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Mueller submits Trump-Russia inquiry report to U.S. attorney general


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"no one who has pled guilty has colluded with the russians". except maybe the russians that were charged lol. by to your great logic though it seems fair to mention they didn't plead guilty lol. you can add though that there russians are more patrotic than the corrupt hillary or that dastardly obama justice administration lol. 

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well ill say it again- the final report hasn't been released yet. you trump supporters passionately seem to say it has.  lots of (!) points lol. heck your even calling for investigations of clinton-again- over it. ill say it again- it hasn't been released yet. if you were poker players id say you all had a tell lol.

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2 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

Most of us knew what was going to be in the report from the get go. But our voices have been drowned out by the screeching hate of the anti Trumpers.

How did you know that? Because Trump told you so? Belief is a wonderful thing.

As far as I can tell, there's screeching from both sides of the American divide.

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Just now, johnnykak said:

a stunt huh? so your opinion is that their wasn't any russian interfenence during the 2016 election? you want to walk that back or double down? lol. I'm guessing the later lol. 

You mean attempted Russian interference? You didnt need a special prosecutor to show us that the Rooskies tried to meddle. Thats what Russians do. 


Bet it changed so many votes lol. Yep, that facebook add changed my mind.

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Just now, Lacessit said:

How did you know that? Because Trump told you so? Belief is a wonderful thing.

As far as I can tell, there's screeching from both sides of the American divide.

Naw dude, simple reasonable analysis based on knowledge of the criminal justice syatem and the media reports so far. Most reasonable Americans can smell a setup.

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2 minutes ago, johnnykak said:

so manafort and cohen are actually innocent men! and the rest! the report hasn't been released yet and thats the conclusion . you can walk that one back too- or double down! lol

Both are guilty of crimes unrelated to the election. How about this response then: so what.


I dont beleive you live in AK dude, most of us from up there look askance at the Feds.

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so thats all it was was Facebook huh? no wonder you attack the the justice department and the rest on the united states intelligence community. you see they have said thats not the case. i know you think everyone is against you but you might want to re-considder lol. hey get back to me when the report is released. 

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1 minute ago, Nyezhov said:

Naw dude, simple reasonable analysis based on knowledge of the criminal justice syatem and the media reports so far. Most reasonable Americans can smell a setup.

Are these the media reports described as fake news, or by the Murdoch-owned media? Help me, I am confused.

We Aussies have a much more direct approach. We despise ALL our politicians.

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look the one guy says he doesn't even believe I'm from alaska! lol. like its some badge of honor lol. most people i know from alaska work for the feds or the state lol. anyway it just goes to show you believe what you want lol.

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11 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

Both are guilty of crimes unrelated to the election. How about this response then: so what.


I dont beleive you live in AK dude, most of us from up there look askance at the Feds.

And I don't believe you're an American at all with your penchant for old Soviet henchmen and unwavering support for Russia.

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19 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

You could throw darts at the Washington phone book and find 34 folks to indict for something.


No collusion. Confront that like a man.

There WAS collusion in some of those indicted. When your man-child god says "No collusion" he means only himself. Admit the truth like a man!

Collusion: secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others.


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wow its not hard to get the whole trump cheering section going- even for something that hasn't even happened yet lol. its a common theme.  when the mueller report is made public i hope it answers some of the questions the american people have- on both sides. i personally will have to live with it despite my assumptions that meeting with the russians and wilikileakes were against the law.  when it comes out ill live with the results- will you?

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