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Private hospitals overcharging: 30-300 percent


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Yes, I was trying to get two (out of a recommended course of three) outpatient appointments arranged in Bangkok as more convenient. Though I was happy they got back, I was quoted 84k baht/visit for the drug alone, I understand, for comparison, the Hospital in the UK will likely be getting the same Drug for approx <30k baht/visit. 


Do they get massive tax on imported drugs?????


P.s. The absolute stopper was being unable to arrange medical complication insurance, "not resident of Thailand, can't get cover" (Within a different response, than those who quoted the drug price).








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2 hours ago, MrMuddle said:

The Hospital I used to use, St Louis, Bangkok, started to have separate billing for Thais and foreigners. The foreigners prices for everything, went through the roof. How on earth do they get away with it ?


easy to get away with it, some countries have laws to prevent discrimination on grounds of race, disability, gender, etc. i'm no expert but it appears thailand does not, and even if it did it's questionable whether such laws would be effectively enforced by the authorities.


i suggest medical insurance, let the insurance companies sort it out.

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1 hour ago, baansgr said:

National Parks etc have a 1,000% mark up for foreigners which is sanctioned by the government, so no recourse for the hospital

In Sydney local residents get certain minor privileges over non-locals like parking. schools will charge foreigners verses free for residents. Nothing like Thailands huge markup but reflecting the assumed income of the tourist.


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4 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

"Hospitals accused of over-pricing will be asked to lower their charges."


I would think that in other, civilised countries, it would be worded 'TOLD TO', as opposed to 'asked to'. I am sure if the pricing structure is submitted with a certain goodwill gesture (money), no action will be taken against the culprits, and it will be business as usual. 

In other countries PRIVATE hospitals would be asked to lower prices ? I think not, public hospitals maybe but not sure they can control private ones as long as there are public hospitals available too.

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2 hours ago, faraday said:

Ok, 300% does seem ambitious, but private hospitals are businesses.


I have had them charged for my wifes dying 28 year old sister;- 3,000 baht for one prescription I bought for 550 at the local pharmacy. ????????????????????????

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I read in the Bangkok Post there is a law against this sometimes back, even heard the late HM, once did a speech published in the Post that spoke of the due charges and it gives Thailand a black eye but none of this has stopped the country from doing it.


Like everything here that isn't supposed to be done it is and as long as there is no enforcement the problem will continue.


I think everyone here understands it is a business but hospital have laws they must follow and most important have taken an oath to help people at times yes tough act to follow. Those who seem to mightly stand taking this position don't follow the same conviction if they were being charged 300 percent for a simple meal or buying your favorite beer.

Yes, it is business yet none of these people running their business were to be charged 300% for a service, a car, a house, a shirt whatever?  would jump through the roof.

Edited by thailand49
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not only overcharging but don’t do as good a job as folks think. the specialists you can find for example at the Siphat Clinic at Suandok in Chiangmai are well practiced and excellent and are not always the same doctors you get at the private hospitals. I can testify but won’t to my own experiences where both sides of this were all too evident.


busy doctors are good doctors is what I like to tell myself.


I also suspect that Thai health coverage is more generous when you go to the public hospital because our no. 1 choice for health cover here... the one that changed it’s name last year... paid more than I expected on my latest surgery.


of course Maharat is an exception, quite so, for all hospitals in excellence... although quite overcapacity... already.

Edited by WeekendRaider
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