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I am old and sick but determined to keep exercising. I have a walking exercise machine at home which at a reasonable speed I can manage for about 5 minutes. More slowly I can manage 10 minutes. I would prefer to do two 5 minute sessions a day as opposed to one for 10 minutes and was wondering if a TV fitness guru could advice which approach would be best.

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When it comes to the finer points of exercise, I'm something of a "bush mechanic". I would have thought 10 minutes would be better, but then I think that 5 mins twice a day with a slow progression to two 10 min sessions might be more sensible. Whatever, at least you are getting some exercise. Take care of yourself.

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Whilst not a guru, it is safe to say it is all out total time. 2 x 5 minutes will be fine. Moving is the important thing. Even 3 or 4 x 3 minutes will work if the effort gets too much. No matter how small, try to keep improving.


You could even try some exercises while sitting, like raising your arms above your head if you can. It all helps.


All the best for your health.


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It is hard to compare your situation as as too little detail.


But you could tel us about your friend - I heard he is 75, has heart problems, enlarged prostate, ED, gout, etc.. etc.. Please correct me if I am wrong about "your friend".


Reading the above URL, "hopefully" will lead you to this site: https://nutritionfacts.org/about/

The answers to your dilemma are complex, but, it is VERY LIKELY, you can make great strides in the quality of your life, if you are willing to try. - (Which it seems you are) 


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I like this guy's very simple but effective exercise routine.  Very well thought out and demonstrated.  Nothing to buy, easy to follow.  I've been on it a week and results are showing...at least in how I feel.

Nothing overly strenuous or potentially injurious.

Sound quality is poor because of echos off the hard surfaced room but still easy to understand.


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My advice as the undisputed expert ????


Do whatever is easiest to maintain for you so it will become a long term thing. The difference between 2 x 5 min or 1 x 10 is probably not much. But if it means you can keep on longer more months then that one wins.


Besides now its 5 minutes who knows what you can work up too.


But consistency is most important even if it means the exercise is less efficient on the long run you still win. 

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1 hour ago, ThaiBunny said:

Thanks for website. It states that the exercises  avoid any cardiovascular load but I had 7 stents inserted 3 years ago and I need to do cardiovascular exercise. I could do these in addition to machine walking.

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