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War on smokers: Smoking outside condos, public buildings officially BANNED


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Smoking has been banned in most places around the world indoors. In the US where the air is clean they have signs near entrances.

Usually surrounded by people smoking which is irritating.  In Thailand ridiculous to complain about a puff of smoke  with vehicles belching

black exhaust everywhere  the North much of the year covered with heavy smoke from agricultural burns already illegal anyway.

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Believe the first US Government reg started at 50 feet from a main entrance, probably more now.  These things tend to escalate.  And can get really stupid if hi-jacked by over-zealous crusaders motivated by something other than public health.


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4 hours ago, kelboy said:

So you can't drink when you want, you can't smoke when you want and many more things you can't do in Thailand. Well done thailand. ????


Don't they have rules regarding smoking and alcohol consumption where you come from then?


Most countries seem to.

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4 hours ago, GarryP said:

This new attack on smoking is part of the plans for reduction of air pollution. It is hilarious. Just how effective will this effort be? Instead of going after the chief causes they are going after smokers - an easy target. And no, I am not a smoker.  

No it is not !


It is just testing to what degree the slaves agree on being enslaved even more !

The air pollution is just for stupid people who believe it has anything to do with cigarettes or diesel cars.

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5 hours ago, webfact said:

Sanook said that Thai authorities were carrying out a concerted effort to ensure the rules are known and enforced. 


Translation: Authorities are looking to use it as a moneymaker. Remember when they banned smoking in bars? The next day the police began charging bars to ignore the law.




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14 minutes ago, keithet said:

What about people who smoke in the condo or balcony?

In theory it should be 5 meters outside of the condo entrance, but the balcony brings up a very good question. 


That said, there is absolutely no way anyone is going to enforce that on your balcony. 

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16 minutes ago, dcnx said:

In theory it should be 5 meters outside of the condo entrance, but the balcony brings up a very good question. 


That said, there is absolutely no way anyone is going to enforce that on your balcony. 

I think 5 meters from a balcony would result in a fall straight down. 

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3 hours ago, Pedigree said:

I wish they can ban smoking entirely!

I have never understood why people even smoke in the first place.

"I don't get why x happens, so @#$% everybody who wants to do it!"

What a happy camper you must be!

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6 hours ago, BobbyL said:

I don't think this is a bad idea (I was a smoker and still occasionally am ????). 


The one massive problem is mentioned in the final paragraph. The rules won't be clear or enforced in any consistent way. 

I wish I could have a cig

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7 hours ago, kelboy said:

So you can't drink when you want, you can't smoke when you want and many more things you can't do in Thailand. Well done thailand. ????

The rules re smoking are no different from many counties, when can you not drink when you want ?

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6 hours ago, DM07 said:

I a bothered because it is idiotic!

I bet, smokers contribute to air- pollution in  a minimal way, compared to a bunch of other things, that go unpunished!

And also: first smokers had to go outside, then away from the beaches (last time I checked: pretty much outside!), now away from buildings, but not too far, so they could end up in a park...

It is just plain stupid and that's what bothers me!

There are many fields, where fines would be helping the economy way more and no one bothers about that!

But I guess, you have excellent points in favor of this madness?!

Minimal or not it is still air pollution that one who does not want to breath is simply idiotic as whether the smokers are far or near does nothing as the particles/smell is still on your clothing you can not escape it. It is the same for those with children that the masses think they are dong the children justice by smoking away from them. The human body is a walking organism and it absorbs everything it comes in contact with high or low. This post is not about you but for all the ones that think otherwise like everything we do as long as it is not in direct contact then "me" can not be harmed. So, all this is pure nonsense and only is another attempt to have more fines something that can generate funds. Now, you are totally correct as I see on a daily bases "kids" ridding unsupervised and a lack of care for themselves or others on the road ways and little to nothing is done about it. Sure education is by far outdated here if any as me and the wife sell at one of the local markets near the house and I see kids there at times when they should be in school. I asked the wife and was told that is most of Thailand where it is more important to make money and the kids help out. Sure not all but I see many that do not go cause the parents do not put them in school or they simply do not have the time to do. As I get older the more and more I see the same crap all over the world with everywhere having their own issues. Homes broken up, families divided and so on in the name of MONEY.......

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In Australia if you rent or own a condo, smoking on your private balcony is banned because smoke may waft into your neighbours if their balcony door is open.. Also classed as a fire hazard because some of the modern external cladding has been shown to be highly flammable.. And huge $$$ fines are tightly enforced with possibility of eviction.. 


At least these new Thai rules are somewhat relaxed and less invasive and make perfect common sense even for a smoker.. 

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8 minutes ago, InsertNameHere said:

Minimal or not it is still air pollution that one who does not want to breath is simply idiotic as whether the smokers are far or near does nothing as the particles/smell is still on your clothing you can not escape it. It is the same for those with children that the masses think they are dong the children justice by smoking away from them. The human body is a walking organism and it absorbs everything it comes in contact with high or low. This post is not about you but for all the ones that think otherwise like everything we do as long as it is not in direct contact then "me" can not be harmed. So, all this is pure nonsense and only is another attempt to have more fines something that can generate funds. Now, you are totally correct as I see on a daily bases "kids" ridding unsupervised and a lack of care for themselves or others on the road ways and little to nothing i done about it. Sure education is by far outdated here if any as me and the wife sell at one of the local markets near the house and I see kids there at times when they should be in school. I asked the wife and was told that is most of Thailand where it is more important to make money and the kids help out. Sure not all but I see many that do not go cause the parents do not put them in school or they simply do not have the time to do. As I get older the more and more I see the same crap all over the world with everywhere having their own issues. Homes broken up, families divided and so on in the name of MONEY.......


Do you like going to smoking areas to just complain with this same speach? 

I think you need help! Especially if you are comparing smoking with broken up homes

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11 minutes ago, owenm said:

In Australia if you rent or own a condo, smoking on your private balcony is banned because smoke may waft into your neighbours if their balcony door is open.. Also classed as a fire hazard because some of the modern external cladding has been shown to be highly flammable.. And huge $$$ fines are tightly enforced with possibility of eviction.. 


At least these new Thai rules are somewhat relaxed and less invasive and make perfect common sense even for a smoker.. 

Close the door 

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13 minutes ago, keithet said:


Do you like going to smoking areas to just complain with this same speach? 

I think you need help! Especially if you are comparing smoking with broken up homes

Where was I complaining? I think all of most on these forums do that all on there own. As far as going to smoking areas and complain with the same speech? Needing help? Only one who is comparing here is you. You should read what I stated over again and again till you understand it. 

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in my local the resident smokers go outside they have done this for years, if any tourists are in the bar they either observe what the drill is or are advised and 99% comply, no hassle no smoke where it should not be.

its called manners, and having a bit of respect, not hard work.

and all the smokers take notice of the respect they gain in return ,smoking is more addictive than Heroin, and I have read that this is in no way an accident, and us ex-smokers appreciate that our lot are not like spoilt kids but act in a grown up manner .we are not out to hang

smokers we just do not want to breath in their smoke.

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sticking key
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8 hours ago, DM07 said:

Yeah...ahm...I don't drive a car, but I am subjected to the fumes and the danger everyday!

Now, I suffer because of polluted air!


So...I want everybody to stop driving!

And can you all stop breathing for the sake of my respiratory system.

Damn selfish of you to take up so much fresh air.

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