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Angry over Brexit delay, 'Leave' supporters march through London


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As Boris, Gove, and Mogg the main instigators of Brexit all now voted for May's deal this must be the better deal out than in they all championed before the vote as they have all now decided to stop tap dancing at the 13th hour there can only be one outcome revoke and resign????  

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3 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

Well I wouldn't be too sure about that. More likely a longer extension. For a revoke and/or new referendum, either likely to be preceded by a general election. But until then need to wait for what happens on Monday. Chickens yet to be counted.

Being sure of anything in this debacle is not like saying a general won an election when its clear he didn't ????  

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1 hour ago, TopDeadSenter said:

What impossible vote? There are no votes to be had, no elections. It's all gone. It's dead. Votes don't count anymore. Any attempt at elections will be met with chaos as the losers cry out "They didn't understand what they voted for", "we need a second/3rd/4th election". Now we are in mob rule.


 This insane overturning of a democratically elected Brexit rang the death knell for England. 

Keep that gem in mind for the next time we hear Brexiteers complaining about being referred to as ‘little Englanders’!

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5 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Have you ever considered they voted knowing it wouldn't get through Parliament and it will go for a no deal. or even better May will resign or call a GE then have a brexiteer as the new PM. The EU and remainers would be bricking it, at that thought.????

You might consider Corbunkel as PM and the no deal has already been voted out  ????

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1 minute ago, sammieuk1 said:

You might consider Corbunkel as PM and the no deal has already been voted out  ????


Just because they voted out doesn't mean it couldn't happen. As for Jezza he has as much chance as TM staying as the leadre of the conservatives,.




"Members of the government were deeply divided last night. A Brexit-supporting cabinet minister urged Mrs May to go for no-deal, while another thought a general election was a more likely option. “No Brexit group in the Commons has the numbers,” the senior minister said. “You have to have another election. That’s our only option, even though it would probably be curtains.”


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24 minutes ago, sammieuk1 said:

As Boris, Gove, and Mogg the main instigators of Brexit all now voted for May's deal this must be the better deal out than in they all championed before

These turncoats only voted 'aye' so their names would go into the hat

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7 minutes ago, whatsupdoc said:

And what can the EU do to reverse the Brexit vote??? Correct, nothing.

Since the UK triggered article 50 you are on your way out. The only one blocking the exit is the UK itself.

Yes, leaving without a deal will be painful. Maybe should have thought of that before triggering art. 50.

That is the most reassuring post of the day, thank you.

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4 minutes ago, vogie said:

You probably know better than most on here that 'no deal' is very much still on the table, maybe our weak MPs don't want it, but some seem to forget that the EU have a say in this.

Many of the EU27 are getting very tired of the UKs inability to come up with anything and a news reporter from the BBC said last night they (EU27) think it's "time to lance the boil"

Parliament cannot agree on anything, Mays deal as bad as it is, is still the only option on the table, making no deal the default option, unless parliament changes the law. If we can't offer the EU anything of substance deal wise by the 12 of April they may not even consider another extension.

So I say to all the remainers on here, I would wait a little longer before you start gloating, or you could end up with a lot of egg to remove from your faces.

Labour have become the party of remain, apart from Jeremy Corbyn (the reluctant red) of course, I am sure many of their voters will remember this at the next general election. 

Dominic Grieve had to meet his local Conservative Party last night with a view to his de-selection the BBC seems to think, so not all bad.



For all the leavers; a no-deal might well be a Pyrrhic victory.

In my opinion it would not take long before the UK returns to the EU, begging for a customs union or even rejoining. And then, May's deal might not have been that bad after all......

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