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Problems with Mac OS after switching to AIS

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I've been experiencing weird issues with my Mac's (both MacBookPro and iMac) after changing to AIS WiFi. So we switched from our old TOT WiFi to AIS a few weeks ago and ever since my Mac's have been all messed up. First the AIS WiFi seemed great because I was consistently getting speeds up to 130Mbps instead of our old TOT's 15-20Mbps. I could even watch 5k video's from YouTube without any interruptions and everything was opening up fast. But anyway the other issues have become bigger problem and I was wondering if anyone else has had this same case with Mac computers and AIS WiFi? Maybe it's just some setting that the guys from AIS did in the router or something like that but I can't find any solution yet.


So below all the things that started happening after I started using AIS WiFi:


- My Chrome browser takes about a minute to open, the logo is just bouncing around forever and freezing. This is on a brand new iMac, which normally opens Chrome in about 2 seconds.


- My Office programs seem to be all weird. Word documents take forever to open or don't open at all. Same for Excel.


- Some sports streaming sites that used to work OK with the slow TOT WiFi are buffering or not working at all.


I know this all has to be related to the AIS WiFi, because as soon as I switch off the WiFi and try 4G trough my phones hotspot all the problems are gone, Chrome opens normally and Word documents have no issues etc. Also, if I just switch my WiFi off and have no internet connection on the computer all MS Office programs open normally again.


Any ideas what I could do to solve this problem?






It's either a complete mess (settings-wise) in the AIS WiFi router, including but far from limited to DNS settings, or the router as such is dysfunctional. Hit AIS over the head with it, and show them the difference when you use your mobile as a hotspot. And complain about the ridiculous service...!


Sounds like it could be the routers firewall setting. Some routers have a high medium and low setting. 

Check the setting if it's on high change it to medium. Log out of the router and reboot both the router and your MACs.


Tricky one this,


Go to System Preferences and select Network, Left hand Pain, select your wifi connection, take a screen shot, then click advanced/DNS servers and take another screen shot. If you can send them to me that would be great.


I have AIS Fibre and wifi at home, with a MAC Pro I do not have your experience of being slow. 

If you can log in to your router and check the Security Settings/Firewall, mine is on Medium - Also do you use VPN - That can also slow things down. 


Happy to Help if I can....


16 hours ago, ChomDo said:

Also, if I just switch my WiFi off and have no internet connection on the computer all MS Office programs open normally again. 

Without knowing anything about MacOS:

how could a badly configured WiFi router drag down opening of local files?

Even if there is total garbage on the WiFi the MacOS driver/SW should handle that without dragging the whole system down (as your descriptions sound like).

To me this sounds like a driver/SW issue on the MacOS.


16 hours ago, ChomDo said:

My Chrome browser takes about a minute to open, the logo is just bouncing around forever and freezing

If there would be problem with slow/malfunctioning internet/WiFi the browser should open as usual and THEN "spin the wheel" and finally come with an error message (at least on an "another" OS).


Does MacOS have a "system monitor"/"task manager" where you can see tasks/processes/CPU load etc.?

Compare with and without WiFi on.


You could try to change the router settings for WiFi.

5 Ghz? 2.4 Ghz?

Is it also possible to limit the WiFi connection speed?


4 hours ago, tomazbodner said:

Maybe Office 365 - that would try to login to cloud before opening?

Maybe. I must admit I am an old fart, all SW and files local :smile:


Try using this website version of Ping.  It will send a test message to a website and measure the time it takes that website to respond.  It's named after the sonar signal used to determine the distance to a ship or sub.


After a few uses you will have a good feel for what is a normal response time.  At least you will be able to know that the delays are due to the internet or caused by your own computer.





Thanks for all the helpful advice. I just got the situation sorted out with AIS this morning and now everything seems to be opening normally. I still wonder what my Word and Excel files have to do with the Internet connection. Like when I was having the issues they wouldn't open (or might open in a minutes time) if I had the WiFi on and as soon as I switched the WiFi off Office files opened normally. I don't even use Office 365, what I have is a normal bought disc version of Office 2016. Well it doesn't really matter anymore, just curious how Office tools are affected by the WiFi.



19 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

what was the problem?

just the router settings as suggested. I was going to go and check them out as advised in this thread but couldn't log in so they had to do some adjustments from the AIS center.

  • 2 weeks later...

To me it sounds like you have installed MacKeeper. A friend of mine had it installed and got various strange issues with his Mac, and when he called MacKeeper support they kindly remoted to his computer and "Fixed" the issue and installed tons of malware.

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