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Brexiteer Lords try to thwart law forcing May to request EU exit delay


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43 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

a nightmare for me and any other small business in the UK that deal with the EU

As if that is of some importance. 

This is about the U.K. which will soon become an empire again, or at least superior to the E.U..




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57 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Britain was never going to leave the EU without a deal.  Economic suicide and everyone with any sense knows that.  May tried to use it as a threat because it would also hurt the EU.  We are in chaos but to some extent it is orchestrated chaos.


May has written to Tusk asking for a one year extension which is a nightmare for me and any other small business in the UK that deal with the EU.  The uncertainty and the never ending can kicking has already sent many businesses packing, one way or another. I am moving my base to Europe (if we get a bum deal) but many don't have that option.  We need closure  and the British "politicians" seem incapable of delivering anything at all.


I have been against a second referendum all along but if the politicians cannot find a deal that has some semblance of being a positive then it really has got to be taken away from them and for the people to decide.  I would hope for a general election but if this means voting back in the same shower of idiots then what would that achieve?



Brexit: UK asks EU for further extension until 30 June


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3 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Who is the sovereign body in the British constitution - the government or parliament?


Clue: it's not what May thinks it ought to be!

Letwin and Cooper? Only guessing though.


Edited by vogie
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5 hours ago, SheungWan said:

Any photos yet from the Hard Brexiteer March 29 Leave Party?

This young couple was spotted in the corner, is it a match made in heaven?Screenshot_2019-04-05-17-22-25-507.thumb.jpeg.9197f5b314b236129fb0692b2301a10b.jpeg

Photo, courtesy of The Telegraph.

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3 hours ago, vinny41 said:

Brexit: UK asks EU for further extension until 30 June


Quite right Vinny, I went with a breaking news announcement that said that May had written to Tusk requesting a one year extension.  Turns out it was him that suggested a longer extension of about a year with the option of ending it earlier.  Seems that the generous offer caught everyone by surprise.


Meanwhile we have this bizarre tweet from Jacob Rees Mogg.  See below


So after telling us constantly that we are law takers in the EU and not law makers and that we have no voice he is now acknowledging that we not only have a voice but a powerful one!


Apart from the fact that his tweet shows a stupid child like attitude it also shows that he has been constantly lying about our status within the EU.


If a long extension leaves us stuck in the EU we should be as difficult as possible. We could veto any increase in the budget, obstruct the putative EU army and block Mr Macron’s integrationist schemes.





Edited by dunroaming
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Probably the most idiotic of all the sayings to come out of the last two years is "Brexit means Brexit" followed by "Leave means leave" and then we get  banana means banana, and pear means pear etc, which all adds up to Simplistic means simplistic. The underlying theme to this is highly offensive to Brexiteers in particular, and the British public in general. It is suggesting that we are all so stupid, uneducated, and ignorant that we are only capable of understanding and/or thinking in soundbites. A hard Brexit, for example, would actually involve unravelling 40 years of mutually agreed law and tariffs for a starter, that is complex.

    I'm surprised that the "We just leave, simples" contingent ever got out of primary school.

     This does not of course apply to many Brexiteers, here and elsewhere. I would expect them to be offended by people who addressed them in such a way, that they made it clear, that they didn't think Brexiteers had the brains to recognize when a problem was complex, or the intelligence to understand the problem when they did.



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40 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Quite right Vinny, I went with a breaking news announcement that said that May had written to Tusk requesting a one year extension.  Turns out it was him that suggested a longer extension of about a year with the option of ending it earlier.  Seems that the generous offer caught everyone by surprise.


Meanwhile we have this bizarre tweet from Jacob Rees Mogg.  See below


So after telling us constantly that we are law takers in the EU and not law makers and that we have no voice he is now acknowledging that we not only have a voice but a powerful one!


Apart from the fact that his tweet shows a stupid child like attitude it also shows that he has been constantly lying about our status within the EU.


If a long extension leaves us stuck in the EU we should be as difficult as possible. We could veto any increase in the budget, obstruct the putative EU army and block Mr Macron’s integrationist schemes.





Hasn't Moggie Man of the People done well......battling away with the elites for the downtrodden working man. He's laughing at poor Brexiteers ...all the way to his own Dublin based 'Bank' . There's no fool like a patriotic old Thailand based fool cheering on his own impoverishment.  March 29th , April 12th    keep 'em coming we're taking back control !



Image result for brexit rip




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1 hour ago, malagateddy said:

At the 1st meeting..D Davis should have told barnier that NO DEAL was the UK's position and just walked out the room.
We soon would have seen some eu member countries bottles crashing..especially the subsidy junkie ones.
However..D Davis was totally hamstrung from doing so by likes of T May, and Cabinet and Civil Service remoaners.
That's my honest opinion.
Now..the pathetic monty python like circus continues sadly.


Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


I don't think you really got my point, it certainly wasn't about negotiating strategy - never mind.

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1 hour ago, malagateddy said:

At the 1st meeting..D Davis should have told barnier that NO DEAL was the UK's position and just walked out the room.
We soon would have seen some eu member countries bottles crashing..especially the subsidy junkie ones.
However..D Davis was totally hamstrung from doing so by likes of T May, and Cabinet and Civil Service remoaners.
That's my honest opinion.
Now..the pathetic monty python like circus continues sadly.


Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


As it happens, at the first meeting David Davis (Brexiteer) turned up totally unprepared, setting the expectation for all following meetings.



Brexit, failed to plan, planned to fail.

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No..you do not get my point..my point being telling the eu that the uk's opening position is no deal.
Of course I understand that there would be many many issues to overcome.
That was ex-pm cameron and all his oh so confident project fear mob..osbourne etc fault cos they took it for granted that remain would win.
He then bottled it..t may..s remoaner becomes pm...
and obviously the prep work under her was a shambles.
D Davis did not want to agree to the way the eu had set out the stall re negociations..but t may went along with it.
D Davis imo.brilliant guy being backstabbed by fellow cabinet members and remoaning uncivil devious servants

I don't think you really got my point, it certainly wasn't about negotiating strategy - never mind.

Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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54 minutes ago, malagateddy said:

No..you do not get my point..my point being telling the eu that the uk's opening position is no deal.
Of course I understand that there would be many many issues to overcome.
That was ex-pm cameron and all his oh so confident project fear mob..osbourne etc fault cos they took it for granted that remain would win.
He then bottled it..t may..s remoaner becomes pm...
and obviously the prep work under her was a shambles.
D Davis did not want to agree to the way the eu had set out the stall re negociations..but t may went along with it.
D Davis imo.brilliant guy being backstabbed by fellow cabinet members and remoaning uncivil devious servants



Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


Exactly, the no plan brexiteers are not to blame. And those are the same people who not once tried to take control of the process.


Imo because they realised there was nothing to achieve, mission impossible it was.

Edited by stevenl
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15 hours ago, Thingamabob said:

People should understand that there is no escape from the EU. Just ask the Danes, the French and the Irish, to name but a few. 

very very few irish would want to leave,french maybe 20-30%,danes i have no idea

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2 hours ago, malagateddy said:

No..you do not get my point..my point being telling the eu that the uk's opening position is no deal.
Of course I understand that there would be many many issues to overcome.
That was ex-pm cameron and all his oh so confident project fear mob..osbourne etc fault cos they took it for granted that remain would win.
He then bottled it..t may..s remoaner becomes pm...
and obviously the prep work under her was a shambles.
D Davis did not want to agree to the way the eu had set out the stall re negociations..but t may went along with it.
D Davis imo.brilliant guy being backstabbed by fellow cabinet members and remoaning uncivil devious servants



Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


you really have lost your marbles,the UKs opening position was never ever going to be no deal,the EU have been fair and far too patient,but through your bulldog beer googles you just cannot see it.

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