end really shows good character of her. 2
GinBoy2 Posted February 8, 2019 Posted February 8, 2019 My ex wife used to work as the CFO for a Northern California tribe. As an hispanic American I'd visit her at her office, I was the brownest person there! The only places you really find Native Americans is on the reservations. The 'Mr Kevin Smith(aka Dangling BigDog)' that my wife used to deal with....not so much! And Yes, her 'Indian' Boss really was a Kevin Smith!.....The Dangling BigDog, I might have made that up! 2 1
Popular Post Thomas J Posted February 8, 2019 Popular Post Posted February 8, 2019 On 2/2/2019 at 11:40 PM, TallGuyJohninBKK said: The whole Cherokee thing is just a typical Republican drummed up nothing controversy aimed at trying to discredit a would-be Democratic adversary. In typical belittling Trump style. Not true. In the United States being a member of a minority group gains you easier admission to many colleges, and leads to hiring preference under affirmative action rules. She claimed on her application to Harvard and or her registration to the Texas Bar Association to be American Indian. Her DNA test showed that at most she is 1/1024 % native american. With that insignificant an amount virtually everyone in the USA due to interbreeding would qualify as being an Indian. Cherokee which she claims to be requires that at least one ancestor be on the rolls that were allotted land in Oklahoma in 1907. Given her DNA that would not be possible. She said it was due to stories her family told about being Indian. If that is true, did her grandmother, grandfather, father, mother, siblings, or cousins similarly make a claim to be Indian. If not, it just adds to her pattern of lying. Similar to Hillary Clinton who said she was named for Sir Edmund Hillary despite her being born in 1947 and Sir Edmund not climbing Mr. Everest until 1953. 3 1
metisdead Posted February 8, 2019 Posted February 8, 2019 Some more off topic posts and the replies have been removed.
Popular Post TopDeadSenter Posted February 8, 2019 Popular Post Posted February 8, 2019 2 hours ago, Jingthing said: Where else? Fox "news" and "trump" lying central -- twitter. Quite how you are talking about Fox news and Trump (again!) on a thread about democrat presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren having faked her ethnic minority to further her career and then repeatedly lie and repeatedly get caught is a mystery. A mystery made even more incredible in light of supposedly credible and infallible CNN having recently been rumbled for their journalist of the year 2014 Claas Relotius admitting he is addicted to writing totally made up news stories that suit CNN's factually barren left wing stance. CNN's credibility is these days is about on par with Viz magazine. Now, let's hope Mrs Warren picks herself up and continues in the presidential race. Good humor is hard to find, and these dems - Warren, Cortez, Pelosi - and the rest are pure gold in the side splitting stakes. 2 1
metisdead Posted February 8, 2019 Posted February 8, 2019 Off topic posts and replies about Trump have been removed.
Popular Post elmrfudd Posted February 9, 2019 Popular Post Posted February 9, 2019 23 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said: The difference between folks like me, and folks like you, is I'm troubled by politicians who misrepresent and even lie. I don't condone or support it as I clearly said in my post above, and that kind of conduct would be considered in my voting choices. Whereas folks like you merrily support the most blatant and absurd liar the nation has ever had as a president without even the slightest qualm, ignoring his multitudes of lies, and then manage to take great offense when one of his opponents is caught in something that's small in comparison. It's hypocritical, to say the least. i think we can all do without the pious holier than thou routine. pretending politicians lie or stretch the truth more on one side versus the other is infantile. it is off topic anyway. 1 2 1
Popular Post thaibeachlovers Posted February 11, 2019 Popular Post Posted February 11, 2019 On 2/8/2019 at 7:02 PM, TallGuyJohninBKK said: The difference between folks like me, and folks like you, is I'm troubled by politicians who misrepresent and even lie. I don't condone or support it as I clearly said in my post above, and that kind of conduct would be considered in my voting choices. The difference between folks like me, and folks like you is that you apparently think Trump is the only politician that ever lied or misrepresented. That's troubling. Far as I'm concerned, there's no difference between Trump and almost every other politician on the face of the planet. It's just that they are better at fooling people than he is. This thread is actually about a politician that lied continuously about her genetic ancestry till she took a DNA test and found it was such a small part of her DNA as to be irrelevant. 1 2
EVENKEEL Posted July 15, 2019 Posted July 15, 2019 Love to see her put on a head dress and sing "Cherokee Nation".
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