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Big trouble at sadao border

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Maybe Sadao port of entry is used frequently By a certain class of visitors who try to enter Thailand after spending a couple of days in Penang to season their travel plans. Most ‘genuine tourists’ and more affluent tourists generally enter from airports and not from overland neighboring countries. So scrutiny and suspicions are generally part and parcel from those IOs. 

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30 minutes ago, dnrot said:

To baerboxer 

I don't demand any kind of ''elite treatment''but just a fair treat ment  along with the official regulations,and not being exposed to arbitrary..any country lay down it's own rules and has sovereignty to let in or not,But here there is no serious ground to give  me the hard time of it and so far i'd never had any problem..I asked the police what 's the problem,and I couldn't elicit any answer

The reference to france as the way they treat thai people is off Subject, thailand could impose the same and then I wouldn't go once and for all,I just claim respect of their own law

Your problem unfortunatly is that you are not listening to the advice on here about getting a proper visa ie a Non OA in France or a multi entry tourist visa. A non OA is easy to get. You get a police report done online, a medicle certificate signed over in Thailand and either money in the bank in France of 800k baht or an income of 65k baht, if used right its valid for 2 years. Why mess about with visa exempt enties when you can get a visa. Please dont use age as an excuse, as long as you have your faculties and your health you can do the same as anyone younger. Too many older members use age as an excuse to be treated differently. Yes I am over 60 and never ever use this line.

Edited by jimn
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6 minutes ago, Ctkong said:

Maybe Sadao port of entry is used frequently By a certain class of visitors who try to enter Thailand after spending a couple of days in Penang to season their travel plans. Most ‘genuine tourists’ and more affluent tourists generally enter from airports and not from overland neighboring countries. So scrutiny and suspicions are generally part and parcel from those IOs. 

Western tourists don't come for work to Thailand

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4 minutes ago, rott said:

mrmic for your ref most westerners do not come in on a VOA they are on visa exempt.


Not being a smarta-rse but it confuses people when you use the wrong terminology.

yes,correct I mixed that up

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50 minutes ago, mrmicbkktxl said:

Western tourists don't come for work to Thailand

Correct. But they do come long stay in thailand abusing the visa requirements using back to back visas thinking the authorities had no notion of the shenanigans going on behind their backs.  It had gone on long enough and now the authorities are getting serious about tightening the loopholes. 

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23 hours ago, PoorSucker said:

Get a multiple entry non-o, then you can enter unlimited times during a year, each time receiving 90 days. 

Or even better a Non-OA that gives you one year permission to stay every time you enter during a year. 

Only difference when applying is that the Non-OA requires a health declaration and police report. 

The Non-OA can be used for two years if you get a multiple entry re-entry permit the second year. 

You can convert your visa examption, or your tourist visa into a Non-Immigrant O at Chaeng Wattana. You will need to have money in the bank (can provide more details if you wish), you will get 90 days that you can then extend year on year. With a multiple entry reentry permit and 1900 per year for your extension you will be OK for life (until the law changes). This is very similar to the nonOA, but you don't have to exit the country to get it and you don't have to mess about with medical certificates and police reports. It's Non-O for the purpose of retirement. The constraints are: (1) Need money (not seasoned) when you first apply. (2) Need to wait a couple of weeks for the visa to be issued (cannot leave the country) (3) Need to apply for extension (and therefore be in the country) 90 days later, and need money seasoned for 2 months (recent changes mean that the money need to stay in your account afterwards too, not too clear on that).

Surely there will be others here who have other views, but I can vouch that the above is well possible because I did it... from tourist to Non-O, for the purpose of retirement.

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2 hours ago, Ctkong said:

Correct. But they do come long stay in thailand abusing the visa requirements using back to back visas thinking the authorities had no notion of the shenanigans going on behind their backs.  It had gone on long enough and now the authorities are getting serious about tightening the loopholes. 

How are they abusing the visa requirements and what shenanigans are going on behind their backs?



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4 hours ago, Ctkong said:

Maybe Sadao port of entry is used frequently By a certain class of visitors who try to enter Thailand after spending a couple of days in Penang to season their travel plans. Most ‘genuine tourists’ and more affluent tourists generally enter from airports and not from overland neighboring countries. So scrutiny and suspicions are generally part and parcel from those IOs. 

Actually, they are much easier to deal with than the airports.  The only problem there in the past was minor-corruption - but it was of the "tea money" inexpensive kind (100 to 200 baht), which isn't a problem for Western visitors. 

Even after that was shut down, and they became "more harsh," the only "extra rule" they imposed was on Visa-Exempts - one night out, which corresponds with published rules against doing "out/in" runs with those.  Otherwise, for Exempts, they only ask for the required (published rule) items - money, booking/residence, and outgoing-transportation.  Those with Tourist Visas are only required to show the cash, since the other requirements are the responsibility of the issuing consul.

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4 hours ago, jimn said:

Your problem unfortunatly is that you are not listening to the advice on here about getting a proper visa ie a Non OA in France or a multi entry tourist visa. A non OA is easy to get. You get a police report done online, a medicle certificate signed over in Thailand and either money in the bank in France of 800k baht or an income of 65k baht, if used right its valid for 2 years. Why mess about with visa exempt enties when you can get a visa. Please dont use age as an excuse, as long as you have your faculties and your health you can do the same as anyone younger. Too many older members use age as an excuse to be treated differently. Yes I am over 60 and never ever use this line.


Really? It is as simple as that? No need to prove your reason to stay in Thailand other than wanting to spend time here?


While we are at it:


Does it need to be done in your country of residency? Does it work if you are unemployed as long as you have the funds in the bank?

Edited by prb
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1 hour ago, prb said:


Really? It is as simple as that? No need to prove your reason to stay in Thailand other than wanting to spend time here?


While we are at it:


Does it need to be done in your country of residency? Does it work if you are unemployed as long as you have the funds in the bank?

Your reason to stay is retirement or long term tourism. It has to be applied for in your home country. As long as you have equivalent of 65,000 baht or more in euros in your bank account and can prove it you qualify. Go to the Thai embassy in France webpage and look for Non OA visa. There should be all the information you need. When granted the visa is valid for a year and you get a years entry up until the expiry date. The trick is to re enter Thailand just before the visa expiry and you then get another year. You have to get a single or multiple re entry permit in the 2nd year to keep the entry valid. Once done it saves all that worrying about immigration at the border and you can come and go as many times as you wish in the 2 years as long as you follow the requirements. Easy.

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To baerboxer 

I don't demand any kind of ''elite treatment''but just a fair treat ment  along with the official regulations,and not being exposed to arbitrary..any country lay down it's own rules and has sovereignty to let in or not,But here there is no serious ground to give  me the hard time of it and so far i'd never had any problem..I asked the police what 's the problem,and I couldn't elicit any answer

The reference to france as the way they treat thai people is off Subject, thailand could impose the same and then I wouldn't go once and for all,I just claim respect of their own law

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On 3/10/2019 at 8:49 PM, dnrot said:

I'm perfectly aware of the situation getting worse and worse up to pushing people out of the country long time residents included,let alone people like me they don't give a damn I spend money in thailand or not,But it won't prevent me from thinking they're nothing but brainless..

I'm not sure I can get multiple non immigrant O in paris,and report ing to police Thanks but french police is already enough for me

As to the reference to embassy to suggest the required return ticket within 30days it's improper as embases have no say in fixing regulations allowing entrance in the country,they just take care of visa delivery,and  i've never been asked at immigration to show this ticket,the only proper ground for rejection being,as far as I know,the money concernant ten ortwenty thousand bahts,that's why I was ask ing a statement from the immigration  making this requirements clearly set



I'm perfectly aware of the situation getting worse and worse up to pushing people out of the country long time residents included,let alone people like me they don't give a damn I spend money in thailand or not,But it won't prevent me from thinking they're nothing but brainless..



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11 hours ago, mrmicbkktxl said:

You are comparing apples with pears.France is a 1st world country,Thailand is 3rd world country.I don't think french come to Thai because they want to work here,Thais would love to go to any western country if they could, and work there.Also Thais 90% love to overstay their visa or misuse their visa[ask the Japanese and Koreans.If the immigration wouldn't be so lazy or stupid,they would separate between 1st world countries,2nd... 3rd.... and...............,actually they doing that already,most westerners get a 30 VOA,some 15days and some need a visa from their embassy,but when it comes to multiple entries they put all non Thais in one bucket.They can not or don't want to understand some westerners have money and time to travel around,so they asking stupid questions like'are you working here?'I think 99% of westerners what come here on a VOA are genuine tourists,and like the OP  said'why I should get a visa if I stay only a few days"Why Thai immigration must treat airport arrivals different from land border arrivals?Why Thai immigration treats a westerner the same way as a guy from Cambodia or Myanmar?It is obviously that  Cambodians not travel to Thailand for a beach vacation.

If they don't want non Thais travel around including neighboring countries,then they should say so clearly on their immigration or embassy website.,but that will never ever happen Thais are happy with their shi. mentality[nothing is sure] and if westerners don't like it they should stay home,since the Chinese and Indians are coming they no need westerners anymore

I still haven’t met any thais so far that  enjoyed to live in a western country, now most I have met who have stayed in a western country for years didn’t really like it, usually only low class thais that stays there for one reason and that’s because of their sugar daddy can’t afford to live in thailand so they stay in their come country because they have to work.


and by the way I wouldn’t call France 1st world country more like a shithole country.


if Thailand is a 3rd world country what is India,Pakistan, Bangladesh etc etc, a 5th world country ?


it’s wrong to call a country that have never been a third world country a third world country, a country is either a developing country or a developed country.


most of Western Europe and Northern Europe is finish the are literally destructive country, and soon will be a developing shit hole.

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26 minutes ago, dnrot said:

To Jim

We knew already about the so called ''big joke'' the cowboy dealing with ''bad guys''teeming all over the King dom, and now I get to know his next of kin,lecturing those travelling without a''proper''visa

I remind  you of the visa exemptions  rules which are limited twice a year overland,and no set limit as far as flying in concerned,i've always respected this and never been questionned..why should I get visas as long as I don't stay more than 30days?my rejection was based on what?

I call you ''big joke''bis,because when you suggest deposits in thai banks of as much as 800000bahts,it's a joke,isn't it?and this just for sending a few weeks in thailand ! 

You  refer to my age as a poor''excuse''! What excuse?you've the guts to infer i'm trying to use my age as a trick to get round the regulations? 

This is ludicrous ! The main reason of the chas ing of illegal foreigners is illegal employment,can you imagine a 69 retired university teacher trying to set foot in the thai university system ? And the age isn't an ''excuse''but a safeguard .

Last summer I made a non imm O because I stayed 10 weeks,making visas when it's not requested I don't see the point,but for you arbitrary treatment is no concern of yours, you're nothing more  than a condescending and lecturing expat,and Thanks for your advices

There you go again mentioning age and now pointing out you were a university lecturer, well bully for you. Its a shame you didn't in your career learn the english language, your punctuation is appalling. Never mind. In my previous post I was seriously trying to help and advise you, it seems you are so determind to be pedantic, that you are losing focus on the real issue. Good luck with what you perceive is Big Joke ganging up on you. I will not comment back to you again, I will let you have the last word. You are of course 69 years of age and I have to respect my elders.

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On 3/10/2019 at 9:18 PM, JackThompson said:


It's the more "settled" farangs, who have some knowledge of the language and customs, and who spend money here over a longer period, that they consider "problem" visitors who Must Be Stopped.

Why would that be? I see no logic at all in that policy.

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8 hours ago, champers said:

Why would that be? I see no logic at all in that policy.

There isn't any logic to it - other than a mix of corruption (pay us off or leave) and xenophobia (don't "stick around" too long, foreigner).


9 hours ago, bapoboy said:

most of Western Europe and Northern Europe is finish the are literally destructive country, and soon will be a developing shit hole.

And the USA - being "de-developed", as their working-class are systematically driven out of the middle-class into working-poverty by mass-immigration - lowering labor-costs for billionaires.  The boomers already "got theirs" from the good old days - have chunks of assets tied up in 401Ks/stocks, hence concerned about market-returns - so go along with whatever maximizes shareholder-returns - while their kids fight over crumbs with the world's hordes.

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