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Songkran: Thai authorities target 10% accident reduction on specific roads - 5% overall


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They set up a big tent in between the 32 Highway and Frontage Road near the Mall in Ayutthaya.
As I traveled on frontage road I saw about 10 BIB’s lined up for a photo shoot with a guy dressed as a huge bear in the middle ??
On my way back down the same road a car pulled to an abrupt stop in front of the tent and the following mc rear ended him and the rider catapulted over the roof of the car !!

All in all doesn’t give me much faith that an increase in police presence is gonna reduce accident figures [emoji848]

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5 hours ago, Moti24 said:

Same rubbish spouted-out every year!  The target should be 100% reduction all round! 


Have the Thai authorities got any interest in the funeral business?

Just asking!

Not known, but for sure in car manufacturing and hospitals...just???? 

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6 hours ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

They set up a big tent in between the 32 Highway and Frontage Road near the Mall in Ayutthaya.
As I traveled on frontage road I saw about 10 BIB’s lined up for a photo shoot with a guy dressed as a huge bear in the middle ??
On my way back down the same road a car pulled to an abrupt stop in front of the tent and the following mc rear ended him and the rider catapulted over the roof of the car !!

All in all doesn’t give me much faith that an increase in police presence is gonna reduce accident figures emoji848.png

As has been demonstrated here police presence/action seems to increase accident / fatality rates in Thailand. They are part of the problem.



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16 hours ago, Mosha said:

It was around 60 deaths a day last month, and it'll be around 60 a day over the holiday. This is Thailand, that's how it is, and there's nothing you can do about it.

So 3 out of 60 a day is the target to save.

You would think that 0  being killed would be a better target.

Idiot festival that is out of control.

It is one time of year I stay away from the idiots and stay home.

It is beyond belief that Thailand has not addressed its horrific idiot road attitude, maybe put big joke in charge and there might be change, but then he would get sent to adjustment school for stopping the use of brown envelopes.

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In order to achieve any target, in the reduction of road deaths, they are going to have to get the highway patrol, to patrol the highways. This is something they have always refused to do. I never, ever see a highway patrol car, pulling over someone for doing something reckless. Never. In over a decade. So, how do you reduce deaths, if you are not willing to achieve some sort of deterrent? It is impossible. Just more useless hyperbole, from an administration that has raised hubris, and incompetence to new heights.

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I find it odd that with the Thai year on year road carnage that those in "control" haven't worked out the main cause is lack of policing, the populous just carry on driving daft....????

Plus on the rare occasion a fine is dished out folk just laugh at the amount. Time to get tough Thailand...

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