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German tourist savagely raped and murdered on Koh Si Chang - Thai man charged


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When you have time. Read everything that you can about Koh Tao and its murders. Perhaps then you will think again about what you are saying. Koh Tao millionaires cannot drive at high speed on the island, but they rule it. And can get away with murder if necessary.
I wanted to say: True

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A few years ago i was horrified to learn that my own daughter in her 30's had made her way from Bangkok to Chaing Mai by road alone. She told me that men were trying to 'hit on her' all the way. However she was able to handle it as she had worked in Australia from her teenage years first as an outback Jillaroo and Drover and later as a Dump truck driver in the mines all the time with men. Nothing soft about her. Now if she had been  an office worker , who knows what could have happened.


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13 minutes ago, DaRoadrunner said:

And still they come to Thailand, see the tropical turquoise blue water and powder sand beaches and think they are in paradise.


By the looks of him he's neither rich nor well connected, so he's going to do time.


Amazing how the Thai Police can be so efficient when they want to be.... again it's nobody rich nor well connected.


Ladies reading this. Do not go anywhere alone in this country.

Good advice, but will they take notice.

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The horrific crime is all over european social networks and media now ... a bad blow for tourism but people need also to be warned. Public safety takes over any monetary interests for tourism or expat numbers.

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51 minutes ago, Swedenlars said:

This is so sad and horrific. These young woman just do not believe travel warnings about Thailand. I just can't believe how this LAND OF SMILES Thailand is still deep rooted in the european brains. I'm just not in the mood what all this country is in details when you take the fake smile away from their faces. No need to explain to the forum members. The word starts with a big S. Just terrible a young lady had to die again because of her believe of these sooo good hearted Thai people. In Europe she would have been more careful. It said in press she told the guy she would call the police. And just because of this she had to die. Terrible.

It’s called normalcy bias. It’s when people believe bad things won’t happen to them.

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48 minutes ago, dcnx said:

I was drunk.

I was angry.

She refused me.


All acceptable excuses for rape, violence, and murder in a caveman society.

Followed by a trial and judgement unlike the animals howling for medieval style instant retribution on this forum. 

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13 hours ago, z42 said:

If guilty, then throw the key away. A truly appalling crime if it did indeed pan out as what he confessed to.


Huge condolences to her family and loved ones.


As a side note, i sincerely hope this goes viral. These sort of incidents need to be known about by tourists (prospective and otherwise)

yes female tourists need to know these things happen in thailand and that they never go isolated places alone , he deserves the firing squad 

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40 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

What a load of bull. 

So because she drove in the mines all the time she was able to survive a potential bunch of rapists and murderers who were trying to hit on her. 

Do me a favour. 


Perhaps she had some life experience.  We do not all live bundled in cotton wool. 

However that does nothing to take away from what happened to this particular person . Very sad. 

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2 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

Life experience won’t stop you being potentially raped, attacked or murdered if these animals decide you are the one. To suggest she survived because of the reasons given as opposed to what may have happened to an office worker is ridiculous. 

Truth is, it’s relatively safe to travel here alone. 

Truth is, it was not safe in this case.

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11 hours ago, Gecko123 said:

My advice to women travelling in Thailand would be to exercise a higher degree of caution than you may have believed was adequate in the past. I believe the incidence of sexual assaults against women may be on the rise in Thailand. While the vast majority of Thai men are totally decent blokes, there is a growing underclass of Thai men who, having fallen through the cracks of the educational system and been raised in home environments with poor or non-existent parental supervision, often struggle to be reliable bread winners and to form households, have poor impulse control skills, and turn to alcohol and drug abuse to dull the reality of their lives, all risk factors which raise the risk of sexual assault. My reason for suspecting this may be a growing problem is that both income inequality and urbanization trends , and these trends, in turn, are exacerbating the number of children raised in single-parent or no-parent families, particularly in rural areas.

Great leftie/ psychobabble response.  The root cause is ya ice. or simply ice as known in the west. 

It is happening everywhere.  Even in small outback towns in Australia.  It is an absolute scourge on society. 

And it affects the whole of socioeconomic spectrum. 

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9 hours ago, CanuckThai said:

Today is Monday.  That law is enforced on another day of the week.  Thursday perhaps?


RIP young lady.  Hopefully your demise,  and other victims of rape and brutal savagery in LOS, will not go unnoticed.  

How can it go unnoticed? 

Strange comment to make. 

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9 hours ago, twocatsmac said:

I lived in Belfast as a kid during the troubles and the city had the lowest rape crimes in the world. 

Of course the punishment if found guilty was death because we all had mothers, sisters and daughters.

Violence was used to interrogate suspects but the community were all in agreement with this. 

The punishment was equal to the crime. 



I guess many people were murdered to satisfy community expectations.  Not much different to the alleged Mafia run place's in Thailand I suppose. 

Pick a suspect and hang them.  Done deal while the real murderer walks fre. 

That really happened in living memory ?

What a crap society to live in. Savages.  I can see why it was called the Troubles . 

Religious fanaticism as the root cause? 


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2 hours ago, Huckenfell said:

A few years ago i was horrified to learn that my own daughter in her 30's had made her way from Bangkok to Chaing Mai by road alone. She told me that men were trying to 'hit on her' all the way. However she was able to handle it as she had worked in Australia from her teenage years first as an outback Jillaroo and Drover and later as a Dump truck driver in the mines all the time with men. Nothing soft about her. Now if she had been  an office worker , who knows what could have happened.


"Now if she had been  an office worker , who knows what could have happened".


Very probably, nothing.  The vast majority of tourists do not have bad experiences.

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12 hours ago, Gecko123 said:

My advice to women travelling in Thailand would be to exercise a higher degree of caution than you may have believed was adequate in the past. I believe the incidence of sexual assaults against women may be on the rise in Thailand. While the vast majority of Thai men are totally decent blokes, there is a growing underclass of Thai men who, having fallen through the cracks of the educational system and been raised in home environments with poor or non-existent parental supervision, often struggle to be reliable bread winners and to form households, have poor impulse control skills, and turn to alcohol and drug abuse to dull the reality of their lives, all risk factors which raise the risk of sexual assault. My reason for suspecting this may be a growing problem is that both income inequality and urbanization trends are accelerating, and these trends, in turn, are exacerbating the number of children raised in single-parent or no-parent families, particularly in rural areas.

Good ole country boys!

Its very sad but also true

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7 hours ago, twocatsmac said:

Yes I agree with you. Call it whatever you need to but if you torture a woman or child, even a man with sexual violence you are of no use to any society.

Some people pay hard cash for it. Apparently a large service industry. Seems there are many willing to do so. Both giving and taking.

Keep kids out if it. Though Cambodia and Laos seems to be a targetted market for pedophiles since Thailand got serious. 


Not in my field of expertise though


Not sure if Marquis de Sade wrote his book in the 17th or 18th century.  Worth a read and might open a few eyes to the reality of the human condition. 

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