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Pattaya in crisis: 400 million baht beach washed into the sea

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28 minutes ago, Deli said:

Clueless clowns running a multi - million project.


Because even more clueless people let them.

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6 minutes ago, whaleboneman said:

I swear I can smell this photo all the way from Canada.

Well everyone can certainly smell it as they walk southwards from beach road to the entrance of the "World Class" Walking Street !!!!!   pheeeeeew.

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My first trip to Pattaya was back in 1993, just over 26 years ago.


Back then, and for a decade after, there wasn't any problem with the beach that I recall. I remember when they redid Walking Street - caused some disruption for awhile but after that things improved. I sat at a hamburger stand next to the big tree during one rainstorm. Within minutes there was 3 inches (7 cm) of rain on the street, but an hour later you could hardly tell it had rained at all. The new drainage worked like a charm.


Notice how this seems to only affect Pattaya Beach as well. Not the beaches to the north, nor the beach in Jomtien. It's rather obvious that the volume of water flowing down from Sukhumvit to Beach Road is simply more than the current drainage system can handle. (Got to wonder where all the water that goes into the underpass gets pumped out to.)

One solution would be to build a sea wall just high enough/far enough out that it's just above the normal high tide, and then have dedicate drainage channels (or cement pipes) every 20 meters or so to direct all that rain water out into the harbour.
The wall would keep (most of) the sand where it should be, give people a place to sit and dangle their feet in the water (and for fisherman to anchor their rods I suppose) and, at some times during the day, give jet ski operators a place to tie up.

Eventually you would need to "top up" the sand as small quantities would still get washed over the wall now and then, but you'd be looking at a couple dump truck loads every few years, instead of a couple dozen every year.

There's enough elevation between Beach Road and the "edge" of the water to ensure the water would drain and if it's a lot of water (like these last two storms), then there should be enough pressure to ensure the water empties into the harbour and doesn't get "backed up" in the pipes.

Pipes would be better as channels would quickly fill with sand and debris, defeating their purpose (as well as being tripping hazards). Pipes would run the risk of getting clogged with garbage and dirt, but if they were of sufficient size, they'd be hard to plug and pretty easy to clean (just blast them with a fire hose a couple times a year to clean them out just before rainy season).

The pipes empty out at the bottom of the "wall" (on the harbour side of course) and have heavy steel grates (to keep idiots from trying to do stupid "hold my beer" kind of things). 
The wall would have built in steps every few meters to make it easier for people to get to/from the water, especially at low tide.

Of course they'd still have to do something about the volume of runoff making it's way down to Beach Road in the first place. A lot of water that would have normally seeped into the ground is now flowing on top of the cement/asphalt, and barely above sea level to begin with.

No easy solutions really.


40 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

That beach has enough feces on it, no need for more.

was on beach road last night and the smell would make your eyes water - smells like an open sewer


I wonder what the results would be if they tested the remaining sand for bacteria 

  • Thanks 1

The good news is that in a few years chinese tourist will be able to go to Ko Larn by walking and we will get rid of the noisy speedboats.... and they can also bring back their own waste to the mainland for hi tech ecologjcal treatment and recycling...


All benefits



That beach was always a dump. Spend the money on something useful, like a sewage treatment facility


2 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

"The most distant human-made object is the spacecraft Voyager 1, which – in late February 2018 – is over 13 billion miles (21 billion km) from Earth. Voyager 1 and its twin, Voyager 2, were launched 16 days apart in 1977. Both spacecraft flew by Jupiter and Saturn. Voyager 2 also flew by Uranus and Neptune. Now both Voyagers are heading out of our solar system, into the space between the stars. Voyager 1 officially became the first earthly craft to leave the solar system, crossing the heliopause, in 2012."




Thailand 2019. Which way water flow?

You don't understand, the project was overseen by Khun Knut who commanded the sea to stay calm and not wash the beach away, i think i have his name correct!!

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6 minutes ago, Pinot said:

like a sewage treatment facility

Under repair..........please standby


  • Haha 1
2 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

This is just too funny!! ????

I find little humour in the incompetence, backward face-saving ignorance and denial of others.


Uh Huh!!!!! And it is held up as shocking by supposedly educated "Thai engineers". 

The utter incompetence of the educated here is literally incomprehensible.



where was magic man to weave his spell to stop this storm again, oh yeh hes in chiang mai weaving his magic to stop the air polution there, seems he can only create one miracle at a time, LOS. (land of stupidity)

  • Haha 2

RE - Pattaya in crisis: 400 million baht beach washed into the sea


You didn't need a glass ball to see this coming ...


RE - The Pattaya Harbor Department has admitted that their best laid plans to improve the beach have gone completely pear shaped. He told the media that mother nature was to blame and the Harbor Department always accepted that something like this could happen. 


Ok, so their plan went wrong - but it is not them, but the mother nature to blame meaning it was only mother nature which had the local knowledge ...


RE - Ekkarat was involved in damage limitation exercises and excuses - it would take a week and backhoes and heavy equipment would be use to dredge the sand from the sea and plop it back on the beach, he said.


New project were nothing will improve so the tea money will flow once again until mother nature once again is to blame - an unchangeable circle as no one want to change nada ...


What about to build a stone wall in front something that is well known from other seaside locations in Thailand with a few access points with steps down to the sea which gives a natural access and as well will prevent the majority of the sand to be dragged back to the sea next time mother nature make a similar visit - not more complicated than that, but of course this will save an considerable amount of money and be on the expense of future tea money probably meaning the greed once again will win over real and lasting improvements  ...



Simply because they don't know how to do it properly or don't want to lose their faces hiring a few foreign engineers to get it properly done! Oh, and because with foreign help involved, it might be more difficult to cut their cut ... 

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Civil Works in Pattaya City (beaches, beach roads, drainage pipes, Walking Street, etc.) are Cash Cows that allow well connected people to make huge sums of money year after year.

Heaven forbid Pattaya City do something productive like invite foreign governments/companies with "real expertise" in to engineer/complete the job.

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We are only kissing 200 million 'Bye-Bye'...... The other 200 Million is tucked away safely in a few folks pockets..... LOL ...


Unfortunately Thai never want to get advice from outside Thailand or from Farangs in Thailand that may have expertise on erosion and beach repair or any other type projects. No that would be losing face can't do that.

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3 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

"My god! Your house is huge and so beautiful!"

"Yes my husband sells sand to the city of Pattaya."

Amazing Thailand where sand truly is gold.

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