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A permanent solution for Thailand’s straying dogs


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3 hours ago, Laza 45 said:

He is not comparing soi dogs with traffic accidents.. he is comparing risk.. the risk of being injured or killed in a traffic accident is far greater than being  killed by rabies.. or a shark for that matter.. or many other things that kill people...   I believe he is right that they provide protection from prowlers at night.  Where I live most of the local dogs are owned and cared for.. if a stranger.. dog or person comes into the area at night the dogs all start barking and don't stop until they move on.. Yes, it can be annoying but it is good protection..  He does make good points.. Sterilization and immunization  is the best solution..  removing animals just creates a space for others to move in.. 

Who cares about the car thing one bit is too many as it's not justa bit its the recovery from the fear of dogs that could last year's. And about the road accidents well that's slowly being worked on and will take a long time to fix but they are working on it, but fix both problems simple. 

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1 hour ago, thequietman said:

What a load of BS! This is the answer and it would put the Thai army to use doing something useful for the country!


I see they also have the Koel bird missiles attached. Welcome to my hood anytime, fire at will.

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14 minutes ago, Moonlover said:

And as has been often stated, culling is ultimately ineffective anyway.

I can categorically state that a dead dog has NEVER bitten a child !

Can you say the same for a spayed / neutered one ?

Thought not.

If no tag - Bang - in a bag

At least the tag will identify the person responsible

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3 minutes ago, Bob12345 said:

If Thai cannot afford to pay vet bills or have their dogs neutered, they maybe SHOULD NOT GET A DOG IN THE FIRST PLACE!


How about that?

I'd agree, but it does not compute!

Thais will not use critical thinking, let alone logic, before taking a dog home.

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4 hours ago, from the home of CC said:

Anybody that would compare traffic accidents with rabies rates shows me he's lost it, just another nut job who personifies dogs -  part of the problem rather than part the solution.

So not an animal lover!

How is he a nut job and clearly lost it for comparing rabies incident rates with death on the roads? More death on the roads than through rabies! Fact!!!


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1 hour ago, DrTuner said:

The idea I think is if the alpha dog is sterilized, he won't let the others bang the females in the pack, hence preventing puppies. Correct me if I'm wrong.


In wolves, there is not just a dominant male wolf but also a dominant female, together they are a dominant couple and, rather than attempting to mate with all the others, they do their best to prevent any other pairings from mating.  In feral dogs there is never a dominant couple, they just tend to follow the dog being followed by the most other dogs and they mate quite freely within the group.

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13 minutes ago, canthai55 said:

I can categorically state that a dead dog has NEVER bitten a child !

Can you say the same for a spayed / neutered one ?

Thought not.

If no tag - Bang - in a bag

At least the tag will identify the person responsible

Also dead dogs, don't cause accidents, for cars and bikes.

Also dead dogs don't make puppies.

Also dead dogs, don't Bark all night.

Also dead dogs, don't pull the bins over and drag all the rubbish up the Soi. every night.

I'm sure there are a few more , people can think of. :jap:



Edited by stanleycoin
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In many countries eradication has proved difficult and only short term. Capture, sterilize and release has been proven to work in many countries. Yes, capture and euthanize the "problem" animals, this is achievable. Euthanizing 100% is not an achievable solution 

Edited by geoffrobbo
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4 hours ago, Laza 45 said:

He is not comparing soi dogs with traffic accidents.. he is comparing risk.. the risk of being injured or killed in a traffic accident is far greater than being  killed by rabies.. or a shark for that matter.. or many other things that kill people...   I believe he is right that they provide protection from prowlers at night.  Where I live most of the local dogs are owned and cared for.. if a stranger.. dog or person comes into the area at night the dogs all start barking and don't stop until they move on.. Yes, it can be annoying but it is good protection..  He does make good points.. Sterilization and immunization  is the best solution..  removing animals just creates a space for others to move in.. 

Oh of course the dogs only bark at night! I never see them or hear them during the day,and when I do they all come up to me with their little tails wagging rolling over so I can rub their bellys,don't get me started on the litters of pups it brings a year to my eyes just thinking about them.

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4 minutes ago, Thingamabob said:

I entirely agree with Anders. Killing the dogs will not solve the problem. More will appear in short order and nothing will have been achieved. 

Dead dogs don't Shag / root  ( just for any Abo's here )



Edited by stanleycoin
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This has got to be one of the more bizarre things I've read on TVF.


The plague of soi dogs is awful.


But it's very indicative of how Thai's treat their 'pets' in general. You look at the state of some of these animals, be they dogs or cats, and it breaks your heart.

They are rarely spayed or neutered, so breed constantly, allowed to roam the streets, often resulting in injury from being hit by cars, and no one cares.


The vet mentality is odd too. In the US the usual practice is to have a cat spayed at around 6 weeks. I had to strongarm my vet to spay my cat before 6 months!

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4 hours ago, bluesofa said:

That's all we need - a dog psychiatrist.

Where I come from, they're ubiquitous.


Simplest and most practical solution would be to neuter all of the dogs. That way you don't have to deal with the whole emotional-attachment thing with the 4-legged-shit-machine lovers. Withing 20 years there won't be any more of them. Just sayin'...????

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