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Some in Mueller's team see report as more damaging to Trump than Barr summary: New York Times


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2 hours ago, elmrfudd said:

thank you for the moral preening and psuedo intellectual blather


You don’t have to be a liberal to have Donald drive you(crazy)you just have to love your country and care about our planet

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1 minute ago, Tug said:

You don’t have to be a liberal to have Donald drive you(crazy)you just have to love your country and care about our planet

Nah, but it helps. You guys are a gift that keeps on giving.

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18 minutes ago, xylophone said:

Might as well admit it elmr, you elected a brainless turkey and you've got to live with it, after all, his lies, inane ramblings and mis-statements along with a total lack of intelligence have been heard, recorded and reported by many, so it's just a matter of fact for people who were hoping for more, but didn't get it.


And on that subject I'm neither a Democrat nor Republican and I'm not an American, but I do feel sad that such a clown has been appointed POTUS.


But there is a ray of hope on the horizon because he did tweet to his loyal supporters the words that they wanted to hear..........."beautiful, clean coal"; "there is no such thing as climate change" and the magic word "covfefe", just to show how "intelligent" he really is.


Accept it and move on, no point in trying to defend a terrible mistake and an idiot.

I admit that I did not vote for the Clinton criminal enterprise. She thought she would win, and the plot she was

part of would have never been exposed.


but you keep up the hysterical blather, you'll run out of breath after 6 more years.

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3 minutes ago, Tug said:

You don’t have to be a liberal to have Donald drive you(crazy)you just have to love your country and care about our planet

or just be constantly preaching nonsense from a phony self righteous pedestal.

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17 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

What's wrong, Trump's not giving your homeland enough money? Get ready for 2020, more of the same.

My homeland receives no money from your orange clown.........thankfully! ????


"Get ready for 2020, more of the same"..............oh no, not more beautiful clean coal, pussy grabbing and thousands of lies!!!!


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15 minutes ago, elmrfudd said:

but you keep up the hysterical blather, you'll run out of breath after 6 more years.

The truth elmr, nothing but the truth......and the truth always wins in the end.


And I don''t have to do anything other than repeat what the clown says, so hopefully he will run out of breath just the same as he has used up his last few brain cells, if there were any there in the first place!


But rather than all of this banter, what I really can't understand is why when someone tells a barefaced lie and it is recorded and reported, that followers of his disregard it, not just one time, but thousands, and as an example it has to be clear for all people to see that his constant repetition of the number of people who saw his election were nowhere near the number that turned out for Obama.....but?


Even the simplest of folk have to see through this idiot?


And please share with me your thoughts on "clean, beautiful coal" and that climate change is a hoax?


That is the crux of the matter and for someone who is supposed to uphold the office and dignity of the POTUS, he has been a complete and utter disaster and let down. Perhaps that's the way you guys want it in this new day and age, but as I said before, God help America if that is the case.





Edited by xylophone
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13 minutes ago, xylophone said:

My homeland receives no money from your orange clown.........thankfully! ????


"Get ready for 2020, more of the same"..............oh no, not more beautiful clean coal, pussy grabbing and thousands of lies!!!!




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5 minutes ago, elmrfudd said:



More people will have seen through him by then, as well as more scandals to come, so no chance for you supporters of lies, liars, ignorance and idiots.........unless that is your new norm!

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3 minutes ago, Tug said:

With all due respect you don’t know me any person could look at Donald and see the havoc and damage he is causing you don’t have to be Democrat or republican right or left religious or not the dude is straight up toxic and next time you decide to call me a phone you just take a swim in my flippers bucko

So, the pseudo self righteous indignation routine is what you are sticking with then. 


That's your choice 

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1 minute ago, xylophone said:

More people will have seen through him by then, as well as more scandals to come, so no chance for you supporters of lies, liars, ignorance and idiots.........unless that is your new norm!

2020 is going to be a painful experience for you. 


But maybe by 2024 you will have a chance to calm down 

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21 minutes ago, elmrfudd said:

2020 is going to be a painful experience for you. 


But maybe by 2024 you will have a chance to calm down 

This dude is a straight up troll must not have much of a life

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4 hours ago, elmrfudd said:

I admit that I did not vote for the Clinton criminal enterprise. She thought she would win, and the plot she was

part of would have never been exposed.


but you keep up the hysterical blather, you'll run out of breath after 6 more years.

What criminal enterprise?  What plot?  Don't offer convoluted Faux News conspiracy theories, offer facts.  Hillary Clinton has been investigated more times than I can count and no charges were ever pressed.


Trump has been in legal trouble and bought his way out more times than I can count, which tells us you voted for a criminal empire.

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7 hours ago, heybruce said:

What criminal enterprise?  What plot?  Don't offer convoluted Faux News conspiracy theories, offer facts.  Hillary Clinton has been investigated more times than I can count and no charges were ever pressed.


Trump has been in legal trouble and bought his way out more times than I can count, which tells us you voted for a criminal empire.

We could go back to the beginning in Arkansas, but if you want to try and pretend that Clinton foundation and all its 40 plus affiliates are not a pay for play slush fund that is your choice. The foundation is currently under investigation. 

But hey, let's pretend the Clintons aren't one of the most corrupt dishonest political families in the history of the United States. 


We are way off topic. Let's get back to the phony Russia hoax

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5 minutes ago, elmrfudd said:

We could go back to the beginning in Arkansas, but if you want to try and pretend that Clinton foundation and all its 40 plus affiliates are not a pay for play slush fund that is your choice. The foundation is currently under investigation. 

But hey, let's pretend the Clintons aren't one of the most corrupt dishonest political families in the history of the United States. 


We are way off topic. Let's get back to the phony Russia hoax

An investigation into the Clinton Foundation was re-opened in January 2018.  I've found nothing of substance after that.  Do you know of any incriminating results?


I will wait for evidence of Clinton corruption, and investigations that actually lead to charges, before I start libeling them with unfounded accusations.  You are clearly less patient.


By the way, the Trump Foundation is also under investigation.   https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/18/nyregion/trump-foundation-tax-investigation-cuomo.html


Of course that is just one of many Trump investigations.   https://www.wired.com/story/mueller-investigation-trump-russia-complete-guide/

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21 minutes ago, elmrfudd said:

So, you'll give the corrupt Clintons a pass but constantly make unfounded accusations against the man you hate. 


Glad to know you don't have double standards. 

Hmmmm. Suspiciously emotionally involved....

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4 minutes ago, roobaa01 said:

now we have 8 legal referals with each 24 people could be indited , see which democrates are being charged in connection with fizer, hillary russian dossier...now dem reckoning. mr. nunes is doing well.




I love it when you inject a bit of humor.

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3 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:
7 minutes ago, roobaa01 said:

now we have 8 legal referals with each 24 people could be indited , see which democrates are being charged in connection with fizer, hillary russian dossier...now dem reckoning. mr. nunes is doing well.




I love it when you inject a bit of humor.

yes, it will be hilarious



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1 hour ago, Chomper Higgot said:
1 hour ago, roobaa01 said:

now we have 8 legal referals with each 24 people could be indited , see which democrates are being charged in connection with fizer, hillary russian dossier...now dem reckoning. mr. nunes is doing well.




I love it when you inject a bit of humor.

here is more humor...it is fantastic



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11 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Nunes doing what he does best - waving bits of paper and making a meaningless noise. 



noise comes more likely from retarded dems schiff, nadler, aocortez, antisemites omar and fake beto...waters, harris




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