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Stop Brexit: A million people sign UK petition to stay in EU


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9 hours ago, yogi100 said:

I'm just pointing out the fact that 20 million people can sign a petition but it can be rendered irrelevant because all it is is a petition not a vote. And can easily be fabricated and manipulated to suit those who organised and signed it.


You are understandably angry because in Pattaya your £ is now is worth 30% of what it was before June 23rd 2016 so why don't you up sticks and move to London. However you may not be seeing the effects that mass immigration has had on large parts of what I assume was your native country whereas I see it every day.


I'm angry because British democracy and the reputation of our government has been turned into a joke by our politicians and I do see the effects that mass immigration is having right now on our country.


Last week an elderly lady was robbed at knife point by a young negro just 70 yards away from where I live in London. Not a mention of it on the news or in any newspaper. Hardly surprising when most media outlets are in favour of remaining in the EU and the increase in immigration such a decision will incur.


I don't see how you can be familiar with typical Brexiteers nor their arguments when you're 6000 miles away in Pattaya because the BBC and Sky News won't enlighten you.


And also probably because no TV or radio presenters nor overpaid politicians have lost their jobs to Polish and Lithuanian scabs as yet.


 I don’t think it’s necessary to mention the ethnicity of the person who committed the knife attack on the old lady. We all know who is committing 

most ot the knife attacks in London, and to be fair it’s not E.u. Relevant.

 And I would not use that description to describe the Poles and Lithuanians, If you want to use that term, use it to describe 400 of the parasites sitting in the H.O.C. Along with all their supporters in the U.K.

Who by their actions have shown why the U.K is now a second class colony of the E.u.

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56 minutes ago, nontabury said:


 I don’t think it’s necessary to mention the ethnicity of the person who committed the knife attack on the old lady. We all know who is committing 

most ot the knife attacks in London, and to be fair it’s not E.u. Relevant.

 And I would not use that description to describe the Poles and Lithuanians, If you want to use that term, use it to describe 400 of the parasites sitting in the H.O.C. Along with all their supporters in the U.K.

Who by their actions have shown why the U.K is now a second class colony of the E.u.

It's totally relevant because the EU champion even further third world immigration and this incident is a consequence of such policies.


In 2015 Merkel made it clear that all EU member countries would be expected to accept a share of the immigrants from Continental Africa and Asia she was flooding the European mainland with.


That along with the importation of legions of cheap under cutting manual workers is one of the main reasons many of us supported Brexit in June 2016.


We do not care if the value of ex pats' GBP has gone down from 55 B to 40 B. To us that's absolutely irrelevant, it does not concern us one little bit, we'll holiday elsewhere if we don't like it.


We're much more concerned about what is happening closer to home.


Try living in fear of violent crime on your doorstep involving knives then tell people what you think is not necessary to mention about such incidents or the perpetrators.


Perhaps you would not consider it necessary to mention the description of the culprit if a Thai katoey robbed someone who lived near you. The main difference, although it does not excuse it is that in such a circumstance the crime has occurred in the katoey's country rather than yours.

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4 minutes ago, Basil B said:

five and three quarter people signed a petition and the Government say's up yours...


The Governments response:

Next week there is a By-election in Newport west, just watch the Tories get a real kicking, just a taster for what to come.

"five and three quarter people signed a petition and the Government say's up yours..."


I assume you meant five and three quarter million people


Three times as many people, 17.4 million people actually voted to leave in the referendum and were told that the result would be final and binding. The government has said much the same thing to them.

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1 hour ago, nontabury said:


You forgot to mention that Brexiteers have never been in control of the leaving process. That accolade rest on the shoulder of Treacherous May and her side kick OllyRobbins, both of whom along with the majority of parliamentarians are remainers, who it would seem have disrespected, and failed to implement the Democratic decision of the British people.

 Will the people forgive them? I think not in a thousand years.




Dry ya eyes..its over...yorkshire is still a pakistani overseas territory and never was your dream of being true england...get ya bulldog tatts removed its over tommy

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On 3/25/2019 at 10:42 AM, wilcopops said:

I notice there isn't a comparable pro-Brexit petition though?


You can't have looked very hard!


Leave the EU without a deal in March 2019 is the latest and the one which has received the most signatures.


Which, at the time of writing, was just 573,640 since 17th October 2018 while the cancel Article 50 one has amassed 5,780,714 since 20th February 2019.

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11 hours ago, yogi100 said:

I'm just pointing out the fact that 20 million people can sign a petition but it can be rendered irrelevant because all it is is a petition not a vote. And can easily be fabricated and manipulated to suit those who organised and signed it.


You are understandably angry because in Pattaya your £ is now is worth 30% of what it was before June 23rd 2016 so why don't you up sticks and move to London. However you may not be seeing the effects that mass immigration has had on large parts of what I assume was your native country whereas I see it every day.


I'm angry because British democracy and the reputation of our government has been turned into a joke by our politicians and I do see the effects that mass immigration is having right now on our country.


Last week an elderly lady was robbed at knife point by a young negro just 70 yards away from where I live in London. Not a mention of it on the news or in any newspaper. Hardly surprising when most media outlets are in favour of remaining in the EU and the increase in immigration such a decision will incur.


I don't see how you can be familiar with typical Brexiteers nor their arguments when you're 6000 miles away in Pattaya because the BBC and Sky News won't enlighten you.


And also probably because no TV or radio presenters nor overpaid politicians have lost their jobs to Polish and Lithuanian scabs as yet.

I see your still highlighting every singke crime in a city of millions in the name of brexit...get real and move somewhere else if its that bad....yorkshire is true england according to a brexiteer on here and it will be cheaper for you..dont forget to take your union jack onesie suze XXXXL

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24 minutes ago, yogi100 said:

Try living in fear of violent crime on your doorstep involving knives then tell people what you think is not necessary to mention about such incidents or the perpetrators.

If you genuinely believe that Brexit will have any effect crime, especially knife crime, then you really are living in cloud cuckoo land!


It is not EU nationals joining gangs and committing knife crime; it's British youths. Yes, in London it's mainly black youths, but in England and Wales as a whole it's mainly white (source)

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23 minutes ago, yogi100 said:


Three times as many people, 17.4 million people actually voted to leave in the referendum

As you and your comrades keep bring up that number, remember that 16.1 million voted to remain while 13 million didn't vote at all. That's 17.4 million who voted for Brexit, while 29.1 million didn't!



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And they've just told us they are going to ignore the petition. - 



This Government will not revoke Article 50. We will honour the result of the 2016 referendum and work with Parliament to deliver a deal that ensures we leave the European Union.


It remains the Government’s firm policy not to revoke Article 50. We will honour the outcome of the 2016 referendum and work to deliver an exit which benefits everyone, whether they voted to Leave or to Remain.


Revoking Article 50, and thereby remaining in the European Union, would undermine both our democracy and the trust that millions of voters have placed in Government.


The Government acknowledges the considerable number of people who have signed this petition. However, close to three quarters of the electorate took part in the 2016 referendum, trusting that the result would be respected. This Government wrote to every household prior to the referendum, promising that the outcome of the referendum would be implemented. 17.4 million people then voted to leave the European Union, providing the biggest democratic mandate for any course of action ever directed at UK Government.


British people cast their votes once again in the 2017 General Election where over 80% of those who voted, voted for parties, including the Opposition, who committed in their manifestos to upholding the result of the referendum.

This Government stands by this commitment.


Revoking Article 50 would break the promises made by Government to the British people, disrespect the clear instruction from a democratic vote, and in turn, reduce confidence in our democracy. As the Prime Minister has said, failing to deliver Brexit would cause “potentially irreparable damage to public trust”, and it is imperative that people can trust their Government to respect their votes and deliver the best outcome for them.

Department for Exiting the European Union.

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12 hours ago, yogi100 said:

Last week an elderly lady was robbed at knife point by a young negro

Spot the racist?

As Will Self once said, "Not all Brexiteers are racists, but all racists are Brexiteers".

Edited by wilcopops
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Please give to the Forum members YOUR DEFINITION IF RACISM

One the the most important tenets of Brexit is in fact immigration, but the arguments put forward by Brexiteers on this are inherently racist and hence based on a fallacious premise.
There is stupidity, crass stupidity and then there's racism.

Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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1 hour ago, Loiner said:

Pondered that and found Yogi to be right. Nothing good came of mass immigration, either from the EU or Third World. The affects on the UK’s finances, employment situation, infrastructure overload, housing shortage, health service failure, increasing crime figures, social and cultural degradation are all negative. Is that waycist?

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

None of which woes can be laid at the door of immigrants from the EU. EU migrants have made a net positive contribution to the UK economy.


If you want to look at the real source of your woes, look no further than the Tory Government.

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Good for your family..tell me this..would you agree that sadly the nhs is an insatiable money eating animal..ie..the more you give it, the more it wants.
Perhaps if the nhs got rid of some of the " clipboard johnnys " things would improve.
Also the fact that people are living longer puts strain on the nhs.
I stand by what I posted..open door immigration..illegal Iraq war..Brown's mad spending etc left " the cupboard bare " when the tories took over from brown.
Think about this..an area in the UK with lets say 500 medical staff " servicing " say 50,000 people.
5 years later..500 medical staff " servicing " 100,000 people.
Only so much the 500 can do.
Council housing for immigrants..how much did that cost?
Lets be honest here..imo the sociopath and war criminal blair opened the immigration flood gates hoping that in time to come..they would always vote labour and keep the tories out of power.
By the way..Ukip was my party but if I lived in the UK..I'd be voting for the new Brexit party once it was up n running.
Gonna have a snack n coffee now[emoji6]

My wife, daughter and her husband all work in the NHS. None of them blame immigration for the current state of the NHS. They all blame the Tory party. My son-in-law, a doctor, comes from a staunchly Tory family. Even he finds it impossible to blame anyone but the Tory party. They work at the coal face, they know, you don't.

Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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1 minute ago, malagateddy said:

Think about this..an area in the UK with lets say 500 medical staff " servicing " say 50,000 people.
5 years later..500 medical staff " servicing " 100,000 people.
Only so much the 500 can do.

Unfortunately you have put the cart before the horse. The reality is:


500 staff servicing 50,000 people, 5 years later, 250 staff servicing 50,000 people.

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2 minutes ago, malagateddy said:

So staff retiring etc were not replaced?? and the population stayed the same??
Sorry cannot believe it


Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


No, it was a much bigger problem than that and quite complex. I could go through every sector of the NHS, and explain but that would be seriously off topic and I've given the explanation before.


Let's just use GP's as an example. Under the Labour government, GP's were encouraged to run their practices as a business with financial incentives for meeting certain targets. This was extremely successful and GP's practices were providing a much better service than before. GP's were happy because they had gained control of their practices and were able to provide the services that they were capable of and benefitted their patients. It was more work for GPs but both financially and professionally rewarding. More newly qualified doctors than ever were competing for GP posts.


When the Tory government came to power, they cut GP remuneration to the bone, assuming that GPs would just carry on as before. Not so. My GP practice was forced to suspend a number of clinics, minor surgery clinic, smoking cessation clinic, well man clinic to name but a few. They could no longer pay salaries to both support staff and young incoming GPs and their individual workload increased massively. The 3 heads of practice, who had been my GP's since I was in my 20s, all retired within 18 months of each other, 3 extremely dedicated GPs who'd just had enough.


 Eventually we didn't even have a head of practice and the surgery was staffed by a trail of locums, mostly from 3rd world counties. The last GP I saw was a Nigerian woman who was completely clueless. All the GP surgeries in my area have now merged into one corporate company and no newly qualified doctors in the UK will entertain a GPs post, it's seen as the kiss of death.


This whole scenario was caused by one thing only, Tory cutbacks to the NHS.

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In scotland..it's a buy in scenario.
My former gp's surgery was excellent.
8 gp's..4 practise nurses..4 " district " nurses..snd admin staff...approx 8000 people registered as patients when I left glasgow october 2014.
When a gp retired..it is a " buy in " scenario.

No, it was a much bigger problem than that and quite complex. I could go through every sector of the NHS, and explain but that would be seriously off topic and I've given the explanation before.
Let's just use GP's as an example. Under the Labour government, GP's were encouraged to run their practices as a business with financial incentives for meeting certain targets. This was extremely successful and GP's practices were providing a much better service than before. GP's were happy because they had gained control of their practices and were able to provide the services that they were capable of and benefitted their patients. It was more work for GPs but both financially and professionally rewarding. More newly qualified doctors than ever were competing for GP posts.
When the Tory government came to power, they cut GP remuneration to the bone, assuming that GPs would just carry on as before. Not so. My GP practice was forced to suspend a number of clinics, minor surgery clinic, smoking cessation clinic, well man clinic to name but a few. They could no longer pay salaries to both support staff and young incoming GPs and their individual workload increased massively. The 3 heads of practice, who had been my GP's since I was in my 20s, all retired within 18 months of each other, 3 extremely dedicated GPs who'd just had enough.
 Eventually we didn't even have a head of practice and the surgery was staffed by a trail of locums, mostly from 3rd world counties. The last GP I saw was a Nigerian woman who was completely clueless. All the GP surgeries in my area have now merged into one corporate company and no newly qualified doctors in the UK will entertain a GPs post, it's seen as the kiss of death.
This whole scenario was caused by one thing only, Tory cutbacks to the NHS.

Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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1 minute ago, malagateddy said:

In scotland..it's a buy in scenario.
My former gp's surgery was excellent.
8 gp's..4 practise nurses..4 " district " nurses..snd admin staff...approx 8000 people registered as patients when I left glasgow october 2014.
When a gp retired..it is a " buy in " scenario.


Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


Not in England. Who would buy in to a business on it's backside. I've explained the reality, if you don't want to accept it because it doesn't fit into your "Tories are good for the NHS" fantasy, up to you.

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11 hours ago, 7by7 said:

If you genuinely believe that Brexit will have any effect crime, especially knife crime, then you really are living in cloud cuckoo land!


It is not EU nationals joining gangs and committing knife crime; it's British youths. Yes, in London it's mainly black youths, but in England and Wales as a whole it's mainly white (source)

Your source does not refer to fatal knife attacks. It concentrates on knife possession in England and Wales.


Many white young men now carry knives for personal defence especially the comparatively few who remain in London. It does not state that they use them. Better to be tried by twelve than to be carried by six.

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