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Need Info On Bussiness

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Ok first off I have been searching and doing a lot investigating on this site and am still in the thinking stages about possibly moving and or opening a business in TH.

Now the last time I was in Thailand was years ago , I am currently 32 and was 19 then so its been a few years to say the least. Though I really thought the locals and others there were wonderful people for the most part and I miss that aspect of TH the most.

The type of businesses I would most be interested would be tourist or sex trade related. That is not set in stone as I would visit there first like a holiday to check it out then return again in order to look for a proper business that suited my needs taking my time to find the right one.

The reason for entertainment/ tourist area is that I have a lot of past experience in related areas such as working in bars and restaurants at almost every level from dish washer to running a nice full bar seafood restaurant.

Also I worked in various adult entertainment fields in the US. So while the thai sceen would be a challenge I am sure, I would have some skills that I could apply there.

I was in the military right after High School where I was in intelligence (Information Gathering) so I would think that might be a useful skill set.

Anyways I am sure you guys do not want a full bio so onto the questions?

First off how would Thai employees respond or act knowing there would be video cameras on all registers or money handling areas?

Also are bottle tap systems obtainable in Thailand? - (A bottle Tap is a Pourer that goes on a bottle the bar is wired so that each shot of beverage is measured) This keeps track of how much of each is used for ordering and also helps to keep up with how much money should be in the till. basically you set a price area for each liqueur such as well, premium, ultra then based on how much a drink in that range is priced it tells you basically how much of each drink type was sold, they also work on tap beer, so at end of the night you print it out and count beer bottles. And compare that to the till + starting monies + beer bottles by price sold = pretty close to the monies at close minus any comp beverages.

Another question is how popular are coffee shops or non alcoholic bistros or beverage places?

Do you still pay pocket monies if you are a non adult business in a red light area?

If you are an adult business how hard is it to find a good male or female manager for the girls that knows the business?

Also does anyone in TH in a bar or GO GO business use any type of profit sharing. ( I would assume that lady drinks would be partially in that category but not sure.) my question though is more towards actual employees that work the bar and manage employees, Would Thai workers appreciate or work harder knowing that there is something in it? /The way I have always done business is you make me more money I pay you more money.

I have heard that if you own a bar you are pretty much expected to be seen and heard with the crowd so to speak and drink with them. I do not drink except rarely and usually palm a coke or ginger ale. Would that be seen badly? Though still outgoing and can actually do Chriss Angel style magic so Not a question of interacting and being entertaining. Was a sailor so can spin a tall tell or two with the best of them also.

Do any of the Go Go bars or night clubs do Flair bar tending? As I thought that would be a crowd draw?

Also what about fire dancing? Though maybe the Fire codes prevent it?

Still deciding on figures of what I would want to spend on one or more pre existing businesses. I would say close to 200,000 US max so thats like what 6 mil Baht or so, This would leave me about the same in reserve some of which I would want to put in savings as a rainy day. Though some could go into expenses or improvements.

The main thing for me would be the work permit and to be able to say with in a year to build what ever the business ends up being to a point where I would make a very decent intake so I would be able to live fairly comfortably off the profits. This way I could keep some of my monies in US accounts working for when if I want to retire.

I also am a writer so I do get a bit in royalties that I would rather let build in my US accounts.

I know some of my questions were not the standard fare but as I said I have been reading quite a bit on here and while I have not set my mind to it , it is kinda a dream of mine to try it out.

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First off how would Thai employees respond or act knowing there would be video cameras on all registers or money handling areas?
It is not a problem for our staff.
Also are bottle tap systems obtainable in Thailand?

Never seen this in Thailand. A simple measurer they have.

Another question is how popular are coffee shops or non alcoholic bistros or beverage places?
Depends on the location. Getting a tad saturated.
Do you still pay pocket monies if you are a non adult business in a red light area?


If you are an adult business how hard is it to find a good male or female manager for the girls that knows the business?
How long is a string? Depends on who you know.
Also does anyone in TH in a bar or GO GO business use any type of profit sharing. ( I would assume that lady drinks would be partially in that category but not sure.) my question though is more towards actual employees that work the bar and manage employees, Would Thai workers appreciate or work harder knowing that there is something in it? /The way I have always done business is you make me more money I pay you more money.

Thais are the same as other nationalities, they are motivated by money.

I have heard that if you own a bar you are pretty much expected to be seen and heard with the crowd so to speak and drink with them. I do not drink except rarely and usually palm a coke or ginger ale. Would that be seen badly?
No. Some bar owners will order a Jack and coke and the bartenders know to make it a short shot of Jack (if any).
Do any of the Go Go bars or night clubs do Flair bar tending? As I thought that would be a crowd draw?

A couple do.

Also what about fire dancing? Though maybe the Fire codes prevent it?

One used to do it on the Island of Phi Phi.


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Sunbelt, I can't believe you answered this. I guess you had nothing better to do. With about 20 restaurants to run, I don't know why! It keeps the thread going anyway, and it is kind of funny.

Ex-Army Intelligence (oxymoron) guy wants to set-up a GoGo, with "Tom Cruise a la Cocktail" style bartenders, profit-sharing and fire shows, whilst writing (fairy tales?) on the side, having not been to Thailand in 13 years??? WOW :D:o

This is either very bizarre, or it has to be the best troll ever :D


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give it up as a bad idea.

Not a level or even fair playing field. Too much risk, doubt, insecurity, corruption and rip-off's to throw your money away on and that ignores the zenophobic people running the country and political instability.

Come for a holiday and leave your savings invested in the UK, for a relaxing and more profitable visit/stay. It looks great here and it is if you don't invest more than you can afford to loose.

Some make it, a few more break even or just keep head above living costs. Most regret it and become disillusioned at the uphill struggle just to stay still. The really clever ones use Thailand for their own holiday requirements and keep the GBP safely in GBP.

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give it up as a bad idea.

Not a level or even fair playing field. Too much risk, doubt, insecurity, corruption and rip-off's to throw your money away on and that ignores the zenophobic people running the country and political instability.

Come for a holiday and leave your savings invested in the UK, for a relaxing and more profitable visit/stay. It looks great here and it is if you don't invest more than you can afford to loose.

Some make it, a few more break even or just keep head above living costs. Most regret it and become disillusioned at the uphill struggle just to stay still. The really clever ones use Thailand for their own holiday requirements and keep the GBP safely in GBP.

He's American...But same same advice...leave the $ at home..


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Sunbelt, I can't believe you answered this. I guess you had nothing better to do. With about 20 restaurants to run, I don't know why! It keeps the thread going anyway, and it is kind of funny.

Couldn't resist! :o I in fact have heard these questions many times before.

Only one person out of 40 that dreams in fact becomes an entrepreneur. Who knows if he will ? Good thing about a forum, his questions may just help someone else that had the same questions.


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Sunbelt, I can't believe you answered this. I guess you had nothing better to do. With about 20 restaurants to run, I don't know why! It keeps the thread going anyway, and it is kind of funny.

Couldn't resist! :D I in fact have heard these questions many times before.

Only one person out of 40 that dreams in fact becomes an entrepreneur. Who knows if he will ? Good thing about a forum, his questions may just help someone else that had the same questions.


Sunbelt got a point here!Not that I am interested though! :o

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