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British lawmakers defy May to reject no-deal Brexit, to vote on three-month delay


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6 minutes ago, evadgib said:

He's more likely to be carried shoulder high into Parliament square while that lot twitch behind the curtains.

I don't mind where they take him to be hung, drawn and quartered.

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4 minutes ago, evadgib said:

Yet the 'Place in Hell' etc was ok in return, & what about the Mogg?

Yes, it was a general literary quote not an ad hominem attack. Post the entire phrase next time.


Mogg is an aberration but never discourteous. Actually, you nicely demonstrate the contrast. I don't agree with the views of either man. However, JRM is no lout and never discourteous. Thank you for illuminating my point so colourfully!

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1 minute ago, Grouse said:

Yes, it was a general literary quote not an ad hominem attack. Post the entire phrase next time.


Mogg is an aberration but never discourteous. Actually, you nicely demonstrate the contrast. I don't agree with the views of either man. However, JRM is no lout and never discourteous. Thank you for illuminating my point so colourfully!

No Probs. Thanks for doing same to mine (& you're supposed to say 'pleeeaaassseeee!'????

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I have no idea why you think a majority of the UK want a ' no deal ' exit as polls clearly show the opposite.
It has been clear from the start that Brexit would be a compromise , if you cant accept that then dont complain if it doesn't happen at all.

Haven’t you learned by now that polls mean nothing? Here’s one that clearly shows the opposite of the polls you imagine.
The Express.co.uk poll, which went live this morning, saw almost 90 percent say they would vote for a no deal Brexit. As of 9pm, 21,950 readers had voted in the poll. Some 19,688 said “yes” when asked “would you vote for a no deal Brexit?” while just 2,017 said “no” and 245 said “don’t know”. It comes after MPs rejected a no deal Brexit in a series of votes on Tuesday.
There was never any proposal for a compromise, clear of not. If Brexit were not to happen at all there would be more than complaints.

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I think this just muddies the water even further.  I understand the logic as I do asking for an extension.  All this has really done though is back May even further into the corner.  She can't advocate a peoples vote (and nor should she), there is no appetite in the house to revoke article 50 (political suicide for her), she can't recommend the Norway style deal against her own deal and she isn't going to go with Labours proposals.


So she has to cling onto the deal she has now presented twice and had rejected.  Her only chance is to persuade the Brexiteers that if they don't back her deal then Brexit is dead in the water.  Then with the leavers desperate not to have that happen, they will capitulate and vote for the weak and pathetic Theresa May deal.  Democracy working?  Do me a favour..



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20 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

I think this just muddies the water even further.  I understand the logic as I do asking for an extension.  All this has really done though is back May even further into the corner.  She can't advocate a peoples vote (and nor should she), there is no appetite in the house to revoke article 50 (political suicide for her), she can't recommend the Norway style deal against her own deal and she isn't going to go with Labours proposals.


So she has to cling onto the deal she has now presented twice and had rejected.  Her only chance is to persuade the Brexiteers that if they don't back her deal then Brexit is dead in the water.  Then with the leavers desperate not to have that happen, they will capitulate and vote for the weak and pathetic Theresa May deal.  Democracy working?  Do me a favour..



So final the ultra brexiteers go anyway for the called "vassal status " membership ….?

So that is then that so hard defended an fought for,... Brexit …., seems to me your full membership granted more benefits 

Edited by david555
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1 hour ago, david555 said:

So final the ultra brexiteers go anyway for the called "vassal status " membership ….?

So that is then that so hard defended an fought for,... Brexit …., seems to me your full membership granted more benefits 

Far more benefits to be in the EU than with May's deal.  Even the hard line Brexiteer Dominic Raab admitted that.  But it seems that for many leavers they will put up with anything to get out.

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As these politicians won't respect the referendum result and two party manifestos, a GE should be called. 
I can't see this happening, as so many would be shown the door and the EU won't want that, as a brexiteer could lead the house. As reported yesterday on Sky news a dozen Farages (very conservative IMO) could be elected too. No these gutless MP's will continue to thwart democracy and save their own bacon, for as long as they can.

Brexiteers will blame the EU for everything even the holding of a general election. Pathetic.

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36 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Far more benefits to be in the EU than with May's deal.  Even the hard line Brexiteer Dominic Raab admitted that.  But it seems that for many leavers they will put up with anything to get out.

Yeah we get that, but we are leaving no matter how long it takes even if that means starting all over again. 

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11 minutes ago, evadgib said:

Yeah we get that, but we are leaving no matter how long it takes even if that means starting all over again. 

So he was right after all ….!!!!! :cheesy:


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I just love how British democracy works, just a pity we couldn't have had the debate before the refererendum rather than after; still, better late than never, I suppose. I guess every career politician is looking over her or his shoulder. You know, I think there's a real opportunity here for some reckless guy to lead us into a new Golden Age. 



I'm a remainer by the way, but, as a British guy, this sh@#fest is just embarrassing. I think I'd rather go out with no deal than have our national credibility destroyed. I'll live with it. 

Edited by nausea
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29 minutes ago, evadgib said:

Yeah we get that, but we are leaving no matter how long it takes even if that means starting all over again. 

I have nothing against a Brexit as long as a clearly formulated advantage is apparent.

Unfortunately, you only hear slogans.

Brexit would have a lot more chances if clear advantages were presented comprehensibly. 

But after 2.5 years the air gets thin.

OK. The Brexiteers want to have their sovereignty again. 

But what does that mean in concrete terms?

Would like to know what should improve there in the next 5 years.

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6 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

I have nothing against a Brexit as long as a clearly formulated advantage is apparent.

Unfortunately, you only hear slogans.

Brexit would have a lot more chances if clear advantages were presented comprehensibly. 

But after 2.5 years the air gets thin.

OK. The Brexiteers want to have their sovereignty again. 

But what does that mean in concrete terms?

Would like to know what should improve there in the next 5 years.

Blue passports ….as there is no obligation for the red color for E.U member states ….. and can sell still fish on Europe :cheesy:

It is really an embarrassment for the U.K....this Brexit 

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10 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

For blue passports, the UK does not have to leave the EU immediately. The EU has never prescribed the color of the passport.



The EU Fisheries Consortium is the world leader here. And the UK is actively involved here. Securing the species stock, sustainability, size of the networks, control bodies. 

Who  is talking about leaving …? It seems U.K. is go to stay at least a full E.U. period …(they are working /planning it …:whistling: ) and as a paying full member ….. but the 39 billions are suspended of course :wink:

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33 minutes ago, nausea said:

I just love how British democracy works, just a pity we couldn't have had the debate before the refererendum rather than after; still, better late than never, I suppose. I guess every career politician is looking over her or his shoulder. You know, I think there's a real opportunity here for some reckless guy to lead us into a new Golden Age. 



I'm a remainer by the way, but, as a British guy, this sh@#fest is just embarrassing. I think I'd rather go out with no deal than have our national credibility destroyed. I'll live with it. 

No possible with Bercow at the helm:


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45 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

I have nothing against a Brexit as long as a clearly formulated advantage is apparent.

Unfortunately, you only hear slogans.

Brexit would have a lot more chances if clear advantages were presented comprehensibly. 

But after 2.5 years the air gets thin.

OK. The Brexiteers want to have their sovereignty again. 

But what does that mean in concrete terms?

Would like to know what should improve there in the next 5 years.

Exactly the reply I was about to make. Fine, let's leave but with an actual strategy. Not 'This will be fantastic! We will thrive!' 'Well it will be pretty good, anyway.' 'Well perhaps not that good in the short to medium - OK, we become Albania, but it is bound to pick up eventually...' How is the latter an argument for leaving? I don't want my bloody sovereignty OR my blue passport back in that case...

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23 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

I know you know that.  It's just that most people think that voting to be worse off and then carrying on pursuing that goal is somewhat ridiculous hard to figure.


But that is your choice and if it only affects you then no problem for the rest of us.  Unfortunately it affects us all, so don't expect us to just stand by quietly and not protest.

Any other Govt watching us & hoping to follow should learn by this ballsup and leave the week after their mandate to do so is confirmed & keep both hands on their finances until Barnier & co are brought to heel.


Imagine how different this would've been under Thatcher!


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7 minutes ago, evadgib said:


Can you imagine how different this might have been under Thatcher?


she is long gone and wont ever be replaced,your now stuck with people who couldnrt run a bath,and your sovereignty dream wont even happen,but you will have a miss mash of idiots to worship,enjoy

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Just now, Grouse said:

Ian Blackford impresses again!


Makes May and Corbyn look useless.

Corbyn has indeed added a totally new depth of meaning to the word useless, inadequate no longer suffices. The competent Blackford should take some exercise, he is beginning to resemble a roly poly pudding. (God knows how you spell it).

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