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Fight begins over Trump's taxes, lawyer slams Democrats' request


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17 minutes ago, heybruce said:

You act like being President is just a hobby with no serious responsibilities.  In fairness, that's how Trump treats the job. 


The IRS isn't demanding the tax returns, Congress is.  It's clear I will have to post this many times:


(f) Disclosure to Committees of Congress(1) Committee on Ways and Means, Committee on Finance, and Joint Committee on Taxation Upon written request from the chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, the chairman of the Committee on Finance of the Senate, or the chairman of the Joint Committee on Tax-ation, the Secretary shall furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such request, except that any re-turn or return information which can be associated with, or otherwise identify, directly or indirectly, a particular taxpayer shall be furnished to such committee only when sitting in closed executive session unless such taxpayer otherwise consents in writing to such disclosure.   https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/USCODE-2011-title26/pdf/USCODE-2011-title26-subtitleF-chap61-subchapB-sec6103.pdf


Russian interference has been proven, and Trump's tax returns weren't demanded as part of an ongoing collusion investigation.  As noted, Trump is under investigation for many things.

And I don't know what you are referring to.

Yes, the assumption was no candidate would be so shady as to defy the convention, and voters would not be so stupid as to vote for a candidate that defied the convention.  Now that both assumptions have been proven wrong, it is time to make financial transparency and divestment a law.  Until then, Congress can use existing law to investigate.

You think it's not ethical to address problems as soon as they are identified?

Not when its political harassment! Besides the people(electoral election), elected a President knowing that he  wouldn't volunteer his taxes

“The Democrats are demanding that the IRS turn over the documents, and that is not going to happen, and they know it. This is a political stunt by my former colleagues,” said Mulvaney, a former South Carolina congressman and White House budget chief.

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On 4/6/2019 at 8:11 AM, bristolboy said:

What Trump is most likely afraid of revealing is how little tax he has paid in relation to his income.  

Oh dear, are you saying that Trump himself might be ripping of the USA more than the trade partners he's been condemning?  

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6 hours ago, heybruce said:

Abiding by the law is not something you "volunteer" to do.  Congress has the legal right to demand the IRS deliver the tax returns.

If that is the law they will prevail. The information is with the IRS. If that isn’t the law nothing will be revealed and the dems will be in their usual state of hurt and outrage. Guess which one will happen? They couldn’t get it yet and won’t get it now. 



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6 hours ago, Cryingdick said:

If that is the law they will prevail. The information is with the IRS. If that isn’t the law nothing will be revealed and the dems will be in their usual state of hurt and outrage. Guess which one will happen? They couldn’t get it yet and won’t get it now.

I knew I'd have to keep posting this.


(f) Disclosure to Committees of Congress(1) Committee on Ways and Means, Committee on Finance, and Joint Committee on Taxation Upon written request from the chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, the chairman of the Committee on Finance of the Senate, or the chairman of the Joint Committee on Tax-ation, the Secretary shall furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such request, except that any re-turn or return information which can be associated with, or otherwise identify, directly or indirectly, a particular taxpayer shall be furnished to such committee only when sitting in closed executive session unless such taxpayer otherwise consents in writing to such disclosure.   https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/USCODE-2011-title26/pdf/USCODE-2011-title26-subtitleF-chap61-subchapB-sec6103.pdf


The law is very clear.

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1 hour ago, heybruce said:

Money laundering, tax evasion, violations of the emoluments clause, conflicts of interest, stuff like that.


He's hiding stuff BIGLY. 

The people arguing that he shouldn't have to release them know that too.

Even as they dish out their weak tea excuses.

They are loyal to someone that deserves no loyalty.

History will not look kindly on 45 OR his fans.



The case for getting Trump’s tax returns just got stronger — and more urgent



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2 hours ago, heybruce said:

Money laundering, tax evasion, violations of the emoluments clause, conflicts of interest, stuff like that.

One might believe that any illegal goings on might turn up in an IRS audit .... 

However, it could turn up some possible points of speculation for the press to create more "news". They were spot on with all the Mueller prognostications! 


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