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Trump stance on Muslims, Fox host in spotlight after mosque shootings


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2 hours ago, TGIR said:

I am so sick of reading and hearing this constant criticism of the President.  The next thing we hear will be that Trump had a hand in the sun coming up.  One crazy person decided all by himself to kill a bunch of people.......the easiest weapon to use to kill a lot of people is a bomb or gun.   Maybe he didn't know how to make a bomb......in any case, neither the ownership of guns or the ruminations of our President can be the reason this nut case decided to do what he did.  New Zealand's Prime Minister now wants gun controls......because ONE nutcase did something horrible.  So you ban guns and someone else makes bombs.  A few people out of billions are crazy enough to do this kind of stuff........we can't stop them so quit being such a bunch of cry babies and get on with life.   

"I am so sick of reading and hearing this constant criticism of the President."

Awwww, that makes me so sad to hear. Maybe you should stop reading topics concerning the man-child in the WH?


"The next thing we hear will be that Trump had a hand in the sun coming up."

I read something along those lines every day and it's written by his base supporters. The orange one can quite literally do no wrong - amazing and sad at the same time.


"A few people out of billions are crazy enough to do this kind of stuff........we can't stop them so quit being such a bunch of cry babies and get on with life."

Yes, just a few people are crazy enough so why do we really need e.g. airport security?? I say get rid of it all!!



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7 minutes ago, simple1 said:

The Center for Security Policy (CSP) is a far-right,[3][4] Washington, D.C.-based think tank




Does its research stand up?

Arguably, no. According to the Bridge Initiative, a Georgetown University Islamophobia research project, the CSP survey was an online, self-selecting poll of 600 people, meaning respondents opted in to taking part.



When it comes to making an independent assessment of an organisation's political bias, Wikipedia is about as impartial as the Guardian. 


Does the CSP's research stand up, you ask? Well, at least as much an anything emanating from an outfit calling itself the Georgetown University Islamophobia Research Project! 


Shame on a publicly funded seat of learning university for legitimising another of those silly invented "phobia" words calculated to shut down public debate.


But full marks for not falling back on those old lefty favourites Hope Not Hate and the Southern Poverty Law Centre? 

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46 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

I've just looked up the word "santorum" and wished I hadn't!


Enlightening though the views of religious zealots like Rick Santorum and and Mike Huckerbee may be, there is no empirical evidence that they represent 51 percent of American Christians. 


As for Sharia, I don't know about the US, but an estimated eighty or so Sharia courts (euphemistically referred to as "councils") are already up and running in the UK, where 43 percent of Muslims are on record of wanting Sharia law, with only 22 percent against.


Sorry, but facts really do matter more than feelings.


No one claimed that 51% of Christian Americans want canonical law, what I said is that a larger percentage of Republicans do.  But what really happened was 57% of Republicans in a poll said that they wanted the US to become a Christian country, which means either a theocracy or a theonomy, take your pick, a religious leadership or religious law, we're not sure which they wanted, perhaps both.

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Just now, Kieran00001 said:


No one claimed that 51% of Christian Americans want canonical law, what I said is that a larger percentage of Republicans do.  But what really happened was 57% of Republicans in a poll said that they wanted the US to become a Christian country, which means either a theocracy or a theonomy, take your pick, a religious leadership or religious law, we're not sure which they wanted, perhaps both.

Wishing is one thing, inflicting is another. If you want to see a real theocracy in action, take a trip to Iran.

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56 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

I've just looked up the word "santorum" and wished I hadn't!


Enlightening though the views of religious zealots like Rick Santorum and and Mike Huckerbee may be, there is no empirical evidence that they represent 51 percent of American Christians. 


As for Sharia, I don't know about the US, but an estimated eighty or so Sharia courts (euphemistically referred to as "councils") are already up and running in the UK, where 43 percent of Muslims are on record of wanting Sharia law, with only 22 percent against.


Sorry, but facts really do matter more than feelings.


What percentage of Church of England members support the ecclesiastical courts?

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7 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


What percentage of Church of England members support the ecclesiastical courts?

No idea. Irrelevant anyway, as ecclesiastical court tribunals deal only with disputes between clerics or with spiritual matters involving either clerics or laymen.


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5 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

Wishing is one thing, inflicting is another. If you want to see a real theocracy in action, take a trip to Iran.


Iran is not a true theocracy as it incorporates some democracy, however it is a theonomy as it tries all crimes in a religious court against Islamic law.  The US is not a theonomy, no one is tried in a religious court and the laws are common in origin rather than scripture derived, however is it a theocracy?  The constitution says it can't be, however look at this presidency and we can see something happening.  Trump announced, “IN AMERICA WE DON’T WORSHIP GOVERNMENT – WE WORSHIP GOD!”.  The ‘Bible Literacy Bill’  was passed into law allowing public schools to teach the bible during lesson time.  And then there is Alliance Defending Freedom, the group Jeff Sessions supports who seek to give Christians rights beyond the constitution based on canonical law.  There has been a shift towards theocracy this presidency.

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Just now, Kieran00001 said:


Iran is not a true theocracy as it incorporates some democracy, however it is a theonomy as it tries all crimes in a religious court against Islamic law.  The US is not a theonomy, no one is tried in a religious court and the laws are common in origin rather than scripture derived, however is it a theocracy?  The constitution says it can't be, however look at this presidency and we can see something happening.  Trump announced, “IN AMERICA WE DON’T WORSHIP GOVERNMENT – WE WORSHIP GOD!”.  The ‘Bible Literacy Bill’  was passed into law allowing public schools to teach the bible during lesson time.  And then there is Alliance Defending Freedom, the group Jeff Sessions supports who seek to give Christians rights beyond the constitution based on canonical law.  There has been a shift towards theocracy this presidency.

Sounds to me like the US and Iran are both theocracies. Allelluia! If this gets out it could save the world!

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14 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

No idea. Irrelevant anyway, as ecclesiastical court tribunals deal only with disputes between clerics or with spiritual matters involving either clerics or laymen.



True, they don't have power anymore, but there will be a percentage who would like them to  and that is the relevance.


I wonder what percentage of British Jews support the beth din courts and what percentages of British Catholics support the diocesan courts.  Of course both of those do have powers of arbitration, the same powers given to sharia councils.

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21 minutes ago, roobaa01 said:

the main point a former attorney jeannie stood up publicly on tv and found the true words for the antisemite muslim dem ilhan omar. the attorney jeannie has been standing her ground unapologetic, very brave person. whereas vice versa the dem caracas caucus cowardly passed a resolution about hate speech, rascism bla, bla without condeming omar for her antisemite hate speech in that resolution.





You thought there was something antisemitic in her calling out Israeli lobbying in the US?


Here's what the Jerusalem Post has to say about what she said...


For many American Jews, it feels like you have to choose between what manifestation of antisemitism you fear the most. Is it the newly empowered “alt-right,” rising white supremacy and the increasing number of hate crimes? Or do you fear the growing anti-Israel left, which wants to delegitimize the only Jewish state? Partisan politics makes it feel like American Jews have to choose, when in reality, American Jews can — and do — feel impacted by both. We can be heartbroken over Pittsburgh and frustrated by the leadership of the Women’s March.


And then, there’s the internal politics of being an American Jew, aka the widening split within the liberal American Jewish community regarding Israel, which centers on one question: Is being supportive of Israel still a central tenet of American Jewish identity? Or is being “pro-Israel” — however you choose to define that — becoming a less important part of voting as an American Jew?

If it’s the former, Omar’s comments are deeply upsetting and reinforce the idea that the Democratic Party’s views on Israel are drifting too far left. If it’s the latter (the “Israel isn’t important to me” camp), then Omar is simply representing the progressive view of the pro-Israel movement and being unfairly criticized for it.


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13 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

Sounds to me like the US and Iran are both theocracies. Allelluia! If this gets out it could save the world!


Who cares, we were talking about traits of theonomies not theocracies, there is no talk of having a Muslim cleric replace the government, there is talk of religious law, on both sides.

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23 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

No idea. Irrelevant anyway, as ecclesiastical court tribunals deal only with disputes between clerics or with spiritual matters involving either clerics or laymen.


Cannon Law is a parallel legal system which has severely impacted the authority of criminal secular law in Western countries with such matters as sexual abuse of children. It is not a 'so what' issue. Sharia Civil Law as practised in the UK is at all times subject to Common Law oversight and is not a separate parallel legal system - vastly different.

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1 hour ago, Kieran00001 said:


Who cares, we were talking about traits of theonomies not theocracies, there is no talk of having a Muslim cleric replace the government, there is talk of religious law, on both sides.

The US, as you and I well know, will remain a secular society, irrespective of the wishes of Christian zealots. I only wish, having grandchildren, the same could be said for European nations destined to have majority Muslim nations before the end of this century.

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1 hour ago, Kieran00001 said:


Who cares, we were talking about traits of theonomies not theocracies, there is no talk of having a Muslim cleric replace the government, there is talk of religious law, on both sides.

I care, if only for the same of my children and grandchildren. There are intolerant aspects to Christianity in its various forms, but the theory and practices of Islam are inimical to the values and cultural traditions of Western society. I have no desire, either, for my grandchildren to end up paying djizzya.

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2 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

I care, if only for the same of my children and grandchildren. There are intolerant aspects to Christianity in its various forms, but the theory and practices of Islam are inimical to the values and cultural traditions of Western society. I have no desire, either, for my grandchildren to end up paying djizzya.

I look forward to you posting something relevant to the topic under discussion.


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13 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

"...The president is not a white supremacist. I'm not sure how many times we have to say that..."


The problem is I don't believe that; I think most people believe that Trump is both a racist and a white-supremacist. And, I would point out that the public white-supremacists (David Duke and the like) certainly think that he is one of them.


I have said it before and (sadly) need to say it again;


Donald Trump is an ever-expanding cloud of toxic waste that defiles everything it touches.


God help us all.



Give him a liberal crying towel...

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America is in serious decline... Many Americans are deeply concerned. The radical left has gained control of the nation. Look at the Democratic Party today: Its leading personalities promote policies that are weakening the nation economically, socially, morally, militarily and geopolitically. How did they get control? What caused this nation to descend into this condition?

You need to understand what has happened inside this country and why. The problem is far deeper and has been going on for far longer than most people realize.

During the Cold War, there was a lot of fear within America about the spread of communism. Today, most Americans no longer consider it a threat of any concern.

But it is of grave concern. Few people realize it, but many mainstream political views in America today are identical to—and trace directly back to—the ideals and beliefs of communism.

One popular candidate running for the Democratic presidential nomination claims to be a socialist. Well, many Communists call themselves socialists. The fact that he has so much support reveals how dangerously ignorant the American people are.

What do you know about communism? A growing number of Americans support the government taking over health care and other major segments of the national economy. They fail to understand the dangers that accompany a Communist system... TRUMP 2020


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7 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:


Oh, the top news stories, I thought you said the top google search results, of course fox will feature more in news stories than seeing their own stories featured, their escapades are newsworthy while their stories are not, simple stuff.


Yup - like I explained - top of the page.



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4 hours ago, RickBradford said:

Now, we have the situation where a Muslim Imam, no less, calls for a "crackdown on far-Right extremism". Had anybody ever suggested a crackdown on Islamic terrorism, they would have been vilified as bigoted Islamophobes.

Complete BS!

In the 'liberal' countries where there were terrorists attacks (I.e. the ones cited in another post), there was a crackdown on Islamic terrorism. People have been arrested, mullahs and other people expelled, some mosquees closed, ISIS positions bombed, etc...

Mind you, the USA even went so far as to make war with a country that had nothing to do with it!


(Un)surprisingly enough, Saudi Arabia, the ideological mother of (nearly) all terrorists has not been bothered at all by the GOP administration at that time (and still is under the current one). Lol! ????

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10 hours ago, Thainesss said:


Weird, ive got 6 CNN "top news" stories on the front page and I barely even use this computer. CNN top news stories are even above actual Fox News website. Id wager you're not telling the truth. 

That's funny, I did not see this on CNN  https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=521742468349987

or this  https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=2092224874146723


Anything that makes Trump look good, CNN will not talk about it... CNN Fake News!

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5 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:


What percentage of Church of England members support the ecclesiastical courts?

Your guess is as good as mine, but according to a 2017 Pew Research study nearly 70 percent of Muslims in the UK favour Sharia law.

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7 hours ago, doggie1955 said:

America is in serious decline... Many Americans are deeply concerned. The radical left has gained control of the nation. Look at the Democratic Party today: Its leading personalities promote policies that are weakening the nation economically, socially, morally, militarily and geopolitically. How did they get control? What caused this nation to descend into this condition?

You need to understand what has happened inside this country and why. The problem is far deeper and has been going on for far longer than most people realize.

During the Cold War, there was a lot of fear within America about the spread of communism. Today, most Americans no longer consider it a threat of any concern.

But it is of grave concern. Few people realize it, but many mainstream political views in America today are identical to—and trace directly back to—the ideals and beliefs of communism.

One popular candidate running for the Democratic presidential nomination claims to be a socialist. Well, many Communists call themselves socialists. The fact that he has so much support reveals how dangerously ignorant the American people are.

What do you know about communism? A growing number of Americans support the government taking over health care and other major segments of the national economy. They fail to understand the dangers that accompany a Communist system... TRUMP 2020



We're doing a pretty good job of that on our own.



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17 hours ago, simple1 said:

I'm sure you can point to communist / socialist ideology embedded in the Green New Deal. However, before you do so look up the accepted universal definitions, not the anything to the left of 'right of centre' inclusion'.


Yes he did wind back his commentary concerning neo nazis and white supremacists, but only after several days of intense political pressure. Let's not forget trump was a disciple of Bannon for many years. Bannon is now busily advocating for and training far right activists.

Bannon is now busily advocating for and training far right activists.

???????? and?

Are you saying it's not OK to train far right wing activists? I'm pretty sure there a lot of far left wing activists being trained as well.

Far as I know it's not ( yet ) a crime to be far right wing, or  far left wing for that matter.

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2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Are you saying it's not OK to train far right wing activists?

Yes, Bannon has proven how destructive his ideology is for good governance. Only need to observe his disciple trump's actions undermining / destroying government institutions.  Same applies to the far left.

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15 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:


Yes, he used the AR-15, an assault rifle designed for infantry use, what did you think it was designed for, hunting?

It is used for hunting in NZ.

Herds of feral pigs or goats etc won't stand still while the hunter is reloading a single shot rifle. If you don't have a semi auto, most will escape into the bush.

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