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Exporters up in arms against plan to hike daily minimum wage


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1 hour ago, BestB said:

Only a useless dentist will start on 30, dental assistant starts on 20, within 1 year earn 30.


mechanic earn 6500? How many decades ago did you visit Thailand ?


real wages in Thailand ? Do you mean in the bushes of isaan? Let me guess isaan is also real Thailand ?


The current national average dentist salary is 31,325, average dental assistant salary is 23,900. 


Where do low end graduates such as dental assistants see their wages increase by 25% in one year?  As far as I know its unheard of, the standard increase being 2000 baht per year.


I know mechanics on minimum, those on 450 a day and those on more, I was talking about average wages, as released by the Thailand Economic Household Survey, you know, the one where they actually ask people other than wildly speculating foreigners, people who actually earn a wage in Thailand, slightly more accurate than a bar stool ranter.


Yes, being 1/3 of the land mass of Thailand and home to 1/3 of Thai's, Isaan is very much  'real' Thailand, did you not think it was?  Did you think it was just some little area of bush?

Edited by Kieran00001
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18 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:

Up in arms over a potential 2 baht per day increase, it works out to just 150 USD over their entire working lives, utterly disgusting to pretend that such a tiny increase is going to effect the export market.

Well said, so You will be paying your Builders well above the rate. Sterling Chap.!

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"“For instance, masons earn nearly Bt1,000 a day – far more than what a man who carries bags of cement gets. That’s one way of increasing workers’ wages,” he said. "


wonder, once every cement carrier upgraded to masons, who will

A. give work for all the masons now in abundance

B. who will carry the cement bags

C. feed the cement carriers in the meantime?


315 thb doesnt go a very long way nowadays, and it isnt much for a full day of hard labor.

another solution could be that the mason earns 900thb a day, and the cement carrier 415thb...more equal, more fair, still lot higher paid for the skill, and a lot less a social welfare gap...just saying.


btw, it doesnt deal with agriculture issues, even remotely. for example that sugar is burned bcos at 550thb/ton there farmer cant afford to pay for cut fresh, and the few who cut makes barely 150-200thb even if they are real good at it.

so much so about the 315thb minimal wage....a dream for many in this country still.


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Although Im living on baht at present so XE is irrelevant, Ive noticed on several occasions recently the glee that thais have in saying how low Foreign currencies are., like they are so superior...little do they understand or even care that this is the main reason their particular business is suffering from lack of customers. Just as this article, forget about everything except it benefits Foreign workers. This place is getting so blatantly nasty to anyone not thai its becoming tiresome

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14 hours ago, webfact said:

planning to propose a hike of between Bt2 and Bt10 to the daily minimum wage. 

Yeh better not give it to them, they might spend it on an egg or two.

as that's about all they will get with that wage hike.

regards worgeordie

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14 hours ago, webfact said:

most Thais are skilled enough and earn more than the minimum wage,” Thai Chamber of Commerce’s vice president Sanan Ang-ubolkul said yesterday

This guy obviously doesn't have a clue. He should leave his plush office in Bangkok and travel around Isan and other parts of Thailand to get a more realistic picture of the skills these people really possess (lack). 


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Tells you where the growth of exports came from. Backsides of underpaid and illegal Burmese/Lao/etc.


Once their countries catch up they'll head back and somchai is left with his mouth open at the audacious order to get his arse off the hammock and start actually working.

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