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Another small child savaged by dogs - three year old in serious condition in hospital

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in vietnam u never see soi dogs.  they are eaten.  the dogs over their behave quite well . they know if they dont they will be eaten but because thais are buddhist.  the dogs have an out here.


18 hours ago, donim said:

Tried or actually bit?


If bitten for real, you should get your injections AND present that bill to the condo, do a police report first.

If condo deny, ask the police to step in, they can enforce this. Nothing to do with owning the dogs or not, it was on their property and their security ''owns'' the dogs.


I have been bitten, vaccins 3500thb, but owned by poor people I let it go. Was it owned by someone who has a stone built house, they would have got the bill from me.


Last week I was bitten again, and this time in the soi by owned dogs they let the dogs out all the day, but I am already vaccinated so no bill to give them.



Me too when my son was bitten at the age of 4.


These days I have taken to wearing an IDV while excising to capture the feral menace in the act if my (mandatory) stick ever becomes necessary.  

On 2/22/2019 at 7:56 AM, SammyT said:

"But the security guard shot that bitey dog for no reason the other day and deserves to go to jail. Typical aggressive Somchai."


~ 40% of TVF users on the other thread.


I love animals, but its time for Thailand to put the Buddhist principles aside and eradicate some stray dogs.

Not some but ALL stray dogs.


It should be an offense to feed stray dogs anywhere in Thailand. A neighbour of mine called Keith used to feed the dogs on Maenam beach. But he is gone now leaving behind a couple of litters of stray dogs caused by his stupid feeding of the bitches.

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8 hours ago, sawadeeken said:

One of my dogs kept in fenced yard (In the USA) accidentally was able to find some 'Rat Poison' in a tray that I had put out for rats...... He ate the whole tray (4 inch by 4 inch - 1/2 inch deep) and within a couple days was dead ... And this was a 40 pound dog...... Most of those mouse/rat pellets have Arsenic in them..... Arsenic, I learned never leaves the body and keeps building up until it finally does the job...... Rats dont need much with their small body....

That is what needs to be purposely done to animals who bite kids such as this case and the recent case in Krabi Ao Nang Beach..... 

Already tried this, but dogs ate sausage and looked for more with no effect.

On 2/22/2019 at 7:58 AM, mikebell said:

Why would any sane person keep keep ten wild animals.  What a primitive country this is, where children come second to dogs!


People often keep more than one dog on the property. The dogs are allowed to roam freely with their boundaries. They are a deterrent against burglary and home attack.


Sadly, this is still very much a third world country in many aspects. 


Would you rely on calling the police if someone was trying to break in to your house? Or prowlers? 


So people have dogs, and forget or never new that dogs are pack animals who will defend their territory. 


I have had lots of dogs. Thai dogs are very difficult to train and domesticate compared to more common Western breeds. They are much more used to being left outside, and therefore become less trusting of people. Recipe for these types of attacks.


On 2/22/2019 at 11:54 PM, yogavnture said:

screw animal rights cops if nearby should shoot the mangy mutts on site. if this happened in usa and i had a concealed carry permit. i would pop them . even the sound of a gun would get them running off


On 2/22/2019 at 11:56 PM, yogavnture said:

in thailand do you ever see the dogs with the plastic thing around its neck?  what is that for?  is that an aggressive dog. ?  in india the cops go around and shoot dogs with no collar.  no collar means its nobodys dog. and they should be shot . that should be the rule

Wow, and here I was thinking you were a granola eating, Sabai Sabai yoga dude overflowing with understanding and empathy.   I don't disagree with the underlying fundamental in what you've said, just a bit surprised by the tone and tenor. 


If you were in the USA and had a CCW permit and were out blasting dogs around town, I suspect, at a minimum, you wouldn't have that CCW for very long. 


If Thais want to ask non Buddhists to get rid of the soi dogs in a humane way  I can volunteer.  I'll do it for free. 





They don't sell antifreeze here, do they?


Am  a cat lover. A Thai associate (engineer, good job - he is making twice what I do) has idly stood by, seeing his cat have countless kittens. 0.6% of his salary would have paid to get the cat spayed. I bet he spent more on cat food alone. Animal ownership requires responsibility & financial commitment. 


Before 7 am, some guy drives around with a big bag of dried dog food. Feeding countless strays. Those strays have been growling and barking at a neighbor's 7 year old girl. Heaven forbid, she will encounter this pack all alone one day!


Animal hoarding is a mental illness. (I rescued a cat from such a hoarder. Her kittens were killed and she was mauled terribly: her rib cage was splintered, pieces of bone sticking out). I took the cat in and she was SCREAMING with fear in her cage.


She then lay on me for hours and would not sleep anywhere but on my chest. Wouldn't venture out of the house (in the Majave desert, miles from the next shop). 


Sometimes, I have paid vets to put down cats. It's an act of mercy, JMHO. To do nothing shouldn't be an option. But then, the other day, I was in the center of Hat Yai. ONE neighbor chose to have a rooster. That rooster will disrupt the sleep of over 100 adjacent houses. Perhaps they could start a collection? Pay 20 THB and bring 500 THB to the owner of the rooster. Compelling him to buy his chicken at the market and get rid of the nightly nuissance.

12 hours ago, WonnabeBiker said:

ONE neighbor chose to have a rooster. That rooster will disrupt the sleep of over 100 adjacent houses. Perhaps they could start a collection? Pay 20 THB and bring 500 THB to the owner of the rooster.

If I lived there I would buy it for 1000 baht and eat it for dinner.   Problem is another rooster will magically appear within a couple of weeks. 



11 hours ago, balo said:

If I lived there I would buy it for 1000 baht and eat it for dinner.   Problem is another rooster will magically appear within a couple of weeks. 



If it is a fighting rooster you would need more money, that was the source of the noise near me once. Actually 3 or 4 of the buggers.

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