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Do you believe in God and why

ivor bigun

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29 minutes ago, Sunmaster said:

And at the same time there are sources where people have studied consciousness for 1000s of years from the inside and described it in great detail. 

But "unfortunately " they are not scientists, so let's just ignore all that. Too messy anyway. ????

The irony couldn't be greater.  When the reality is that objective reality wouldn't even exist were it not for subjective reality yet according to Science subjective reality is unreliable and not to be trusted.  And folks wonder why we have so many problems in the world.

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1 hour ago, Tippaporn said:

Lemme see.  After 300+ years of science the only consensus amongst scientists regarding consciousness is that it exists.  And you want me to learn from these knuckleheads?

You're stating 300 years as if it's a long time. A long time in comparison to what?


The existence of man? 0.15%

The existence of planet Earth? 0.00000625%


Science has taught us that, from the perspective of a photon, 300 years is an instant. Some clever stuff in that explanation, so far from a bunch of knuckleheads.


If the soul is eternal then the current caretakers of those souls have had an eternity to rid the universe of doubt. Not doing to well from that point of view, but I still wouldn't label them as knuckleheads.

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31 minutes ago, Woof999 said:

You're stating 300 years as if it's a long time. A long time in comparison to what?


The existence of man? 0.15%

The existence of planet Earth? 0.00000625%


Science has taught us that, from the perspective of a photon, 300 years is an instant. Some clever stuff in that explanation, so far from a bunch of knuckleheads.


If the soul is eternal then the current caretakers of those souls have had an eternity to rid the universe of doubt. Not doing to well from that point of view, but I still wouldn't label them as knuckleheads.

Who knows..., judging by the speed they are going, in 1000 years maybe scientists will discover the true nature of consciousness....and validate what we already knew for the past 5000 years. 
I don't know about you, but I can't wait that long. ????

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48 minutes ago, Woof999 said:

You're stating 300 years as if it's a long time. A long time in comparison to what?


The existence of man? 0.15%

The existence of planet Earth? 0.00000625%


Science has taught us that, from the perspective of a photon, 300 years is an instant. Some clever stuff in that explanation, so far from a bunch of knuckleheads.


If the soul is eternal then the current caretakers of those souls have had an eternity to rid the universe of doubt. Not doing to well from that point of view, but I still wouldn't label them as knuckleheads.

They're not the only knuckleheads.  :whistling:

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16 minutes ago, Sunmaster said:

Who knows..., judging by the speed they are going, in 1000 years maybe scientists will discover the true nature of consciousness....and validate what we already knew for the past 5000 years. 
I don't know about you, but I can't wait that long. ????

You know as much as I do, scientist's methods do not allow them to practice the same way as a guru does, and therefor as scientists can not confirm realities they can not prove. 


However me who had experiences led by people who practiced for a long time, confirm there is other realities than what we see and experience without practicing or taken a given stimuli. What I can not confirm, is the real reality of my experiences, but I could easily do, If I wanted to make them my reality and continue to cultivate them. But there is a realm in me that will not let that happen, because I also studied as said many times marketing and also psychology and as said many times, I know how easily manipulated we are on quite simple things and the mechanisms behind it can be explained as your own creation in your own universe, your brain. Of course we are also easily manipulated by mass suggestions because we have a unike way to react the same way by the same mechanisms. 


Thats my view on it, but still I do not say others is wrong, or they are easily manipulated and so on as sone few others here often do. 


I respect all of your personal experiences, and will not tell you you are wrong. I can only relate to my own experiences that both felt real and was real in the moment and it was exceptionally strong experiences. Out of this world experiences and supernatural 

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7 hours ago, Tippaporn said:

You should be intelligent enough to know that my explanation served as an apology.  Sorry to hear you're so sensitive.

Are you now suggesting I am not intelligent?

Jeez, first you suggest I would be embarrassed for believing what I do, and now this! 

Are you suggesting also that being sensitive is somehow something to feel sorry about? I certainly think being sensitive to others criticising my spiritual beliefs is nothing to be be ashamed about. 

If you want to apologise, be a man and do it with integrity.


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10 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

What's the difference? They are both creatures of the planet. If it's good enough for an ape to have a soul, why isn't it for an insect, or a bacteria?

You need to give a reason if you want your opinion to be taken seriously.

Firstly, I am not looking for anyone to take my beliefs seriously. I thought I would just state my beliefs, as this thread is mostly populated by respectful, intelligent members.


Personally, I don't know what animals have a soul or not but have my belief which is somewhere between Hinduism and Buddhism, as I understand them.

My opinion -  human beings have a soul, which is subject to the laws of Karma and is incarnated in new bodies. This soul goes to the 'soul world' (where the supreme soul[God] resides) in between bodies. 

Other sentient beings also have  souls, but on a different level to humans and are incarnated as that species. I don't believe human souls can be incarnated as animals, the number is finite, the soul is infinite yet an infinitesimal point of light, never created and never destroyed.

Human souls are what some Hindus might call 'Brahman' while animal souls might be 'Atman'. Human souls consist of mind, intellect and Sanskaras(impressions), while ants and other insects don't have this. 

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34 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

My opinion -  human beings have a soul, which is subject to the laws of Karma and is incarnated in new bodies. This soul goes to the 'soul world' (where the supreme soul[God] resides) in between bodies. 

interesting theory.

it would make sense that human souls are subject to the laws of karma, but not animals.



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1 hour ago, Hummin said:

You know as much as I do, scientist's methods do not allow them to practice the same way as a guru does, and therefor as scientists can not confirm realities they can not prove. 


However me who had experiences led by people who practiced for a long time, confirm there is other realities than what we see and experience without practicing or taken a given stimuli. What I can not confirm, is the real reality of my experiences, but I could easily do, If I wanted to make them my reality and continue to cultivate them. But there is a realm in me that will not let that happen, because I also studied as said many times marketing and also psychology and as said many times, I know how easily manipulated we are on quite simple things and the mechanisms behind it can be explained as your own creation in your own universe, your brain. Of course we are also easily manipulated by mass suggestions because we have a unike way to react the same way by the same mechanisms. 


Thats my view on it, but still I do not say others is wrong, or they are easily manipulated and so on as sone few others here often do. 


I respect all of your personal experiences, and will not tell you you are wrong. I can only relate to my own experiences that both felt real and was real in the moment and it was exceptionally strong experiences. Out of this world experiences and supernatural 

I think a scientist could practice meditation just like any other human being. But yes, if they then tried to provide scientific proof of their findings, then they would have trouble. Not because their findings are wrong or illusions, but because science doesn't have a framework to incorporate and examine such findings. 

Take yoga for example. Science goes as far as validating yoga when it comes to physical benefits and more tentatively, even for the mental benefits. This, because the benefits fit in the framework and can be analytically observed.

So, at this point one would reasonably deduce that yoga is right in its claims and can be regarded as a trusted source. 

Yet, here is where the trust ends.

Yoga is ALSO, AND MORE IMPORTANTLY a tool to access the inner world (the spiritual dimension of a human being) . This aspect is not recognised (or ignored) by science. Herein lies the problem.


The main question for you then is: if science is not a trusted source of information when it comes to the inner world....why don't you rather trust the info YOU got from the inner world?

Edited by Sunmaster
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6 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

Are you now suggesting I am not intelligent?

Jeez, first you suggest I would be embarrassed for believing what I do, and now this! 

Are you suggesting also that being sensitive is somehow something to feel sorry about? I certainly think being sensitive to others criticising my spiritual beliefs is nothing to be be ashamed about. 

If you want to apologise, be a man and do it with integrity.

Jai yen yen.

What I wrote is true, Neeranam.  You first gave me a "huh" reply.  Okay, it was obvious that you were insulted.  So I immediately wrote you a nice post to explain not only my thinking but an admission that I obviously f'd up my wording so that it ended up having the reverse effect of what my intention was.  Which was to ensure you wouldn't be offended.  And I ended to point blank state that no offense was intended.  Any reasonable person, I would think, would have concluded, oh, no intended offense.  Just an unfortunate mix up.  Not a problem.  But none of that was good enough for you.  Though it was an innocent misunderstanding, well, no matter.  The only thing that could appease your hurt feelings was an outright "I'm sorry."

But what the hell should I be sorry about?  As it was an innocent misunderstanding then where's the crime?  The reality is that I never did insult you.  So why the brouhaha over an innocent misunderstanding, Neeranam?  Is it that difficult for you to understand?

So you're insulted that I would suggest that you would be embarrassed for what you believe.


And you're insulted because I didn't apologise to your satisfaction.  The polite reply I gave you to clear the air was unsatisfactory without a formal apology.  Nope, not good enough.


So i give you a curt reply and have again insulted you.  Now it's your intelligence.

And lastly I insulted you about your sensitivity.  To which you admit flat out that you are sensitive to other's criticism and you're not ashamed of being sensitive.  Perhaps you're even proud of it.  I dunno.  Some people are.

Here's being a man in my book, Neeranam.  Be so confident in yourself and what you believe that no man could ever insult you.  About anything.  It would be an impossibility.  You will have just cut the umbilical chord thru which others control your emotions.  No one could ever trigger you any longer and make you feel any way other than how you want to feel.  You're now in control of your emotions rather than those who may inadvertently bump your arm as they were passing by.  And you're now free to respond with forethought rather than a simple, uncontrollable knee-jerk response.

I'm sure you've heard about the rage these days, especially on college campuses, where students suffer from constant micro-aggressions, where every interpretation of a word they deem harmful and hurtful triggers them to the extent that they double over and have to scurry to the nearest "safe place" to be comforted by furry, stuffed animals.  These poor kids have been convinced that they don't even control their own emotions.  Everyone else does.  And everyone else, therefore, needs to change.  Not them, though.  They wouldn't think of changing themselves.  Despite the fact that changing themselves is the only thing they can change.  They can't change other people.

Now, I've apologised more often than I can remember on this forum.  Why, just recently to Hummin.  But when someone demands an apology for an incident as trivial as an inadvertent arm bump, in which no harm was intended, then I say no.  I did nothing wrong that deserves an apology.

But that wouldn't be my only reason for not apologising.  For if I were to apologise I would be condoning and supporting your sensitivities.  I'd be treating and appeasing you like those unfortunate grown-up college kids.  Which is not helpful to you.  What would be helpful to you would be to take the advice I gave above.  Learn to have supreme confidence in your own being, in your own knowledge.  Learn to have an unshakable sense of self worth such that no one's words could ever again cause you to lose control of your own emotions to where you would blame them for making you nilly willy feel so and so.

You said you were interested in learning.  Well, take this as a lesson.  And yes, you are intelligent enough to understand what I've written here.  Though this doesn't really have anything to do with intelligence.  But it does have everything to do with belief.

Cheer up, Neeranam.  I'm not your enemy.  So don't make me one.


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12 minutes ago, save the frogs said:

interesting theory.

it would make sense that human souls are subject to the laws of karma, but not animals.



Yes, i think so. Humans are "jivas" ,or individual souls, which implies responsibility for their actions. 

You can see that also in popular sayings, like:" there are not bad dogs, but there are bad owners ".

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1 hour ago, Neeranam said:

Are you now suggesting I am not intelligent?

Jeez, first you suggest I would be embarrassed for believing what I do, and now this! 

Are you suggesting also that being sensitive is somehow something to feel sorry about? I certainly think being sensitive to others criticising my spiritual beliefs is nothing to be be ashamed about. 

If you want to apologise, be a man and do it with integrity.


BTW, I liked your Worf avatar better.  Those Klingons were true warriors.  Tough stuff.

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2 hours ago, Sunmaster said:

Who knows..., judging by the speed they are going, in 1000 years maybe scientists will discover the true nature of consciousness....and validate what we already knew for the past 5000 years. 
I don't know about you, but I can't wait that long. ????

Much of your comment here is well thought through and puts your perspective in a good light. Criticising a field that has advanced somewhat exponentially doesn't fit that pattern.


2 hours ago, Tippaporn said:

They're not the only knuckleheads.  :whistling:

Come now. I'm happy to term them spiritualists rather than knuckleheads.

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7 minutes ago, Hummin said:

I'm happy where I am, because I have stopped searching, and maybe because of that I have found a inner peace and more open to sense my own life rather than everyone's else's life and the things I can not do anything about. Everyone is chasing something, except those who have accepted the true terms of life, and surprisingly I have found those to be most happy right here right now. And I mean true presence and interested in life, and the people around them. There is a lot of self realm conscious selfism egoism in most of the search for the truth and even narcissism, and maybe it is just a phase until you just realize that's part of the journey itself. Then what happen when you discover if you discover where you are heading? 


I have been so sure about truths and the road but it never gave me what I searched for, except the urge for pushing further until I one day stopped, and realized what happiness was to me. 


I still want answers, It doesn't mean you stop wondering, but you stop doing what everyone else tells you to do, and what you teach your self you have to do. 


I have a garden, small farm, animals, trees, plants and a wife, my attention and focus is on us, not me, and that's my journey serving the universe which is me and my ego. That is what I truly have searched for my whole life, and why I mentioned wife last? I have her attention when I care for something that means something to her, and that makes her happy. 

What a beautiful post. Thank you 

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2 hours ago, Sunmaster said:

Yoga is ALSO, AND MORE IMPORTANTLY a tool to access the inner world (the spiritual dimension of a human being) . This aspect is not recognised (or ignored) by science.

yeah, good point.

the west has adopted yoga merely as a physical exercise, but it may have other aspects to it. 

but lululemon sold a lot of yoga pants. 


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7 minutes ago, Sunmaster said:

What a beautiful post. Thank you 

Thank you, its part of the journey to put words to your self realization, and without your response, the way you responded, it would maybe never ever  been written at all. Think about that ????

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7 minutes ago, Hummin said:

Thank you, its part of the journey to put words to your self realization, and without your response, the way you responded, it would maybe never ever  been written at all. Think about that ????

That's trippy.

Need to put that in my pipe and smoke it for a while. ????

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9 hours ago, Hummin said:

I'm happy where I am, because I have stopped searching, and maybe because of that I have found a inner peace and more open to sense my own life rather than everyone's else's life and the things I can not do anything about. Everyone is chasing something, except those who have accepted the true terms of life, and surprisingly I have found those to be most happy right here right now. And I mean true presence and interested in life, and the people around them. There is a lot of self realm conscious selfism egoism in most of the search for the truth and even narcissism, and maybe it is just a phase until you just realize that's part of the journey itself. Then what happen when you discover if you discover where you are heading? 


I have been so sure about truths and the road but it never gave me what I searched for, except the urge for pushing further until I one day stopped, and realized what happiness was to me. 


I still want answers, It doesn't mean you stop wondering, but you stop doing what everyone else tells you to do, and what you teach your self you have to do. 


I have a garden, small farm, animals, trees, plants and a wife, my attention and focus is on us, not me, and that's my journey serving the universe which is me and my ego. That is what I truly have searched for my whole life, and why I mentioned wife last? I have her attention when I care for something that means something to her, and that makes her happy. 

Hummin, I'll second Sunmaster's sentiment.  You wrote a very beautiful post.  Whether one agrees or disagrees with you, you can't take that beautiful post away from you.  Cheers!

9 hours ago, Hummin said:

Thank you, its part of the journey to put words to your self realization, and without your response, the way you responded, it would maybe never ever  been written at all. Think about that ????

Although you could perhaps consider me your chief antagonist I fancy that I've played some small role in helping you put your self realisations to words.  I know I've asked you more than enough questions to clarify yourself when your expressions of how life works for you were severely ambiguous.  :laugh:  Or hounded you to the ends of the earth to finally answer all of those unanswered questions I've put to you.  I'm still waiting for many of those answers, BTW.  And it was good of you to admit outright at one time that you do like to cherry pick.  Which is perfectly understood.  :laugh:

Now it's absolutely true that no one needs to have the answers to life, or even to have found their God, in order to live a happy and fulfilling existence.  No one needs a God or a Seth or a guru nor a master for those conditions have never been hard coded requirements which must be met before happiness and fulfillment can be had.  There are innumerable people living in the world right now who lead glorious existences without ever having searched for answers.  Many who simply have an innate sense and understanding of what brings happiness and where true happiness comes from.


I'll again salute you and end it here.  An uncharacteristic short post for me.  :tongue:

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3 hours ago, Tippaporn said:

Hummin, I'll second Sunmaster's sentiment.  You wrote a very beautiful post.  Whether one agrees or disagrees with you, you can't take that beautiful post away from you.  Cheers!

Although you could perhaps consider me your chief antagonist I fancy that I've played some small role in helping you put your self realisations to words.  I know I've asked you more than enough questions to clarify yourself when your expressions of how life works for you were severely ambiguous.  :laugh:  Or hounded you to the ends of the earth to finally answer all of those unanswered questions I've put to you.  I'm still waiting for many of those answers, BTW.  And it was good of you to admit outright at one time that you do like to cherry pick.  Which is perfectly understood.  :laugh:

Now it's absolutely true that no one needs to have the answers to life, or even to have found their God, in order to live a happy and fulfilling existence.  No one needs a God or a Seth or a guru nor a master for those conditions have never been hard coded requirements which must be met before happiness and fulfillment can be had.  There are innumerable people living in the world right now who lead glorious existences without ever having searched for answers.  Many who simply have an innate sense and understanding of what brings happiness and where true happiness comes from.


I'll again salute you and end it here.  An uncharacteristic short post for me.  :tongue:

Im happy to give credit to anyone involved in my process, and also did so before the last round started. Why I do not answer all your questions, is because maybe you need to answer those questions for yourself, not me to give you those answers. 


There is still a huge difference between you and Sunmaster, he never seems to expect any response. He share his view and experiences without expecting any credit or even a reply. As said before, this is not a place to win discussions, it is sharing and caring. I have to admit in the beginning it was like an another tread, but for me it have changed during the years, and I enjoy some posts that shows the beautiful sphere we have created here with every contribution involved. Maybe some of the most negative posters, or the most stubborn carry a seed for change to ????





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On 3/4/2023 at 2:10 PM, Tippaporn said:

It's not that humans are imperfect.  Human experience is a perfect reflection of exactly those ideas humans entertain.  Always has been and always will be.  It's not the people.  It's the ideas.  And the further the ideas move towards how things don't work the greater the failures.  It cannot be otherwise for it is law that we create through our ideas.  Every idea produces a result.  Whether it's beneficial or destructive.  Doesn't matter.  We get to experience the results of our ideas and decide from there where we want to go given the results..  It's as simple as that.  Life is all about learning how to use the energy we've been gifted.

It's not the people.  It's the ideas. 


Not so. Becoming poor has brought me into contact with people I had no idea existed, so despicable are they. If they have an idea, it's about their next can or smoke.

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14 hours ago, Hummin said:

I have a garden, small farm, animals, trees, plants and a wife, my attention and focus is on us, not me, and that's my journey serving the universe which is me and my ego. That is what I truly have searched for my whole life, and why I mentioned wife last? I have her attention when I care for something that means something to her, and that makes her happy. 

You are truly blessed.


You are also probably unusual as IMO few will ever be able to have all that you have.


I had a quarter acre once upon a time, and I loved my garden very much, as well as my house, but I had taken a serpent into my life and she took it all from me.

If I believed in a personal God that supposedly loved me I'd have wondered why God had punished me so, but I don't believe in a personal God.

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Sometimes we get so caught up with logic, rationality, mental concepts and best way to convey ideas in our dealings with others, that we forget to engage the heart. 
There is no real communication without the heart. 

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

You are truly blessed.


You are also probably unusual as IMO few will ever be able to have all that you have.


I had a quarter acre once upon a time, and I loved my garden very much, as well as my house, but I had taken a serpent into my life and she took it all from me.

If I believed in a personal God that supposedly loved me I'd have wondered why God had punished me so, but I don't believe in a personal God.

Thank you, I feel blessed in the moment yest, and it is not always been like that, and also fully aware it is right here right now.


Past is past and future is unknown.


Cherish the moment


I got the cd with this group and this song I have carried since then since 2003. A valuable memory of him who is not with us anymore. He cherished the day, full of positivity until he passed away young doing what he loved most in life. I was at a bad place struggling at the moment, but I was in  progress, and still is



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16 hours ago, Hummin said:

I'm happy where I am, because I have stopped searching, and maybe because of that I have found a inner peace and more open to sense my own life rather than everyone's else's life and the things I can not do anything about. Everyone is chasing something, except those who have accepted the true terms of life, and surprisingly I have found those to be most happy right here right now. And I mean true presence and interested in life, and the people around them. There is a lot of self realm conscious selfism egoism in most of the search for the truth and even narcissism, and maybe it is just a phase until you just realize that's part of the journey itself. Then what happen when you discover if you discover where you are heading? 


I have been so sure about truths and the road but it never gave me what I searched for, except the urge for pushing further until I one day stopped, and realized what happiness was to me. 


I still want answers, It doesn't mean you stop wondering, but you stop doing what everyone else tells you to do, and what you teach your self you have to do. 


I have a garden, small farm, animals, trees, plants and a wife, my attention and focus is on us, not me, and that's my journey serving the universe which is me and my ego. That is what I truly have searched for my whole life, and why I mentioned wife last? I have her attention when I care for something that means something to her, and that makes her happy. 

Love this post.


It reminds me of some of those close to me, one in particular very close. All but one of them is on the "possible but improbable" scale of the "do you believe in god?" question though.


This brings me to one of my main points of skepticism / confusion / amusement. These friends can and do gaze into all around them in absolute awe. They can marvel at the billions of years of evolution, natural selection, sheer luck or misfortune, cosmic events and a myriad of other factors that have shaped the world we live in. They can see past all that is physical, are less egotistical or narcissistic than anyone else I've ever met. They understand the equivalence of mass and energy and they have minds open enough to see possibilities that many of us could not. Not one of them would get into a discussion of more than a sentence or two about the existence of an intelligent designer though.


Excepting the biblical, the "Seth's" or anything else paranormal, there is little that I've seen posted in this thread, on the basis that it gives people a more "non-physical" (I was going to write spiritual there but it is almost synonymous with a belief of a higher power) connection with all that can be, that actually needs the existence of an intelligent designer.


In other words, it is absolutely possible to be at total peace with your inner self, to see past all that is physical, to marvel at the beauty and complexity of nature without having to insist on its' creation by a higher power. Perhaps its the smarter outlook too.



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31 minutes ago, Woof999 said:

In other words, it is absolutely possible to be at total peace with your inner self, to see past all that is physical, to marvel at the beauty and complexity of nature without having to insist on its' creation by a higher power. Perhaps its the smarter outlook too.


Yes, perhaps it's possible, but what i call the anthropocentric vision can easily sunk a person into a materialistic vision, in other words, it doesn't seem to me that the world in general is getting better with the adoration of the physical. 

People are better imho, if they have something higher to look up to, even if this something is a more or less conscious product of one's imagination.


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3 minutes ago, mauGR1 said:

Yes, perhaps it's possible, but what i call the anthropocentric vision can easily sunk a person into a materialistic vision, in other words, it doesn't seem to me that the world in general is getting better with the adoration of the physical. 

People are better imho, if they have something higher to look up to, even if this something is a more or less conscious product of one's imagination.


Probably the best example of a post of yours that I'm mostly in agreement with.


The only thing that I would add is that the existence or not of a higher power is/should not be weighted on whether the world from our perspective would be better or worse, not least because that would be a subjective perspective with a high degree of variance per person.

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1 hour ago, Hummin said:

Thank you, I feel blessed in the moment yest, and it is not always been like that, and also fully aware it is right here right now.


Past is past and future is unknown.


Cherish the moment


I got the cd with this group and this song I have carried since then since 2003. A valuable memory of him who is not with us anymore. He cherished the day, full of positivity until he passed away young doing what he loved most in life. I was at a bad place struggling at the moment, but I was in  progress, and still is



Congratulations, i like Morcheeba very much, great melodies that often come seemingly spontaneous to my head.

Having a garden and the time to design it must be one of the greatest joy, and keep you busy and slim too????


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9 minutes ago, mauGR1 said:

Yes, perhaps it's possible, but what i call the anthropocentric vision can easily sunk a person into a materialistic vision, in other words, it doesn't seem to me that the world in general is getting better with the adoration of the physical. 

People are better imho, if they have something higher to look up to, even if this something is a more or less conscious product of one's imagination.


People are better imho, if they have something higher to look up to,....


Kind of a 'slave mentality' isn't it? 

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