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Mueller report finds no evidence that Trump campaign colluded with Russia - U.S. Justice Department


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4 hours ago, usviphotography said:

You aren't going to make a peace deal with North Korea with Mike Pompeo and John Bolton running around. 

Didn't he appoint both of them?  If they hadn't been at the summit we would probably be pulling out all of the troops from South Korea and have lifted all of the sanctions in exchange for  the closure of an out of date nuclear facility and he would be proclaiming that NK had denuclearized.  I don't like either one of their political policies but I think that they helped avoid a disaster and must have had someone install an electronic dog collar on Thrump's gonads to get it done!

Edited by wayned
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5 hours ago, wayned said:

Actions speak louder than words and it's very odd that he has alienated our allies and has chosen to snuggle up to Putin, Kim and Duarte.  I was surprised that he did not jump in bed with Maduro.


Venezuela has the world's largest known oil reserves - easy decision for US Empire.



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1 hour ago, JimmyJ said:

Trump acts counter to Russian interests in numerous ways:


Engineering an attempted coup in Venezuela, a Russian ally;


Selling lethal weapons to Ukraine (which Obama didn't);


Increased sanctions in 2014 after Russia's invasion of Crimea;


Ordering missiles fired at Syrian military sites, a Russian ally;


for a partial list.


But he is Putin's puppet and owned by the Kremlin, is a remaining belief of people who have problems with logic, reasoning, and accepting/understanding information.


Thinking hurts some people's heads.

Trump is not engineering a coup in Venezuela.  At least I hope his handlers won't let him do anything that stupid.


Increased sanctions on Russia were forced on Trump by Congress, and he delayed implementation as much as he could.


The missiles fired on a Syrian base were for show, and coordinated with Russia in advance to avoid any Russian casualties.

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1 hour ago, elmrfudd said:

no, you have not provided factual information. Facts are verifiable. no, the investigation was not legitimate with or without the dossier. you are obsessed

with a false narrative because it serves your desired belief.

You don't think Trump's past business ties to Russia are facts?  You don't think Trump negotiating a business deal with Russia while campaigning for President is a fact?  You don't think Trump denied Russian interference in the election for as long as he could is a fact?  You don't think Trump taking Putin's word over the assessments of his own intelligence services is a fact?

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On 3/26/2019 at 9:01 PM, TopDeadSenter said:

Well the funny thing is, if you had spent the last 2 years watching the likes of Tim Pool, Mark Dice, Paul Joseph Watson and even Alex Jones, you would have been more accurately informed that if you watched CNN and MSNBC and other MSM outlets. The so called alt-right media called the Russian hoax correctly from the outset while the legacy media went on a wild goose chase with no evidence whatsoever all day all night. Really the likes of Alex Jones should have their social media accounts restored with grovelling apologies from the tech giants and CNN et al should be banned instead. After all, nobody wants double standards. If publishing fake news gets you banned from Facebook and Youtube then it's time to ban all legacy media.

 Another difference is that Jones apologized for his Sandy Hook comments. He was wrong. He admitted it. While Rachel Maddow and the rest just keep doubling down on their fake news even after it's proven to be fake. I just can't see how what she is doing is not a hate crime.

 The end to the Russia collusion hoax must be cemented with major media reforms. Legacy media must be forced to take responsibility for pushing fake news that suits the false narrative they try to push. This hoax has totally divided a nation, and it even had the potential to kick off a war with Russia. It can't get much more serious than that.

This just in:


Infowars host Alex Jones admits Sandy Hook killings were real, blames 'psychosis' for his conspiracy claims   https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/infowars-host-alex-jones-blames-115415949.html

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1 hour ago, elmrfudd said:

business in russia is not illegal, neither is a failed real estate deal or refusing to believe the phony narrative the russians "stole" the election.




but keep up the phony narrative all the way to reelection. it will be hilarious to see how bad the derangement will get

Not illegal, but certainly deceptive and suspicious.  Especially the way Trump denied having any business interestes in Russia while pursuing a major real estate deal.


Imagine a similar situation.  What if Obama had been saying nice things about Iran, had past business dealings with Iran, had secretive current business negotiations with Iran, and publicly announced that he didn't believe his own intelligence agencies when they said Iran was attempting to develop nuclear weapons and instead took Iran's word that they weren't.  The right-wingnuts and right-wing media would have gone nuts.  An investigation would have definitely been demanded.

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17 minutes ago, elmrfudd said:

so Clinton paying millions for the dossier from russian "sources" never vetted once,through a british former MI6 agent, through perkins cooey and glen simpson, is not collusion?


no double standard here..... 


the lack of common sense is astounding

Paying a for opposition research is legal.  That is why no one has tried to bring charges against anyone in the Clinton campaign for doing so.


Accepting a gift in the form of dirt on an opponent from a hostile foreign government is illegal.  That is what Don Jr tried to do.


I agree, the lack of common sense is astounding.  Apparently Trumpies can't understand the difference between legal and illegal campaign activities.

Edited by heybruce
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10 minutes ago, elmrfudd said:

so Clinton paying millions for the dossier from russian "sources" never vetted once,through a british former MI6 agent, through perkins cooey and glen simpson, is not collusion?


no double standard here..... 


the lack of common sense is astounding

Why does Clinton and Obama keep coming up in these discussions.  The thread is about Trump and Clinton and Obama disappeared when he was elected in 2016. I was only pointing out the difference between criminal conspiracy and collusion, which in itself is not a crime!

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9 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Not illegal, but certainly deceptive and suspicious.  Especially the way Trump denied having any business interestes in Russia while pursuing a major real estate deal.


Imagine a similar situation.  What if Obama had been saying nice things about Iran, had past business dealings with Iran, had secretive current business negotiations with Iran, and publicly announced that he didn't believe his own intelligence agencies when they said Iran was attempting to develop nuclear weapons and instead took Iran's word that they weren't.  The right-wingnuts and right-wing media would have gone nuts.  An investigation would have definitely been demanded.

should we apply this suspicion and level of investigation to the Clinton foundation?

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6 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Paying a for opposition research is legal.  That is why no one has tried to bring charges against anyone in the Clinton campaign for doing so.


Accepting a gift in the form of dirt on an opponent from a hostile foreign government is illegal.  That is what Don Jr tried to do.


I agree, the lack of common sense is astounding.  Apparently Trumpies can't tell the difference between legal and illegal.


Let's hope the Democrat presidential candidate for 2020 doesn't choose that particular distinction without a difference as the hill they wish their campaign to die on.

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7 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Paying a for opposition research is legal.  That is why no one has tried to bring charges against anyone in the Clinton campaign for doing so.


Accepting a gift in the form of dirt on an opponent from a hostile foreign government is illegal.  That is what Don Jr tried to do.


I agree, the lack of common sense is astounding.  Apparently Trumpies can't tell the difference between legal and illegal.

ah yes, go back to insults when you are losing. very weak

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5 minutes ago, elmrfudd said:

should we apply this suspicion and level of investigation to the Clinton foundation?

You can try, and Faux news pundits certainly have, but you won't find anything that comes close. 


The ongoing legal investigation of the Trump Foundation is more likely to pay off.   https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-foundation-investigation/story?id=42081467

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24 minutes ago, elmrfudd said:

so Clinton paying millions for the dossier from russian "sources" never vetted once,through a british former MI6 agent, through perkins cooey and glen simpson, is not collusion?


no double standard here..... 


the lack of common sense is astounding


7 minutes ago, elmrfudd said:

ah yes, go back to insults when you are losing. very weak

At the risk of sounding like Trump:  You started it.

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18 minutes ago, heybruce said:

You can try, and Faux news pundits certainly have, but you won't find anything that comes close. 


The ongoing legal investigation of the Trump Foundation is more likely to pay off.   https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-foundation-investigation/story?id=42081467

pay off?


you mean to get your desired result, of course.


which it won't, but please keep trying. it is hilarious

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5 hours ago, JimmyJ said:

Trump acts counter to Russian interests in numerous ways:


Engineering an attempted coup in Venezuela, a Russian ally;


Selling lethal weapons to Ukraine (which Obama didn't);


Increased sanctions in 2014 after Russia's invasion of Crimea;


Ordering missiles fired at Syrian military sites, a Russian ally;


for a partial list.


But he is Putin's puppet and owned by the Kremlin, is a remaining belief of people who have problems with logic, reasoning, and accepting/understanding information.


Thinking hurts some people's heads.


" There are several major deposits of fossil fuels connected, in some way, to the Trump campaign and administration, one in particular weaves together climate impacts, #ExxonKnew, oil oligarchs, and the presidential election. The massive oil deposit in question has a complex story, complete with devious plots and James Bond-like villains. We thought it would be helpful to sequence this string of events as a timeline and provide citation for each event. "

If, by chance, this is your first time hearing all of this… hold onto your hat!

Edited by metisdead
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7 minutes ago, Opl said:


" There are several major deposits of fossil fuels connected, in some way, to the Trump campaign and administration, one in particular weaves together climate impacts, #ExxonKnew, oil oligarchs, and the presidential election. The massive oil deposit in question has a complex story, complete with devious plots and James Bond-like villains. We thought it would be helpful to sequence this string of events as a timeline and provide citation for each event. "

If, by chance, this is your first time hearing all of this… hold onto your hat!

vacuous blather alert!!

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51 minutes ago, wayned said:

Why does Clinton and Obama keep coming up in these discussions.  The thread is about Trump and Clinton and Obama disappeared when he was elected in 2016. I was only pointing out the difference between criminal conspiracy and collusion, which in itself is not a crime!

It might be for a few obvious reasons. 


The double standard of coverage 


The double standard of investigations and assumptions of guilt 



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1 hour ago, elmrfudd said:

pay off?


you mean to get your desired result, of course.


which it won't, but please keep trying. it is hilarious

The fact remains that the Trump foundation is under criminal investigation.  The Clinton foundation is not.

59 minutes ago, elmrfudd said:

nice ending to the weak feckless delusion you are experiencing


When you have nothing to post, you post a nothing.

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1 minute ago, heybruce said:

The fact remains that the Trump foundation is under criminal investigation.  The Clinton foundation is not.

When you have nothing to post, you post a nothing.

Clinton foundation....not under investigation YET.


will you demand the same level of scrutiny when it is?


I doubt it

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2 minutes ago, elmrfudd said:

the only fair answer would be yes, not "we'll see"


so we know you are blatantly biased

An unbiased person would note the hypocrisy of Trump leading the BS birther movement then claiming the Russia investigation was an attempted coup.  Don't you agree?

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1 minute ago, heybruce said:

An unbiased person would note the hypocrisy of Trump leading the BS birther movement then claiming the Russia investigation was an attempted coup.  Don't you agree?


"lead" the birther movement? how so? it was Illinois political candidate Andy Martin


and then Mark Penn, who issued a memo in 2007 suggesting that Clinton emphasize Obama’s upbringing in Hawaii and Indonesia and paint him as fundamentally un-American. The memo never questioned Obama’s citizenship but did suggest highlighting his “lack of American roots.”



the attempted coup is failing, even though you don't want it to.


but keep up the resistance.

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