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Feeling 'eyed' by Thailand and what I'm planning on doing about it


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Just now, Jingthing said:

I call total B.S.

Do you really even believe your own B.S. and think other people buy it?
You've been personally attacking me obsessively on multiple threads.
You seem especially miffed that I've posted about alternatives to Thailand, as if there is something is wrong with considering that.

Also don't tell me that I'm anti-Thai.

I never said that. 

Speak for yourself.

I call BS because you have not linked any of your preposterous claims. 


If you want credibility link and comment when I do all of these awful things until then it will only be another rumor.  You are Anti Thai.  Look at your last 10 topics.  You can be 100% truthful and still be anti Thai.  It depends more on how things are posted as opposed to posting them. 


For example , "Expats in Thailand considering moving to Latin America prompted by Thai visa changes." 


Or "There are no reliable statistics that suggest financially secure expats are leaving Thailand especially for the dangerous and crime ridden areas of Latin America."  


Both may be true. 

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10 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Good on you for that. So you might not understand the stress that some might feel that haven't structured their assets in Thailand that way. 

The only people that are financially stressed are the folks who had no money in the bank here.  How can any reasonable person live in a country not worthy of putting 20 grand in it's banks?

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1 minute ago, marcusarelus said:

I call BS because you have not linked any of your preposterous claims. 


If you want credibility link and comment when I do all of these awful things until then it will only be another rumor.  You are Anti Thai.  Look at your last 10 topics.  You can be 100% truthful and still be anti Thai.  It depends more on how things are posted as opposed to posting them. 


For example , "Expats in Thailand considering moving to Latin America prompted by Thai visa changes." 


Or "There are no reliable statistics that suggest financially secure expats are leaving Thailand especially for the dangerous and crime ridden areas of Latin America."  


Both may be true. 

Unbelievable. Too much obvious garbage to bother seriously replying to.

I ask you to desist from your obsessive personal attacks on me and my content on multiple threads. If my content makes you angry as you say CNN does, kindly put me ignore, just as you don't watch CNN. 

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3 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

The only people that are financially stressed are the folks who had no money in the bank here.  How can any reasonable person live in a country not worthy of putting 20 grand in it's banks?

You are obviously wrong. 

You lack imagination of the potential real life implications of the major recent visa rules changes.
Just because you're set up in a stress free way, your theory doesn't reflect reality for many other expats.

I suggest speaking for yourself rather than assume everyone experiences things the same way that you do. 

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4 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Unbelievable. Too much obvious garbage to bother seriously replying to.

I ask you to desist from your obsessive personal attacks on me and my content on multiple threads. If my content makes you angry as you say CNN does, kindly put me ignore, just as you don't watch CNN. 

Stop baiting me. 

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5 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

You are obviously wrong. 

You lack imagination of the potential real life implications of the major recent visa rules changes.
Just because you're set up in a stress free way, your theory doesn't reflect reality for many other expats.

I suggest speaking for yourself rather than assume everyone experiences things the same way that you do. 

You are baiting me but I'll respond.  What reasonable person would live in an unstable foreign country with out at least access to $20 grand cash? 


The only visa changes they we are sure about is an extra 90 days seasoning 800,000 and 400,000 remaining in the bank if one wants another extension at the end of the current extension.  The rest at this point are not beyond the rumor stage.    

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23 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

You are baiting me but I'll respond.  What reasonable person would live in an unstable foreign country with out at least access to $20 grand cash? 


The only visa changes they we are sure about is an extra 90 days seasoning 800,000 and 400,000 remaining in the bank if one wants another extension at the end of the current extension.  The rest at this point are not beyond the rumor stage.    

There is so much wrong with that, it's hard to know where to start. But I'll do a list.


Visa changes --


Embassy letters stopped for major embassies


Income method full 65K replacement for those without embassy letters meeting resistance at some offices that REJECT all applications that are not exactly right, showing 12 months back, with good evidence of foreign transfers. Technically they are supposed to show leniency the first year for failure to show the full 12 months, but in practice there are multiple reports of no leniency. Also evidence that showing quarterly transfers (or any other variation other than monthly) even if you have a pension that actually pays quarterly are being REJECTED. No flexibility. In my opinion, that is totally unreasonable and people need to be warned about that. 


Combo applications much more complex now, rules very unclear, with different enforcement at different offices. Impact more severe for those without embassy letters. The messy part is that with the new 800K seasoning rules, the exact mechanics of how to enforce the money seasoning for the bank account portion is extremely unclear. Even Ubonjoe suggests -- you must visit your specific office for specific information. At least one major office according to reports will not accept combo applications period.


800K is more than 20K USD. For those that have been doing top up, spend down (that's a lot of people) rather than hold in a fixed account, the new seasoning rules have a serious impact. They must keep the account over 800K for three months after now, meaning a temporary three month projected spending overflow on top of the 800K.


Many expats were not set up before for money transfers into Thailand. For U.S. nationals in particular, mechanics of money transfers quite often turn sour because of U.S. banking policies that is often hostile to expats. So with this additional seasoning (lasting all year now including the 400K) a problem with transfer mechanics could rather easily put an expat into illegal status even though they definitely HAVE the money. It's just that meeting these new seasoning rules is extremely onerous without any flexibility.


Increased enforcement of reporting addresses, potentially with serious consequences for noncompliance.


Math addon todays rates --

800K baht is 25,250.

Add three months buffer for after of 50K monthly which is 950K baht -- just under 30,000. 

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1 minute ago, Gecko123 said:

I find your labeling me anti-Thai is deeply offensive. If you even bothered to read my post #261 carefully you will see that I started out by complimenting another poster about his observation skills, and shared the observation that a newcomer (especially a foreigner) can sometimes upset the long established pecking order amongst the Thais already living there. That is a very perceptive observation, intended to increase the sensitivity of other expats when moving into rural communities. Please share with me any observation you have previously posted which you think is more insightful and we can let forum members judge the respective merits of your post.


I then described in detail two situations which I thought might have involved a Thai person being jealous because their socio-economic status might have been threatened. I went into great detail so that readers could appreciate the nuances of the situation and judge for themselves the merits of my impressions. It took a lot of work to describe those interactions in words. Concluding that the interactions I described are examples of an anti-Thai mentality is just crazy. You don't seem to be interested in any type of genuine discourse. Just firing off half-cocked pseudo rebuttals which just clog up threads. Your major motive for posting seems to be a desperate need for attention, and you have a nasty habit of stalking anyone who has the temerity to disagree with you. You are horrible addition to the level of discourse on this forum. Got it, buddy?

Yes. Calling people anti-Thai just because they don't have rose colored glasses super glued to their heads is disgusting. 

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9 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:

I find your labeling me anti-Thai deeply offensive. If you even bothered to read my post #261 carefully you will see that I started out by complimenting another poster about his observation skills, and shared the observation that a newcomer (especially a foreigner) can sometimes upset the long established pecking order amongst the Thais already living there. That is a very perceptive observation, intended to increase the awareness and sensitivity of other expats when moving into rural communities. Please share with me any observation you have previously posted which you think is more insightful and we can let forum members judge the respective merits of our posts.


I then described in detail two situations which I thought might have involved a Thai person being jealous because their socio-economic status might have been threatened. I went into great detail so that readers could appreciate the nuances of the situation and judge for themselves the merits of my impressions. It took a lot of work to describe those interactions in words. Concluding that the interactions I described are examples of an anti-Thai mentality is just crazy.


You don't seem to be interested in any type of genuine discourse. Just firing off half-cocked pseudo rebuttals which just clog up threads. Your major motive for posting seems to be a desperate need for attention, and you have a nasty habit of stalking anyone who has the temerity to disagree with you. You are a horrible addition to the level of discourse on this forum. Got it, buddy?

I'm not your buddy. 


The following were recently written by you.


"I've cancelled plans to travel outside the country for the foreseeable future. I don't want to give immigration's repressive apparatchiks any more money than I have to .


You have to admit there are an unusual number of people reporting these days that they feel the general attitude towards foreigners has shifted


There has been a real sea change in my feelings about living in Thailand .


I feel that there has also been a major shift in public attitudes towards foreigners in the last several years.


The rules seem so rigidly enforced it feels like they are looking for ways to kick people out."


I get it you don't like Thailand and it comes through in what you write. 


Remember I'm talking about being anti Thai I never said anything about true or false.



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3 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:

Voicing legitimate concerns about the direction Thailand is heading doesn't you anti-Thai, anymore than voicing concerns about the direction America is heading, makes you anti-American!

Yes, the member calling people names (anti-Thai) is completely out of line. It's fine to object to content and have subjective opinions about other people's content, but the main game by calling people such names is a very low level AD HOMINEM attack. With no disrespect indeed and then comes the name calling! Like I said -- extra.

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7 minutes ago, DogNo1 said:

There’s always something.  This week a young boy server tried to charge me more than double at my regular coffee shop where you pay after you eat.  Just 30 minutes ago, I heard some of the servers badmouthing foreigners.  In Bangkok, with so many tourists, people don’t chat as much as they used to.  But when I think back to the 70’s, things seem to be much better now.  I am 76 and have arranged for my daughter to evacuate me to a nursing home in Pennsylvania if I should need 24-hour care.  I am just complying with the new proof of income rules without worrying about them.  I don’t plan to leave Thailand until I believe that I would be more comfortable in America.  Right now my primary concern is remaining cheerful despite the assault of the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.  I am able to afford my health care here but paying for Medicare Part B so that I will be covered in the US.  Realistically, I will need to buy Medigap insurance as soon as I return.


In the end, I believe that gut feeling should determine where you choose to live.

Best of luck but I think many people with such backup plans as yours don't carry evacuation insurance and if they get really ill, either can't be moved or can't afford retail evacuation. We're not in Kansas here (or nearby Mexico). 

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11 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:

Voicing legitimate concerns about the direction Thailand is heading doesn't you anti-Thai, anymore than voicing concerns about the direction America is heading, makes you anti-American!


And I'm still waiting for your incredibly perceptive and insightful observations about Thailand (pro or con) which you have shared previously with this forum.

Yes.  I agree.  You are voicing legitimate concerns about the direction of Thailand.  However, that happens to be anti Thai. 


America is my country.  I have served when called and risked my life for my country.  I can be critical. 


I am not Thai and this is not my country and when I think something is wrong I don't talk about it. 

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14 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Yes, the member calling people names (anti-Thai) is completely out of line. It's fine to object to content and have subjective opinions about other people's content, but the main game by calling people such names is a very low level AD HOMINEM attack. With no disrespect indeed and then comes the name calling! Like I said -- extra.

I have said a number of times and I feel it is accurate that being anti Thai has nothing to do with truth or falsehoods. 


Many things we cannot say here because they are against the law (anti Thai).  You have not grasped that concept. 


AD Hominem is attacking you not what you post.  I am only attacking what you post and not you personally.  I don't call you buddy or make up any funny names to denigrate you. 

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13 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Best of luck but I think many people with such backup plans as yours don't carry evacuation insurance and if they get really ill, either can't be moved or can't afford retail evacuation. We're not in Kansas here (or nearby Mexico). 

The greatest chance of death for old people - a heart attack or stroke.  You only have hours or minutes to get to a doctor. 

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2 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

I have said a number of times and I feel it is accurate that being anti Thai has nothing to do with truth or falsehoods. 


Many things we cannot say here because they are against the law (anti Thai).  You have not grasped that concept. 


AD Hominem is attacking you not what you post.  I am only attacking what you post and not you personally.  I don't call you buddy or make up any funny names to denigrate you. 


You have explicitly called multiple people ANTI-THAI on this very thread. You're just digging a deeper hole for yourself now. It's painful to see. 

Now you're playing the threat game?

What can't we say here?

Is it against the law to compare the visa laws in Thailand to Vietnam?

Is it against the law to post reports about people having problems with their combo applications under the new rules?


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7 minutes ago, Jingthing said:


You have explicitly called multiple people ANTI-THAI on this very thread. You're just digging a deeper hole for yourself now. It's painful to see. 

Now you're playing the threat game?

What can't we say here?

Is it against the law to compare the visa laws in Thailand to Vietnam?

Is it against the law to post reports about people having problems with their combo applications under the new rules?

Anti Thai is not an ad hominem attack.  I have posted threads and posts in every case that has demonstrated anti Thai behavior. 


Being anti Thai is not in all cases against the law.  However one can be anti Thai and break the law and be anti Thai and not break the law. 


I believe in discussing any factual changes to Visa rules.  That's not being anti Thai.  Posting that Visa changes are driving legitimate expats out of Thailand with no factual data to support that is being anti Thai. 


Sure you can do it.  And so can I say that is anti Thai. 


But now you are just bickering. 


The basis of this thread is really getting the evil eye in Thailand - True or False. 

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Just now, marcusarelus said:

Anti Thai is not an ad hominem attack.  I have posted threads and posts in every case that has demonstrated anti Thai behavior. 


Being anti Thai is not in all cases against the law.  However one can be anti Thai and break the law and be anti Thai and not break the law. 


I believe in discussing any factual changes to Visa rules.  That's not being anti Thai.  Posting that Visa changes are driving legitimate expats out of Thailand with no factual data to support that is being anti Thai. 


Sure you can do it.  And so can I say that is anti Thai. 

No. You have explicitly name called specific PEOPLE as anti Thai.

You can't undo that. Just stop trying. Readers aren't that stupid.


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1 hour ago, marcusarelus said:

100% of my assets are liquid and can be moved on a days notice. 

I don't get that sense from your posts.


You have a lot of skin in the game here, and it shows in your posts.


The pro-Thailand club is not what it used to be.  Many are now waking up to Thailand's motives for tolerating foreigners here.   

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14 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

The greatest chance of death for old people - a heart attack or stroke.  You only have hours or minutes to get to a doctor. 

Speaking as a Heart patient, I am so glad I had a heart attack in Thailand. I would be feeding the worms in Mexico or anywhere else.

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2 minutes ago, Leaver said:

I don't get that sense from your posts.


You have a lot of skin in the game here, and it shows in your posts.


The pro-Thailand club is not what it used to be.  Many are now waking up to Thailand's motives for tolerating foreigners here.   

I don't know or really care about that member's specific life story, but it's been clear to me all along that the reason that retired expats are allowed to stay on Thailand on the serial one year leashes is because of the perceived economic benefit of the money we bring in, bank, and spend. Or just buy an Elite Card, same type of thing. I don't see much change in that basic concept. 


But the mechanics and details have become very onerous for a large group of expats, especially those that have been using income or combo method now without embassy letters. 

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6 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

The basis of this thread is really getting the evil eye in Thailand - True or False. 

False. Again, you need to take more time and READ more carefully before firing off your missives.


It is about Thai government and immigration policy which has become less welcoming, and socio-economic factors which have contributed to Thais being less welcoming to foreigners as well and how people should respond to these changes.

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1 minute ago, marcusarelus said:

Stop bickering and get back on topic

Channeling your inner mod now. A pretty good tactic now that you've realized that you can't deny calling multiple people names. 

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2 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

Speaking as a Heart patient, I am so glad I had a heart attack in Thailand. I would be feeding the worms in Mexico or anywhere else.

Me too.  Got into the ER at light speed and was treated accurately and quickly and with compassion.  

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