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Mueller report finds no evidence that Trump campaign colluded with Russia - U.S. Justice Department


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11 hours ago, Kelsall said:

SDNY takes orders from Barr.  You're aware of that, right?


10 hours ago, farcanell said:

Relevance? Are you suggesting Barr is or will obstruct justice?

SDNY takes their orders from Barr.  Barr determines SDNY priorities.  Here is one priority, just arrested.  Expect more of Trump's enemies to be brought to justice.







Edited by Scott
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5 hours ago, heybruce said:

There are a lot of paranoid Trump fans calling for punishment of those that offended their snowflake President.  Please keep a few things in mind:


The Whitewater investigation went on twice as long, cost much more, ranged far more widely, and was based on far less than the Mueller investigation. 


If Trump hadn't wanted to subject himself to scrutiny, he shouldn't have run for President.


Russia made an unprecedented effort to interfere in the 2016 election.  Trump had past business dealings with Russia, was pursuing a major real estate deal while campaigning, his son-in-law suggested an illegal back channel for communicating with Russia to Russian embassy officials, Trump fired James Comey because of "that Russia thing", etc.  Of course Trump was investigated for possible collusion.


The Muller investigation has revealed some of the tactics Russia used, and will use again, to interfere with the 2016 investigation.  It also identified some of the tax cheats and treasonous opportunists Trump associates with.  It was definitely worthwhile for these reasons alone.


But cheer up; Trump is now in the clear.  Except for ongoing investigations for financial fraud, tax evasion, campaign finance violations, violations of the emoluments clause, and maybe a few other things.

Listen unless some guy from Russia comes into MY or my Grand ma’s or my neighbors VOTING booth in November 2020 ( just as they didn’t do in 2016) they have nothing to do with the average voter. Move on. 

Wow you say TRUMP is a snowflake? 

I remember when that word was banned from here lol.  YOU probably even reported it as well as that other one. 

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But, but Clintons...who were never found guilty after three investigations. Back on topic. trump has a long history of very questionable activities, which are now colessing with the numerous criminal investigations into his and family businesses. Personally I would be surprised if he manages to steer clear of money laundering for offshore entities. So far he has managed to steer clear of prison time by way of pouring god knows how much money into lawyers hands; one day hopefully it will all catch up with him.

Bruce introduced the topic of the Clintons and their own Whitewater scandal so your...”but, but the Clintons” is best directed to his post if your goal is accuracy.


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5 minutes ago, ShortTimed said:


Bruce introduced the topic of the Clintons and their own Whitewater scandal so your...”but, but the Clintons” is best directed to his post if your goal is accuracy.




Pot kettle black

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37 minutes ago, alex8912 said:

Listen unless some guy from Russia comes into MY or my Grand ma’s or my neighbors VOTING booth in November 2020 ( just as they didn’t do in 2016) they have nothing to do with the average voter. Move on. 

Wow you say TRUMP is a snowflake? 

I remember when that word was banned from here lol.  YOU probably even reported it as well as that other one. 

Russia has been manipulating, through bots and fake news, the social media that idiots think gives them accurate news, and many of these idiots voted.  Move on.


Trump is a thin-skinned germophobe who dodged the draft and is a meek toady to Putin when appearing with him, so yes, I think snowflake is a reasonable name for him.  Also, no, I never reported anyone for using the term.

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38 minutes ago, ShortTimed said:


What corruption in the Whitewater scandal?

Your response answers my question.

Can you take a closer look at your eye glasses, it looks like you may have bought blue blockers by mistake and they are keeping you from seeing the corruption in your political leadership is both red.....& blue.

I see, the corruption that you imagine was there but can't identify.  Got it.

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6 hours ago, heybruce said:

There are a lot of paranoid Trump fans calling for punishment of those that offended their snowflake President.  Please keep a few things in mind:


The Whitewater investigation went on twice as long, cost much more, ranged far more widely, and was based on far less than the Mueller investigation. 


If Trump hadn't wanted to subject himself to scrutiny, he shouldn't have run for President.


Russia made an unprecedented effort to interfere in the 2016 election.  Trump had past business dealings with Russia, was pursuing a major real estate deal while campaigning, his son-in-law suggested an illegal back channel for communicating with Russia to Russian embassy officials, Trump fired James Comey because of "that Russia thing", etc.  Of course Trump was investigated for possible collusion.


The Muller investigation has revealed some of the tactics Russia used, and will use again, to interfere with the 2016 investigation.  It also identified some of the tax cheats and treasonous opportunists Trump associates with.  It was definitely worthwhile for these reasons alone.


But cheer up; Trump is now in the clear.  Except for ongoing investigations for financial fraud, tax evasion, campaign finance violations, violations of the emoluments clause, and maybe a few other things.


35 minutes ago, ShortTimed said:


Bruce introduced the topic of the Clintons and their own Whitewater scandal so your...”but, but the Clintons” is best directed to his post if your goal is accuracy.



As you can see, I very briefly mentioned the Whitewater investigation to give the Mueller investigation some perspective.

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16 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Russia has been manipulating, through bots and fake news, the social media that idiots think gives them accurate news, and many of these idiots voted.  Move on.


Trump is a thin-skinned germophobe who dodged the draft and is a meek toady to Putin when appearing with him, so yes, I think snowflake is a reasonable name for him.  Also, no, I never reported anyone for using the term.

Oh did the Russians make “fake news” an English vernacular Uber popular phrase or someone else you don’t seem to like? You also think Russia manipulates everyone’s social media. They have not manipulated mine and obviously have yours. I won’t even get into who is thin skinned, it’s too apparent. 

In a few years those who take offense to some who dodged the draft ( over 50 years ago lol, to not fight in a war they were against) will not be amongst us.  Find something more recent to cry about. 

Oh yah. No “bots” have manipulated me or most others. That’s just another urban myth bud. Move on please. 

Lol being a germaphobe ( spelled correctly now) is your other complaint?  LMAO.

Edited by alex8912
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29 minutes ago, alex8912 said:

Oh did the Russians make “fake news” an English vernacular Uber popular phrase or someone else you don’t seem to like? You also think Russia manipulates everyone’s social media. They have not manipulated mine and obviously have yours. I won’t even get into who is thin skinned, it’s too apparent. 

In a few years those who take offense to some who dodged the draft ( over 50 years ago lol, to not fight in a war they were against) will not be amongst us.  Find something more recent to cry about. 

Oh yah. No “bots” have manipulated me or most others. That’s just another urban myth bud. Move on please. 

Lol being a germaphobe ( spelled correctly now) is your other complaint?  LMAO.

Yes, Russia puts great effort into making fake news in the correct vernacular.  However when they are inventing stories some people want to believe, these people don't worry about vernacular.  Russia also planted these stories and used these bots in Facebook and Twitter, which is more than enough.


How do you know Russia hasn't manipulated "your" social media?  What social media to you have?  How do you know you haven't been manipulated by bots?  If you use social media in and attempt to stay informed, instead of reputable news sources, there's a good chance you've been manipulated.

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13 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Yes, Russia puts great effort into making fake news in the correct vernacular.  However when they are inventing stories some people want to believe, these people don't worry about vernacular.  Russia also planted these stories and used these bots in Facebook and Twitter, which is more than enough.


How do you know Russia hasn't manipulated "your" social media?  What social media to you have?  How do you know you haven't been manipulated by bots?  If you use social media in and attempt to stay informed, instead of reputable news sources, there's a good chance you've been manipulated.

I don’t use social media in an attempt to be informed of news. EVER! 

People who do read and speak English fluently pretty much need to use vernacular English or they would not understand it. Russia is not putting fake news out there to most people. Again it’s an urban myth. Are you reading the National Enquirer from the USA regularly?


  1. 1. 
    (of language) spoken as one's mother tongue; not learned or imposed as a second language.
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39 minutes ago, alex8912 said:

I don’t use social media in an attempt to be informed of news. EVER! 

People who do read and speak English fluently pretty much need to use vernacular English or they would not understand it. Russia is not putting fake news out there to most people. Again it’s an urban myth. Are you reading the National Enquirer from the USA regularly?


  1. 1. 
    (of language) spoken as one's mother tongue; not learned or imposed as a secondS

Social media posts were generally written, not spoken, and most English speakers understand and to not question properly written English.


You base a lot on your mistaken belief that Russian troll farms can't master  English sufficiently well to stir people up using social media:


"The Russian conspirators waging an ongoing disinformation and propaganda campaign targeting American voters directed their trolls on social media to call the late Senator John McCain of Arizona an “old geezer” and Special Counsel Robert Mueller “a puppet of the establishment.” President Donald Trump, the trolls were told to say, “deserves a Nobel Peace Prize” for meeting with the North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.


Those are just a few of the messages that Russian trolls were tasked with spreading on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram between 2016 and 2018 to sow discord and influence U.S. elections, according to a criminal complaint unsealed on Friday."   https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2018/10/doj-says-russian-trolls-interfering-midterm-elections/573526/


"The charges took specific aim at the Internet Research Agency (IRA), a notorious Russian "troll factory" which focused on sowing political discord during the 2016 election by using internet bots to spread fake news and pro-Donald Trump propaganda on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms."  https://www.businessinsider.com/russian-troll-farm-spent-millions-on-election-interference-2018-2


It's good that you don't rely on social media for news, but since you seem unaware of the above, I wonder where you do get your news.

Edited by heybruce
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I don’t use social media in an attempt to be informed of news. EVER! 
People who do read and speak English fluently pretty much need to use vernacular English or they would not understand it. Russia is not putting fake news out there to most people. Again it’s an urban myth. Are you reading the National Enquirer from the USA regularly?
  1. 1.  (of language) spoken as one's mother tongue; not learned or imposed as a second language.

I agree with you.
The few examples that were in the Press, apparently the most damning examples that were discovered, were of such poor quality and appearance that any suggestion they may have swayed the American people is hard to believe. In fact, it would be embarrassing to an educated society.

Perhaps someone has found more recent examples and could post them so the discussion can be better informed.
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On 3/25/2019 at 9:24 AM, simple1 said:

What "false rumours"? I am referring to the establishment of the Mueller investigation triggered by the Australian intelligence report sent to US authorities from a meeting concerning a trump operative claims and the firing by trump.

And you believe that the intelligence services in Oz are above reproach? Please, stop taking the medicine!

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5 minutes ago, ShortTimed said:


If there are criminal offenses then do you not believe that charges will be made?

Mueller has certainly fallen from grace in the Liberal community, eh?


Certainly being applauded by his Republican Party, though lots to be appreciated by the opposition due to follow ups by the Courts for criminal investigations into trump, family and his many corrupt associates - if it walks like a duck...

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1 hour ago, simple1 said:

No, they have been caught out on a few occasions. BUT no one has accused, except by trump, the US intelligence agencies of lying regards the Russian interference.

Anything stated by the "Intelligence" Agencies in every country needs to be viewed skeptically and backed up by proof or else not taken seriously.



Edited by JimmyJ
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18 hours ago, alex8912 said:

You have your four pages. Maybe hold out for Pres Trumps tax return instead. 

Wonder what the next "big thing" is going to be. They were going all in for the "mentally unfit" angle before the report was published, but that seems to have died already.

I wonder what happened to all those women that were going to be the end of him? perhaps they will try resurrecting them. They've tried everything else without success, so might as well try them again.

For sure it's  :burp: in the Trump house.

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