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PM2.5 of 415 at Yupparaj


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Talk about irony ! I saw this reading at about the same time a loudspeaker van came around announcing free health checks from the tesabahn!!!

Go and have a look at cm108 facebook page. Lots of people reporting that people still burning.

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I am speechless about how unbelievably toxic and poisonous the air currently is in Chiang Mai. I am wondering how many government officials who  said they were going to crack down on the burning get up each morning in their air conditioned houses, travel to work in their air conditioned cars and work inside their air conditioned offices all day.  All the while the masses are subjected to this disgustingly toxic and very dangerously unhealthy air. It is unconscionable how bad this situation is and when I read and hear about how chiang mai is supposedly rated one of the most desireable cities in the world I shake my head in disbelief.  

Edited by watgate
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Thanks, CMSally, for your many informative posts !


Looking at today's 2.5 figures for the other CM locations on that site, I don't see any corresponding spike of the magnitude shown for this location.


Any ideas about that reading ?



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12 hours ago, orang37 said:

Thanks, CMSally, for your many informative posts !


Looking at today's 2.5 figures for the other CM locations on that site, I don't see any corresponding spike of the magnitude shown for this location.


Any ideas about that reading ?



I would say the very high readings are from smoke coming in from Northern areas in the night / early morning.

Made worse in CM valley because of inversion layer and non windy conditions.


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4 hours ago, cmsally said:

I would say the very high readings are from smoke coming in from Northern areas in the night / early morning.

Made worse in CM valley because of inversion layer and non windy conditions.


Yes, thanks, that's a reasonable description of the probably modal source of the pollution.


I am still interested in the significant variance (spikes) for that one location in CM compared to the other CM monitoring sites. Why does the AQI website list two Yupparaj monitoring sites, with the one you cite showing the  much higher value ?


cheers, ~o;37;

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If you look at the map (if positioning is correct), there are usually 2 Yupparaj monitors switched on. One inside the entrance, where there is a rather large tree and one nearer to the street (further north) which has less large tree cover. The positioning would make a difference. It would seem the more exposed one has higher readings. Again looking at the map , the one for CMIS is (according to the map) inside the school. Also a place with tree cover. It would be safe to assume this gives a fairly low reading compared to the environs. Also bear in mind they are out there with the water jets at 3 Kings and Tapae Gate.

Not surprisingly Yupparaj gateway and Tapae gate are showing relatively low readings. I just drove past both and they have the water trucks out.

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2 hours ago, canthai55 said:

Bit off topic -

Rode down to Li, in and out of the Nat'l Park, and back to CNX last week.

Good visibility - 10 miles minimum

Muang CNX always has higher readings as long as I been here

Miles off topic!  Last week was last week.  Real high numbers started yesterday!

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Any time the regional AQI map is showing dots filled with purple and dark/burgundy red, you know it's time to get out of Dodge.... or have a very strong/good air purifier indoors and stay there!!!


The north region AQI levels yesterday and today are horrendous.... or to be more specific in terms of what the AQI system calls them, HAZARDOUS!  The AQI danger rating doesn't get any higher than that!


Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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11 minutes ago, flare said:

I'm guessing someone was sweeping near the particle collector and it read especially high (at least I hope that's the case):





Beat me to it, was just about to post that. Can anyone verify what the air is like in Hang Dong where the reading of 947 shows? Apparently the monitor is at Hang Dong hospital!

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8 hours ago, cmsally said:

If you look at the map (if positioning is correct), there are usually 2 Yupparaj monitors switched on. One inside the entrance, where there is a rather large tree and one nearer to the street (further north) which has less large tree cover. The positioning would make a difference. It would seem the more exposed one has higher readings.


Thanks, It would be valuable to tease out from the data sources those which are comparable in terms of location factors; then you could examine what an anomalous spike means across comparable locations to, perhaps, generate other hypothetical causes/correlations such as air-flow patterns, traffic congestion around schools am/pm, etc.


Wish I had a monitor here, near the Gymkhana Club golf course, to concretize my subjective experience of a very tangible drop in temperature and pollution coming into the moo baan.


cheers, ~o:37;

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6 minutes ago, flare said:

Can this be right?



Holy cr.. !

Let's hope its an error. Dustboy is saying the same numbers. ChiangMaiAir has been offline since Friday(Hang Dong has not had numbers on Chiangmaiair for quite a few days so maybe error). Airvisual doesn't seem to have Hang Dong.


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It was ~275 at the same location early this morning when I checked it before 6:00AM, so it's been updated in the last few hours- such a big increase in a short time is likely related to something other than the actual air quality (I hope...)

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Thailand has a huge army more Generals than any other country in the world and preventing some farmers from burning seems beyond their capacity. The words as chocolate and tea pot come to mind. In any civilised country this would be a national emergency. But sadly TIT.  Sorry my font has screwed up. 

Edited by beautifulthailand99
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Most of the current readings on the AQICN site for the CM area seem to be reasonably current, anywhere from noon to 2 pm at the time I post this.






The one 999 reading is either an error, or someone's lit a fire under or next to the sensor.


In flipping thru a lot of the sensor readings for the region, Saturday/yesterday morning seems to have been very bad at many places with AQI readings exceeding 300 at many places and even 400 at some others. But today, those levels have come down to just being generally BAD.... instead of HORRIBLE.



Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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