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Italian couple crushed to death by oil tanker in southern Thailand


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20 minutes ago, 4evermaat said:


Your analysis is not far off:

Quoting from the above:

"Thais attending a conference on road safety were told that a recent survey indicated that a staggering 32% of adult respondents thought the road carnage was just their fate."


Personally I think it was a misprit and should have said. "just their feet."

Whether it's missing the using brake pedal completely, or like so many truckers do, push the brake pedal hard to the floor when going down hills, not using the gears to slow down.

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Very sad. Unfortunately this is something that could happen to any tourist renting vehicles and driving/riding here without experience of the roads. Abiding by road laws does not protect u. I personally always allow for the worst when i'm on the bike or in the pickup. If a car is at a junction ahead of me i basically assume they will pull out in front of me, and prepare. Trucks or lorries i give a very wide berth, especially on the bike. I've twice witnessed a truck change lane in a heart beat( to dodge a stopped taxi or something) and swallow up moto. 



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19 hours ago, 4evermaat said:



It was a real time video of CCTV footage.  It is likely coming out from the the PT refinery off one of the side roads.  Not too far from the right turn to go to the lookout point.


I think the Italians may have seen them but were thinking (like many tourists) that the rules back in their home country would apply.   In other words, the motorbike driver likely didn't anticipate the tanker would actually take the corner the way he did.


Another point to remember 4evermaat is they had only been here a short time and in Italy they drive on the other side of the road , In a situation such as this a panic for enough time to get run over. I know in the few countries I have driven in the situation can change in a flash and I have said ' What the ..................'

This will likely be in Italian news ............ no place here for a holiday then hire a scooter , too many zombies out to get you.

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The pixled image of the dead couple gives the impression they were squashed into jam. It happens so quick here inLOS. 

2019 is turning into a shocker for tourist deaths more so than past years. What happened to all the police crackdowns?

Nothing changes.


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maybe it was carelessness, hard to tell with that video, but it could happen to anyone.. trucks and buses overturn all the time, it's called a traffic accident.. just this time a motorbike was in the wrong place at the wrong time.. 

It is not an 'accident', as the incident could have been avoided by one or more of the parties involved.

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This is more like murder of people who come to spend there hard earned money, with social media ripe these things get reported workdwide in hours and the land of smiles is no longer a place people wish to go on holiday, only yesterday i meet a lorry on the wrong side of the road on a bend whilst he attempted to overtake a car,  outcome, 1 car in ditch 1 lorry didnt stop, now a question, why do thai's put up with this carnage and can somebody please post on the outcome of the penalty to the driver of this fuel lorry and of course the company who own the lorry with brake failure which amounts to corporate manslaughter.

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it is easy to saw that the oil truck is running fast specially in the corners they dont decrease speed, i dont know why the police permit to these big trucks to run fast, here in phuket i can see tank oil running on the road where many people cross it. but really i dont know how the law can help this situation.

in general car drivers make big attention, just big truck and minivan are dangerous here.

Anyway R.I.P. che riposino in pace

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No matter how much the rider may have tried to deflect, to avoid...

 nothing would have worked,

 what with the tanker roll consuming the entirety of ALL lanes! 


during the initial hosing of the 'oil' spill, were the rescue crew all knowing?

or did they at first wonder why the oil suddenly changed colour... to that of something like transmission/coolant fluid red!

Edited by tifino
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RIP Italian couple...talk about being in the wrong spot at the wrong time, 10 seconds earlier or later and they'd still be alive. So sad to watch that vid.

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Just now, watcharacters said:


Sad to see  two people die like this.     If i lived far away from traffic meaning cars and trucks, I'd probably own a moto, but near cars and trucks motorbikes are inherently unsafe.


Regardless of the alcohol  condition of the driver, after watching this video a few times I can categorically state I would have taken the defensive action of slowing down  far  far sooner that the moto driver did.    He should never have driven alongside the tanker truck which  clearly  took the turn at speed.   I wish for  the moto driver this event could be replayed and he would have lived.



You can state it, but you weren't there. The CCTV video is slowed down. Two seconds from the truck entering the video to crushing the riders.

The rider probably didn't notice or realise until too late, as he had clear right of way. Perhaps if the truck driver had sounded the horn in advance..... Hindsight is a wonderful thing....

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19 hours ago, hkt83100 said:

At least to a certain percentage the scooter is to blame. He should have stopped to let the tanker pass, because he was the one to make a right turn and the tanker had the right of way. This accident was avoidable.

Rubbish! Scooter rider not to blame at all. He was on a straight road with full right of way. Within a second the tanker was in his path. No chance to avoid. If he hit the brakes too quickly, he may have slid underneath the tanker. He tried to avoid. 

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16 hours ago, hkt83100 said:

To me it looked like both are riding on then main road, the tanker doing a left turn and the motorbike doing a right turn.  So the motorbike should have waited for the truck to make his turn in the smaller road and follow then. But I might have bad eyes or misinterpreted the video. Anyway, my post was based on what I have seen on CCTV.


You looked wrong. But to be fair, it's only really clear when you see a map of the terrain.



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Definitely agree about the slowing down bit, that's always my defensive way. You've got to have plenty of forward vision here in Thailand when driving.


  Sad to see  two people die like this.     If i lived far away from traffic meaning cars and trucks, I'd probably own a moto, but near cars and trucks motorbikes are inherently unsafe.


Regardless of the alcohol  condition of the driver, after watching this video a few times I can categorically state I would have taken the defensive action of slowing down  far  far sooner that the moto driver did.    He should never have driven alongside the tanker truck which  clearly  took the turn at speed.   I wish for  the moto driver this event could be replayed and he would have lived.



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4 minutes ago, roo860 said:

Definitely agree about the slowing down bit, that's always my defensive mode, and if the opposite lane clear I would give at least twice the width they gave. You've got to have plenty of forward vision here in Thailand when driving.



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I do not agree. 


You are assuming that the rider saw the tanker in the first instance and you are watching a slowed down CCTV video. So this thing happened in literally one second. Speed the video up to normal speed and you will realise the nonsense of the bike slowing down when not even realising there is danger.


It is quite likely that the rider did not see the truck until he arrived at the triangle here. By which time evasive action is difficult when a tanker is sliding towards you. Only an immediate and complete stop may saved them, but that would risk a skid under the wheels of the truck.


You are estimating actions based on a slowed down CCTV and not in actual real time. Easy to say what you would do when sitting calmly watching a CCTV in slo mo. Victims are blameless.


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3 hours ago, bluesofa said:

That's something so often missing by drivers here - spatial awareness.

From empirical evidence I've concluded spatial awareness is connected to the general IQ. Just check the aisles at your local Tesco Lotus and see what sort of people are standing oblivious in the middle with their carts blocking everybody.


There is no hope.

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Everyone visiting Thailand should have a pamphlet clipped to their passport warning them of Thai drivers/Thai roads. The driver of this fuel truck should go to Prison for

vehicular homicide. Never had an accident before? got away with many "left the scene". Poor tourists and their companions having to witness their manslaughter.  Now they have the enviable task of notifying their friends family of  this tragic loss  of life.

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Yep, looking at the clock you're spot on.

I do not agree. 
You are assuming that the rider saw the tanker in the first instance and you are watching a slowed down CCTV video. So this thing happened in literally one second. Speed the video up to normal speed and you will realise the nonsense of the bike slowing down when not even realising there is danger.
It is quite likely that the rider did not see the truck until he arrived at the triangle here. By which time evasive action is difficult when a tanker is sliding towards you. Only an immediate and complete stop may saved them, but that would risk a skid under the wheels of the truck.
You are estimating actions based on a slowed down CCTV and not in actual real time. Easy to say what you would do when sitting calmly watching a CCTV in slo mo. Victims are blameless.

Sent from my SM-G920F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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In my opinion, riders and drivers with knowledge of this road would likely take the 'fast lane' when approaching the junction, as they would know of tankers merging with traffic using the middle lane.


The Italians looked as if they were in the correct lane(middle lane) for proceeding straight ahead, likely not understanding that there was even a possibility of a vehicle, let alone a large tanker to suddenly encroach on their lane.

Bike rider's approach

They were going at least as fast as the tanker was, but as they were on a straight road with right of way, they were justified in doing so.

The tanker on the other hand is supposed to slow down and merge with the traffic.

He didn't. He simply forced his way out, not noticing the bikes until it was too late.


Truck driver's fault 100%. Bike rider blameless to the extent that he was driving in a normal and lawful manner.

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2 hours ago, hotchilli said:

Driver must be banged up for this accident, a truck doesn't just flip at a bend like this in normal circumstances, something he was doing is not right.. speed being the main thing, you can see the back of the truck start to slide a little before it tips over!!

Yes looks like the driver thought he was in the fast&furious and tried to powerslide the tanker through. A clear case of brain failure.

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18 minutes ago, Bournville said:

I get so <deleted> angry when people don't take responsibility for their actions... Thailand drivers get the prize for this behavior. Just pathetic. 


Motorbike rider ploughed into the back of girlfriend's car, which wasn't moving at the time.


Smashed back bumper and damaged the boot. Got up and drove away at speed. Girlfriend cannot claim on insurance, as the third party ran away...

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21 hours ago, simon43 said:

Jeez, RIP.  Your life can be snuffed out in an instant through no fault of your own....

its getting very frightening, the number of innocent foriegners who are loosing their lives in thailand, due to carelessness of thai people.. 37 and 42, is far too young to die-how sad...

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