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'He is a free man' - refugee Bahraini footballer heads home to Australia


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7 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Save yourself the embarrassment of posting nonsense. Fact check how many vetted refugees p.a. are currently permitted entry to Australia.

You keep going on about fact check before posting but you sir are the one that needs to fact check.

you claim Bahrain issued a red notice on him when they can't just place him on the list.it was a request and not illegal.it was the general secretariat that would of issued the red notice and removed the notice.bahrain has not done what you claim.while on this subject can you please inform us where on earth did you get the fact that bahrain knew of his travel plans when it's quite obvious they didn't have a clue to his whereabouts or bahrain would of gone direct to tha Australia government and requested for his extradition as they are doing so now.to the best of it I think you make up your own facts and you clearly have no knowledge of Interpol procedures.fact.

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11 minutes ago, Huckenfell said:

They just need to apply and join the queue by applying through the proper channels as i and millions of others did. We are all aware of the terrible mess happening in Europe at his very moment. And once again you are wrong Australia is probably the worlds best and greatest land of hope and glory, just ask the millions who have gone there with a welcome  since WW2

I doubt that. Just like America when a government denies the way they treated first nation people for more than a century then, tries to cover up how they tried to exterminate them, where's the greatness? True everyone should wait there turn, however the issue was the Thai government doing a complete 180 for this guy while at the same time basically telling thousands of expats they don't care what they say give up the money or get out....

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16 minutes ago, happy chappie said:

You keep going on about fact check before posting but you sir are the one that needs to fact check.

you claim Bahrain issued a red notice on him when they can't just place him on the list.it was a request and not illegal.it was the general secretariat that would of issued the red notice and removed the notice.bahrain has not done what you claim.while on this subject can you please inform us where on earth did you get the fact that bahrain knew of his travel plans when it's quite obvious they didn't have a clue to his whereabouts or bahrain would of gone direct to tha Australia government and requested for his extradition as they are doing so now.to the best of it I think you make up your own facts and you clearly have no knowledge of Interpol procedures.fact.


1) Media report...

Interpol has repeatedly refused to answer questions about why it granted Bahrain’s request for a red notice, which was issued on the same day Al-Araibi received his visa for Thailand. It also is unclear how Bahrain knew Al-Araibi was intending to travel.


2) Read the link below before further commentary.




3) Provide source/s to your claims 

Edited by simple1
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5 hours ago, YetAnother said:

good result but along the way thailand tripped over it's own feet; seems habitual

So what should they do when there is an Interpol red notice on someone entering the country?

The guy is an idiot to travel outside the country where he is a refugee.

Edited by FritsSikkink
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I am so touched for his freedom that it's brought me to my knees...WOW!  I was about to start a Gofund account and deposit my entire savings for him, instead I can give it all to my Thai girlfriends family and her boyfriend....Cheers!

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1 hour ago, Huckenfell said:

They just need to apply and join the queue by applying through the proper channels as i and millions of others did. We are all aware of the terrible mess happening in Europe at his very moment. And once again you are wrong Australia is probably the worlds best and greatest land of hope and glory, just ask the millions who have gone there with a welcome  since WW2

I recall from the 70s, Australia was actively recruiting residents from other counties.  If you had a skill needed or educational expertise the government would pay for flight to Australia and covered so much for shipping belongings; if willing to become a citizen.

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6 hours ago, ChipButty said:

My guess a lot of strings had to be pulled here make sure you kiss the ground when you land in Aussie

I offer that no strings were pulled. Rather, the Australian government  opened a can of whoopass and were not taking no for an answer. For sure, the gent should  say thank you to Australia, but honestly every Australian who spoke out and especially the government should be proud of themselves for standing up and doing the right thing.


Meanwhile, Thailand made a fool of itself.

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7 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

The Thai authorities had no choice in this matter they were just doing as ordered.


Hence the usual obfuscation, denials, blame shifting and lack of clarity from the outset.


They cannot tell the truth about why he was detained or why he was not released after international condemnation.


If there were no international scrutiny of this matter you can be absolutely 100% sure he would be in Bahrain right now as I type.


They needed Bahrain to withdraw the extradition request, now the question is did Bahrain actually withdraw it or is that another face-saving lie?


I suspect intervention from an unmentionable source to get the request withdrawn allowing Thailand to save face.



Agreed completely - especially "If there were no international scrutiny of this matter you can be absolutely 100% sure he would be in Bahrain right now", and even more so your last 2 words, which seem to be happening more often these days. 

When will "these people" learn to put their brains into gear before making decisions that are going to jump back and bite them in the butt?

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10 minutes ago, bristolgeoff said:

Lots of talking went on I wonder who give the most to let him leave Thailand 

Australia would have gave them nothing.


A better way of putting it is "how much face-splashed all over the Western media-can you afford to lose?


Whilst the present governmental incumbents have probably never seen a map of the world (in spherical or rectangular form)I am very sure others have.


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7 hours ago, Boatfreak said:

Home??? Do you mean the country where they do not want any refugees? The country that informed Thailand in the first place? 

Australia welcomed 180,000 migrants last year many of which were legal refugee non economic migrants.

Australia did not inform Thailand as you suggest. No need to post your racist views on this forum.


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5 hours ago, bluesofa said:

Yet a couple of days ago, didn't we have someone from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs saying that once the legal process started here there was no way it could be cancelled?


Sounds like the left hand not knowing that the right hand even exists.

No! It's sounds like they're full of piss and wind.

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1 hour ago, sambum said:

Agreed completely - especially "If there were no international scrutiny of this matter you can be absolutely 100% sure he would be in Bahrain right now", and even more so your last 2 words, which seem to be happening more often these days. 

When will "these people" learn to put their brains into gear before making decisions that are going to jump back and bite them in the butt?

Putting their brains forward into gear is difficult for most Thai's, have you ever been privy to how they teach or do not fail their students, failure is not in their vocabulary, they will get children all the way to University to do something special for the teacher if they are having trouble in a particular subject, whether it's cleaning a room or doing something else to pass the subject, not suggesting something sexual for those ready to jump in, and there you have a zero failure rate, and guess who is running the country, all those students that should have failed as we do back in the west.

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5 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

So what should they do when there is an Interpol red notice on someone entering the country?

The guy is an idiot to travel outside the country where he is a refugee.

Another uneducation know all.


I will explain it one more time for the slow learners, i.e. if they can actually comprehend what I am writing.


The application was made by the Bahrain government to Interpol to have a red notice put up, it was, he was given "refugee status" in Australia, he has permanent residency in Australia, meaning he has the right to live there as a free man and travel internationally without fear under international law which recognises his status as a "refugee".


Interpol removed the notice once it was informed of the error, this in itself shows that Interpol understands international law, however Thailand refused to accept his status as a "refugee" because it thought it was above international law, later finding out that holding onto this soccer ball was going to create more than it was worth, released him, i.e. once they get hold of something, they don't won't to let go as they will "lose face" the biggest problem with their culture today which has to change, we call it pride in the west.


He was within his rights to travel outside of Australia, no one in their right mind expected that a red notice would be in the system, which should have been taken down once he was given "refugee status".


I can guarantee you there will be a lot of people getting kicked up the rear, from Australia, to Interpol, to Thailand to Bahrain and one would hope that this creates a system that will never repeat what has just happened, and we can only hope that Thailand starts to understand that there are people in this world that obtain "refugee status" because they are being victimised in their own countries and flee to another in fear of punishment or death, something which is going to take them a long time to get their heads around because this is not a free country and has a military resign that will act as other countries like Bahrain do to quash the basic human rights of their citizens, just have a look what happened back in 2014 with the many deaths of the red shirts, but I won't go there. 

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14 hours ago, tifino said:

Reckon there'll be pretty good gate takings at the next Soccer match!



His only safe future overseas holiday destinations;

 - is pretty much now Israel, or Ecuador...

He only plays in a local suburban club, amature social games.  He isn't an international soccer player as the media tried to make out.

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11 hours ago, Prissana Pescud said:

Australia welcomed 180,000 migrants last year many of which were legal refugee non economic migrants.

Australia did not inform Thailand as you suggest. No need to post your racist views on this forum.


There was nothing racist in his comments. Please stop overusing that word when it does not apply...it gets boring.

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10 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

Putting their brains forward into gear is difficult for most Thai's, have you ever been privy to how they teach or do not fail their students, failure is not in their vocabulary, they will get children all the way to University to do something special for the teacher if they are having trouble in a particular subject, whether it's cleaning a room or doing something else to pass the subject, not suggesting something sexual for those ready to jump in, and there you have a zero failure rate, and guess who is running the country, all those students that should have failed as we do back in the west.

I know a kid who is 10 years old in P1. they don't all pass. 

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55 minutes ago, emptypockets said:

There was nothing racist in his comments. Please stop overusing that word when it does not apply...it gets boring.

Boatfreak stated  totally incorrect posts accusing a country of being non tolerant toward migrants.

He also posted totally untrue comments about a country issuing interpol red notices.

Both of his posts are totally uninformed, untrue and inflammatory. In nature they are obnoxiously racist.

You go on defending him. Put yourself in his uneducated camp. It may be boring but that is what you are becoming by being a defender of the under educated.

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