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McCain family punches back at Trump's latest Twitter tirade


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On 3/21/2019 at 5:40 AM, Samui Bodoh said:

The simple fact is that John McCain was everything Trump would like to be, but never, ever will be.


John McCain was a war hero. He was an honourable man. He was a man who cared for others. He was a man who received respect because he earned it. He was a man of principle who stood for something other than his own selfish interests. He was a great, but flawed, man. 


Donald Trump is an ever-expanding cloud of toxic waste that defiles everything it touches.


It is wrong to even mention these two men in the same post, but Mr Trump has a way of sullying everything around him...




You're going off in a lot of directions here.

1. McCain was everything Trump would like to be, but never, ever will be. - You have no idea about this and in light of Trumps success it would seem utterly wrong.

2. He was a great, but flawed, man. - President Donald Trump is a great but flawed man. I'm not great, but I'm flawed. You are not great and certainly you qualify as flawed. What the heck is your point with this? 

3. President Donald Trump reached out to N.Korea while every President before him only pointed weapons at this country. As President Lincoln once said, "the best way to destroy your enemy is to make him your friend". President Trump gets no accolades from the doves only more hate. Why would a dove not choose peace over war?


That you don't like Trump is more a reflection of your own thinking than that of any valid arguments. If McCain would have been President someone like you would have been a hater of McCain. The majority of Trump haters are simpletons, the minority are wealth mongering status seekers.

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6 hours ago, usviphotography said:

McCain is utterly despised by Conservatives. Trump bashed him all through the election campaign and it didn't hurt him with Republican Primary voters in the slightest (Trump won McCain's home state of Arizona by nearly 25 points in the 2016 GOP Primary). And thank God McCain wasn't President during the Iraq War or we probably would have launched a simultaneous invasion of Iran and North Korea while we were at. McCain was the guy who was advocating WWIII with Russia after Georgia invaded South Ossetia and the Russians drove them back. The man is a complete warmongering loon. He is despised by Conservatives, despised by Veterans, and the only group that actually respects McCain are the Bankers (yes, he was one of the Senators involved in the Keating Five Scandal) and the Globalist Elite who he dedicated his life to serve. 

Care to provide sources that support your claim that McCain was despised by Republicans, conservatives or veterans?


What evidence to you have that McCain would have launched invasions of Iran and North Korea if he had been elected President?


Can you provide sources that support your claim that McCain was advocating WWIII?  By the way, South Ossetia is part of Georgia; Georgia didn't invade itself.


Whenever I see a poster new to Thai Visa posting over the top praise of Trump, condemnation of decent Americans, and/or pro-Russia views I suspect someone working for a Russian Troll farm.

Edited by heybruce
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29 minutes ago, Peasandmash said:

You're going off in a lot of directions here.

1. McCain was everything Trump would like to be, but never, ever will be. - You have no idea about this and in light of Trumps success it would seem utterly wrong.

2. He was a great, but flawed, man. - President Donald Trump is a great but flawed man. I'm not great, but I'm flawed. You are not great and certainly you qualify as flawed. What the heck is your point with this? 

3. President Donald Trump reached out to N.Korea while every President before him only pointed weapons at this country. As President Lincoln once said, "the best way to destroy your enemy is to make him your friend". President Trump gets no accolades from the doves only more hate. Why would a dove not choose peace over war?


That you don't like Trump is more a reflection of your own thinking than that of any valid arguments. If McCain would have been President someone like you would have been a hater of McCain. The majority of Trump haters are simpletons, the minority are wealth mongering status seekers.

What you call "reached out to N.Korea" most people call being duped by North Korea in exchange for a photo-op.  North Korea got international recognition, an end to joint military exercises between South Korea and the U.S., and cover for China and Russia to ease sanctions out of the Trump-Kim meeting; Trump got North Korea to "end" testing that had already accomplished its purpose.  Past history tells us that North Korea's end to testing will be temporary.


Also, one only needs to watch a Trump rally with supporters cheering incoherent speech and outright lies to know who the simpletons are.

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4 hours ago, Peasandmash said:

You're going off in a lot of directions here.

1. McCain was everything Trump would like to be, but never, ever will be. - You have no idea about this and in light of Trumps success it would seem utterly wrong.

2. He was a great, but flawed, man. - President Donald Trump is a great but flawed man. I'm not great, but I'm flawed. You are not great and certainly you qualify as flawed. What the heck is your point with this? 

3. President Donald Trump reached out to N.Korea while every President before him only pointed weapons at this country. As President Lincoln once said, "the best way to destroy your enemy is to make him your friend". President Trump gets no accolades from the doves only more hate. Why would a dove not choose peace over war?


That you don't like Trump is more a reflection of your own thinking than that of any valid arguments. If McCain would have been President someone like you would have been a hater of McCain. The majority of Trump haters are simpletons, the minority are wealth mongering status seekers.

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "trump collusion cartoon"

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3 hours ago, heybruce said:

Care to provide sources that support your claim that McCain was despised by Republicans, conservatives or veterans?


What evidence to you have that McCain would have launched invasions of Iran and North Korea if he had been elected President?


Can you provide sources that support your claim that McCain was advocating WWIII?  By the way, South Ossetia is part of Georgia; Georgia didn't invade itself.


Whenever I see a poster new to Thai Visa posting over the top praise of Trump, condemnation of decent Americans, and/or pro-Russia views I suspect someone working for a Russian Troll farm.

In the poll conducted days after the week long orgy of pro-McCain press that attended his never ending funeral procession, McCain just barely polled above 50% approval rating among Republicans with 40% disapproval. Trump by contrast, enjoys 93% approval rating among Republicans. And remember, this all Republicans and not even sussing out the Conservatives:  https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/404587-poll-more-dems-approve-of-mccain-than-republicans-after-his


McCain and Vets:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=81&v=vFM1xqqTX_g



McCain composed musical numbers about bombing Iran:  https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-iran-mccain/mccain-sings-bombs-to-iran-idUSN1929196820070419


He threatened North Korea with "extinction": https://www.mintpressnews.com/john-mccain-threatens-north-korea-with-extinction/231943/


McCain was part of the cabal of jokers that wanted to induct Georgia in to NATO prior to the conflict in South Ossetia and once it started he was the biggst cheerleaders for the US to get involved- in a war with Russia, over Gerorgia. And South Ossetia was "part" of Georgia the same way Taiwan is part of China. When a region enjoys de facto sovereignty for as long as South Ossetia did, any move to reverse that clearly constitutes an invasion by any normal understanding of that word. If China launches an amphibious assault on Taiwan tomorrow, I can assure you every outlet in the West will label it an "invasion". And btw, McCain actually visited Georgia prior to the war where he launched an unprompted attack on Russian Peacekeepers and suggested they be driven out. So it is not like he just opportunistically jumped on a warmonger bandwagon in response to unforeseen events. Saakashvili was literally doing McCain's bidding when he launched the invasion:  https://www.thenation.com/article/getting-georgias-war/


Whenever I see a Neocon complaining about "Russian Trolls" I can't help but suspect they realize on some level the moral and intellectual failings of their discredited ideology and decided that childish name calling is the best argument their side can muster.  

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23 hours ago, Tug said:

That’s our Donald one jealous vindictive piss poor excuse for a human being rich white trash

Yes. Almost correct. 

One jealous, vindictive, piss poor, almost an excuse for a human being, piece of white trash.

Now Tug, you really must enroll in my further educational courses. lol Applications are waiting. We can discuss the fee


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5 hours ago, usviphotography said:

In the poll conducted days after the week long orgy of pro-McCain press that attended his never ending funeral procession, McCain just barely polled above 50% approval rating among Republicans with 40% disapproval. Trump by contrast, enjoys 93% approval rating among Republicans. And remember, this all Republicans and not even sussing out the Conservatives:  https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/404587-poll-more-dems-approve-of-mccain-than-republicans-after-his


McCain and Vets:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=81&v=vFM1xqqTX_g



McCain composed musical numbers about bombing Iran:  https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-iran-mccain/mccain-sings-bombs-to-iran-idUSN1929196820070419


He threatened North Korea with "extinction": https://www.mintpressnews.com/john-mccain-threatens-north-korea-with-extinction/231943/


McCain was part of the cabal of jokers that wanted to induct Georgia in to NATO prior to the conflict in South Ossetia and once it started he was the biggst cheerleaders for the US to get involved- in a war with Russia, over Gerorgia. And South Ossetia was "part" of Georgia the same way Taiwan is part of China. When a region enjoys de facto sovereignty for as long as South Ossetia did, any move to reverse that clearly constitutes an invasion by any normal understanding of that word. If China launches an amphibious assault on Taiwan tomorrow, I can assure you every outlet in the West will label it an "invasion". And btw, McCain actually visited Georgia prior to the war where he launched an unprompted attack on Russian Peacekeepers and suggested they be driven out. So it is not like he just opportunistically jumped on a warmonger bandwagon in response to unforeseen events. Saakashvili was literally doing McCain's bidding when he launched the invasion:  https://www.thenation.com/article/getting-georgias-war/


Whenever I see a Neocon complaining about "Russian Trolls" I can't help but suspect they realize on some level the moral and intellectual failings of their discredited ideology and decided that childish name calling is the best argument their side can muster.  

So nothing, absolutely nothing, to justofy your earlier claims 'Care to provide sources that support your claim that McCain was despised by Republicans, conservatives or veterans?


What evidence to you have that McCain would have launched invasions of Iran and North Korea if he had been elected President?


Can you provide sources that support your claim that McCain was advocating WWIII?'.

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“We only said goodbye to him almost 7 months ago,” his daughter Bridget McCain said in a rare public statement. “Even if you were invited to my dad’s funeral, you would have only wanted to be there for the credit and not for any condolences. Unfortunately, you could not be counted on to be courteous, as you are a child in the most important role the world knows.”



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On 3/21/2019 at 9:24 AM, Ulic said:

John McCain, a principled warmonger. Never heard of a war that he didn't want the US involved in. Lots of concern for America but no concern for the foreign civilians being bombed or the carnage and misery left behind.  

The US dodged a bullet when McCain failed in his run for the presidency. He was unhinged (too). That still doesn't absolve Trump from behaving like a fool. Clearly, Trump intends on keeping this McCain sore open right up until the 2020 elections. There doesn't appear any way to turn him off. Somewhere, he's always ridiculing, threatening, mocking, or lying about somebody or something.

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12 hours ago, Credo said:

Pretty poor post.   He polled 50% among Republicans.   So being liked by 1/2 of the party is a poor showing?   I think not.   


Yes, it is extremely poor. Anything under 80% among your own party is viewed as extremely poor and unlikely to produce a favorable election outcome. Trump by comparison at 93% and while this is an all time high for any Republican President anything around 85% would be considered solid. Just over 50% is atrocious. And remember, the question was about Conservatives, not just Republicans in general. McCain's support is highest among liberal and "moderate" Republicans so if the Conservatives were sussed out in those numbers McCain's approval would actually be much, much, lower. Trump, on the other hand, would probably stay the same or even increase. McCain's daughter was recently on TV whining and complaining about her father being laughed at and ridiculed at the big CPAC Conference. 


As for why Trump is focusing on McCain, I think some of you are giving Trump far too little credit. With the Mueller Investigation over, it is time for Trump to move aggressively against the participants of the soft coup and of the co-conspirators, McCain probably has highest name recognition. It makes sense for Trump to be bashing him right now. As the truth about what happened in the 2016 election is slowly revealed, it is only going to get worse for McCain.  

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31 minutes ago, usviphotography said:

Yes, it is extremely poor. Anything under 80% among your own party is viewed as extremely poor and unlikely to produce a favorable election outcome. Trump by comparison at 93% and while this is an all time high for any Republican President anything around 85% would be considered solid.

Except of course that 93% comes from a straw poll taken at CPAC. I just don't understand why Trump supporters continue to be so gullible. How many times does it have to be show that he's lying or citing dubious numbers to convince you people to be at least slightly sceptical?


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5 hours ago, usviphotography said:

Yes, it is extremely poor. Anything under 80% among your own party is viewed as extremely poor and unlikely to produce a favorable election outcome. Trump by comparison at 93% and while this is an all time high for any Republican President anything around 85% would be considered solid. Just over 50% is atrocious. And remember, the question was about Conservatives, not just Republicans in general. McCain's support is highest among liberal and "moderate" Republicans so if the Conservatives were sussed out in those numbers McCain's approval would actually be much, much, lower. Trump, on the other hand, would probably stay the same or even increase. McCain's daughter was recently on TV whining and complaining about her father being laughed at and ridiculed at the big CPAC Conference. 


As for why Trump is focusing on McCain, I think some of you are giving Trump far too little credit. With the Mueller Investigation over, it is time for Trump to move aggressively against the participants of the soft coup and of the co-conspirators, McCain probably has highest name recognition. It makes sense for Trump to be bashing him right now. As the truth about what happened in the 2016 election is slowly revealed, it is only going to get worse for McCain.  

You do realize that Trump is fighting with a dead person?   Pretty deplorable to fight with someone who is no longer here to defend himself.   Typical Trump.   


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8 hours ago, Credo said:

You do realize that Trump is fighting with a dead person?   Pretty deplorable to fight with someone who is no longer here to defend himself.   Typical Trump.   


You are so right but with the muller probe done maybe he can screw up his courage again and resume attacking children especially the undocumented ones they are easyer prey

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