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Pentagon sets limits on transgender troops


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49 minutes ago, nausea said:

I disagree, it's a lot deeper than that. In America and the UK, only the lowest forms of life go into the miltary or the police, or at least that's the perception. It's like the no alternative option - lawyer, doctor, accountant - miitary.

Tell that to presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg to his face!:post-4641-1156693976:


Middle west city mayor, graduate of Harvard University, Rhodes Scholar, and a veteran of the War in Afghanistan



Edited by Jingthing
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1 hour ago, nausea said:

I disagree, it's a lot deeper than that. In America and the UK, only the lowest forms of life go into the miltary or the police, or at least that's the perception. It's like the no alternative option - lawyer, doctor, accountant - miitary.

US Special Forces and to a lesser extent, the Marine Corps, generally attract the best America has to offer in terms of young men. That is what makes all these useless combat deaths so heartbreaking. The undesirable element that is seeping in to the US Military is due exclusively to the bloat. America just doesn't have the human capital it used to have and can't field a standing army the size it currently does and maintain high standards. We need to shrink down to 500,000 at the most, and ideally a lot less than that and you would an absolutely elite force. 

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6 hours ago, nausea said:

I disagree, it's a lot deeper than that. In America and the UK, only the lowest forms of life go into the miltary or the police, or at least that's the perception. It's like the no alternative option - lawyer, doctor, accountant - miitary.

I wouldn't say that.   Recruiting buses are backed up to the gymnasium of every highschool in the small towns of Red states. That's where most of the cannon fodder comes from. These days officer material is mostly a monetary calculation having to do with free schooling and double/triple dip opportunities that will arise down the road.

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10 hours ago, nausea said:

Oh, I don't know; if transgenders are joining cos they're patriots, who can argue with that; if they're joining cos they'll get their medical costs paid, not so good. Anyway, I can see why the military is doing it - dire recruitment from the general population and the nature of warfare has changed - a trangender, or a woman, can work a drone as good as the next man, or fill an administrative post The days when your ideal recruit was a young, healthy, heterosexual man straight from the farm are long past. Of course, you'll always need front-line troops who can take ground and special ops, best direct those few suitable recruits you get into this area, and leave the rest in back-up positions. It does beg the question, though, why are people so loathe to join the military. It's something about the perceived culture. I know, as a young man, I was as fit as f@#k, and made some tentative gestures, like getting a red beret in the TA. Between the ages of 18 and 23 I would've loved this, being paid to run around and travel. But something turned me off and made me go a different route. IMHO they need to address this deep issue.

As one that did serve, IMO the vast majority of the populace won't join up because the culture is so opposed to what they like. Being told what to do all day long and having to "rough it" are things the pampered generation of self entitled princes and princesses will never voluntarily accept. Also got to take into account the incompetence of many senior people ( risen to their level of incompetence ) and the bullying that goes on.

I liked the life, but the incompetence and the bullying by my seniors caused me to resign.


IMO allowing only transgenders that don't require special treatment is a good compromise. People that only join to get special treatment do not usually make good servicemen or women.

As long as they serve as their genetic gender it is fine with me.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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